/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #832

>Schedule for November:
11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
11/9 - 11/14 - Rise of the Beasts (Four Celestials)
11/14 - 11/21 - Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope (Redux)
11/21 - 11/28 - Defender's Oath (Redux and Renewal)
11/25 - 12/2 - Four Knights of a Fallen Land (Redux and Renewal)
11/30 - 12/8 - Between Frost and Flame

11/21 - 11/30 - Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread


DJ is an inside job

First for wrestler is shit

who's the little girl and what happened to DJ boobs?

I saw the last one flip and went to get some food before checking my loot.

Decent magnafest.

New thread so I'll repeat: taking webm requests.

Should have probably dome that from the start.

Don't have her unfortunately.

The one good light SSR I don't have unfortunately. Rolled everything I had trying to get her and failed.

Is that even animated? I'm still 8 days away from class IV anyway.

>56 rolls
>one ssr


Why the fuck are you rolling for an SR on legfest?

>aspiring dirtfag
>roll best dirt girl

Pushup bra.
Also that Vyrn costume looks tight, it might press in her breasts a little.

Yay!! Congrats on getting best girl!

>best dirt girl
That isn't Sara.

She's bad and one of the worst girls too.

>got no SSR from 30 rolls
I'm going to

Just MVP your own Magnas two days in a row!

I take it the draw rates aren't fucked like previous legfest's first few hours?

Societte doing the dance

Drew Black Knight. How do I make her work on a team? What other units shoul I run?

you are a waste of limited. sell your account.

Shut the FUCK up

Dunno, superstar?

Shao idle please.

S.Zoi, D.Jeanne and Vira

>Not Naru

Is she actually good? Why?

if the reroll user is still here, I would greatly appreciate if you could drop me the 124 account.

[email protected]

Djeeta is ugly

medusa-chan strong

another month, another scam

>dirt niggers

>character rate up
>guaranteed sr on 10 roll
Gee I wlnder

If you actually read the reply chain that led him to posting that image you would know that was the only one he gave away.

>Six (6) bronze moons


So this is the power of legfest... Huh... Not bad.


>reposting to make yourself a meme
Kill yourself

Wind or water?


Sup chumps. I feel sorry for you so do a single roll right now. It'll turn up something good. Unless you're not but a two bit chump.

It's SR or up, not guaranteed SR. Why lower your chances of getting an SR?

Fuck you, I can't see to roll Elta

>roll wind rate up to get Elta
>get DJeanne

wind. the waters are redundant.

>This guy

Go wind, use that jk and burn the water cow.

Why are cowfags the dumbest? Or are they just pretending?

Did you even think about what you wrote there?

>don't have water's best girl
>have wind's best girl


Do tickets count?

You know you can roll 1 SSR 9 R, right?
Where's the guaranteed SR in that?

>"I'm a raging faggot everyone look at me"

Ok user good for you


Guess you're a two bit chump pal.

What's wrong, user? You aren't specced into luck as your main skill?

>realize in the past hour, i've only gotten 3 reroll accounts done
>that's 97 more in less than 2 days
>on top of magna grinding
>and i have to open each and everyone for at least 6 more days for the daily rewards

He isn't lowering his chances at an SR, since it will be an SR 94% of the time. If he would single roll that would be less chance to get an SR.

And earlier this morning I got Korwa with a ticket


He ended up getting an SSR that could have been an SR instead.

I can rewatch fate episodes in the Journal correct?

My first draw was only R characters and just an SR wyrm summon.

Late to the party, buddy. Varuna is about Chev axes again.

I buy into that every time.

Why you gotta be like this

The chance of getting a SSR is the same for single rolls. Single rolls have a chance to get Rs too, where the guaranteed SR/SSR has 0% chance of being an R.

I guess it worked out in the end.

>R bow

roast all lizards

I'm so sorry

>worked out

Zehek's decent for a rare, the rest are worthless

I don't know anything about her. Is she trash?

Nice game nerds

arguably the worst SSR in the game

water will still be good one day right?

Why are you talking about singles?

one of her skills is a 10 second gravity and nothing else.
you tell me.

daily reminder that you are fuckin up if you're not using viramate

What's it gonna be anons?

That thing barely works.

>using banmate


Isn't it only available on the chrome site? Fuck that



I didn't get any fodders from all my hosted magna today. Should I roll the gacha?

How much could I make off my account? Have an almost complete light gun grid, not 101 yet

Fuck midgets

about tree fiddy, especially with no s zoi or anchira

Don't mid if I do.


This one was surprisingly easy.

Rude desu.

So this two part legfest, does that mean there's one after the 30th? Right next to it or further in the month?

>shitting on best potato

This one was actually kinda difficult.

>Pipe talks

Now only the spinning part

H A P P E N I N G must be fun

Why is this ass speaking to me?

You mean the part where she spins her whole body?

>Wrestler will bed nerfed soon just like they nerfed Warlock