/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[The Second Generation is Alter-chan ~2016 Christmas~]
- From 11/28 to 12/7
- Need to clear Orleans to participate
- Welfare 4* Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily
- 3* event CE can be obtained from FP gacha
- APK version update to 1.16.1

>[Ishtar gacha]
- 5* Archer Ishtar (Time limited)

>5* Serene Moment
Arts +10%, Quick +10%, NP Gain +10% (Fruitcake +1)
>4* Holy Night Reading
NP Gain +15%, NP Damage +15% (Shortcake +1)
>3* Saint's Invitation
+3% Defense, 100 damage reduction (Cheesecake +1)
>5* Holy Night Supper
NP Charge +30%, Crit Damage +10%, NP Damage +10% (Miracle Stocking +1)

>[Amakusa Shirou gacha]
- From 11/22 to 11/30
- Amakusa Shirou NP Interlude upgrade released

>[Half-AP Main Quest]
1/2 AP consumption from Fuyuki-Camelot story quests

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Next stream 12/6
- Babylon in December
- FGO Anime announced



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip


>enkidu apparently threw a giant bull's severed asscheek in ishtar's face
Old myth is fucking hilarious at times

>tfw no Rin to save you from this hell

So who /rin/ here?

>>[Amakusa Shirou gacha]
I feel like we can skip this part.

Is egypt cheesecake any good?

Next story quest is up. It doesn't unlock any new quest. The quest does give a decent amount of stockings, so equip your Jeanne CE.

post bond lines

are you the same guy who also posted on wikia and reddit about that sumanai draw lol okay okay we get it

Xth for best archer


Instadeath gimmick. That should really tell you everything.
She's adorable, though.

So, next story quest when?

>reading reddit and wikia

Kill me

>148 quartz gone
>not a single gold Servant
Thanks Nasu.

>Use my last three quartz for a meme roll
>Silver card turned gold

That's not Gilgamesh, Tohsaka, the red man, the red loli, the King of Kikes or Robin Hood


Ishtar's sprite art is a fucking joke. Only the most retarded Servants would show off their huge ass Noble Phantasms when not using it. Throws the concept of secret identities out of the window.
Well I guess it's understandable since not many people would even know who Ishtar is

>there are """people"""
>right now
>in this thread
>on this board
>on this site
>on the internet
>on this planet
>in this solar system
>in this universe

>who have less then 1000 quartz
How do you live with yourselves.


Truly best girl

Well, the good news is that Heracles is now np3.

There's no need to hide identities in GO

Reposting from previous thread, because I want to find a use for loli Jeanne but actually have no idea where to shove her clusterfuck of skills and semi-support np:

What type of team is supposed to use Jeanne Lily? The best I can see is Lily + Tamamo + Vlad/Kuro/Saber Lancelot for some NP spam arts team, if you want some half-offensive, half-sustain midpoint between using Medea Lily and using Waver, and even then her deck drags things down.


Go to MyRoom or restart your game. Next one in 24hs.

When did the matter of secret identities ever mattered anyway?

Secret identities are only important if you are a pleb with an obvious and easily exploited weakness. Not to mention it's totally irrelevant in GO.

Who no Rin here?
I lost all motivation to play.

You got cute Cat. Why complaining?

Congrats!Make sure to feed her lots of apples!


120 quartz, nothing

Will try an alt I hardly use and roll everything from the maint and tickets etc but I don't think I'll get her.

Loli team.

She's an AOE servant. You use her like you do any other AOE servant, to farm hands that are weak, otherwise they fuck off into storage.

Is it just me or does it seem like more people than usual failed to get the 5* this time?

Me but I don't give a single shit about her. Rin is already a boring character and her Ishtar design and art are both quite bad. I'm not gonna waste my quartz for her

Thus isn't a grail war among Masters idiot


A girl with a huge bow can identified as an Archer for sure, but as Ishtar is kinda hard
And her actual NP seems it's Venus

It's just you

Whenever a lot of people roll a lot of people will fail. This game's gacha is shit you just forget since most people don't roll on obvious bait gachas and it has been awhile

Are you telling me people could recognize Ishtar from a gigantic bow?

What good are quartz if you don't use them?

156 Quartz and 1 ticket, no Rin. Maybe with the 5 tickets.

>Ushi is drunk again

So Jeanne welfare is the most reddit servant of all time right?

Maybe people are being more vocal but I haven't seen this much complaining over failed rolls in a long time.

>need 800 stockings to clear 1 roulette
>30AP gives like 50 with a full party of Jeanne CE if you're lucky
What a fucking joke holy shit.

I don't know how you'd think of that as the best way to use her. Her first skill even buffs star gen, she's a buster/quick team servant with some support abilities. An arts team doesn't need her at all.

Not to mention she can't be summoned by any normal means so it doesn't matter.

Because there hasn't been a gacha this bait in quite some time.

It's been a month since there was anything worth rolling and more people would roll for Rin than Cleopatra so that's basically saying nothing

Can anyone post Ishtar's sprite arts for comparison?

So is the 40AP worth farming at all or is 10-30 better for drops?


>rolled the same shitty 4* sabers mutliple times
now I'm remembering why I quit

30 quartz on main
63 quartz on alt
Only gold servant was Marie

It's been months since a gacha that wasn't obvious crap or a rerun.

If you have gacha CE you should do 10/20/30AP depending on what you want to far. If not, do 40AP.


get all the jalter CE first from 10/20/30 maps

Story part 2

The same group plus Mata Hari gets drunk in a cave. Ushi and Keika want to eat Tarasque.

Jeanne Alter's present for them is a potion that makes them take damage whenever they drink alcohol, made by Paracelsus so everyone but Martha leaves to go kill him.

Martha talks about present giving with Jeanne Alter. Martha says that presents should be something used to spread joy, but Jeanne Alter's of the opinion that presents should be stuff that's ultimately good for you even if you hate it.

>Rolled Waver CE 5 times
>No Rin or cute Lolis story time

180 quartz
Fuck this game

I got gacha CEs, its just the drop rates are such ass from the 30 I'm getting more cheesecakes in 40 AP versus 30 AP.

>Jeanne Alter's present for them is a potion that makes them take damage whenever they drink alcohol, made by Paracelsus so everyone but Martha leaves to go kill him.
rip doctor p

>Story part 2
Where part 1 also let me guess reddit?

Fuck off

I will get Ishtar in a few rolls just to piss you faggots off, watch this, Gilfags.

Why is this allowed?

Jannu is a good girl.

Goddamnit, Doctor. Why do you want to ruin everything good in life?

Can Ishtar beat Lancelot?

She's a buster/quick team servant with a NP that buffs the heals and np damage of nps in the same turn. It seems like a waste to slot her into anything that isn't spamming nps and heals as fast as they can, and I can't think of any buster/quick teams that would take full advantage of the heal component, unless you throw her into some weird mix with Nightingale.

I'm mostly wondering if there's some way to take advantage of her support-ish capabilities, since her AoE NP abilities aren't anything to write home about.

jet can't melt laser beams

Farm Januu CEs first, you idiot. It's not that hard.

No, she lacks speed.

Should I put Rin on support even when she isn't leveled or would people prefer a max level Emiya?

Oh please, don't compare your second rate knight with a war goddess.

Both would be better if your ALL slow isn't busy with Mashu so you can cover all three cakes.

So I'm curious, to those who whaled and failed for Rin, how many quartz/tickets did you put into it?

People will obviously prefer Ishtarin, they don't need help to finish this easy shit.

Nobu a CUTE.

Wow this samefaging

Anyone else not getting their code from JapanCodeSupply right now?

20 tickets 600 quartz.

The only 5* I got was fucking Tesla.

How else would the lancelot shitposter keep his meme servant relevant?

A Goddess that couldn't beat Gilgameme while Lancelot can match the Lion King according to Galahad. Yeah he is far above her.

Is this what Nasu meant by evil gacha?

She'd get in the way of building those NPs though so in the end the buff to healing wouldn't be too useful. It's probably not the best part to build around.

silly Fran, you are not Ishtar

go back into the gacha.


also got second 2030 and preawakening

I always hear a lot of cans, woulds and shoulds regarding Lancelot. But when the chips are down he never really delivers, does he?

>Jeanne Alter's present for them is a potion that makes them take damage whenever they drink alcohol, made by Paracelsus

Yet he got killed by a gay knight, and stabbed by a weaker saber version,your Lancelot can't do shit.

So does Ishtar become a giant or is she's transforming the planet in the background into energy?