What are the chances that Malydruid and Anyfin get nerfed before the next rotation?
Nathan Bell
Julian Ward
Malydruid doesn't need a nerf I understand tourneys aren't the same as ladder, but it was the worst performing deck at Worlds
Luke Robinson
for those who don't know it usually says "coming back in 2 days"
maybe the next brawl will be MSG related like the TGT one we had a year ago?
Nolan Lopez
>tfw it has a 100% win rate against priest tho
David Flores
what if they turned the fates into hero buffs, with this as counter tech?
Lincoln Foster
Name a better looking hearthstone streamer
Aiden Lewis
Are we getting anything for this expansion or will it be another Christmas of FREE 10 PACK!!!!!(when you buy 40 or more)
Bentley Gomez
Isaiah Anderson
>Gooks >Good looking
Isaiah Edwards
asians don't count if you have the baby face attraction
Ayden Scott
Jacob Ortiz
Kibler desu, even though I don't really like his streams. At least he plays all gold meme decks.
Dylan Cook
Adam Perry
For me it's Trump, the best hs streamer
Josiah Torres
Homosexuals and twitch cretin aren't allowed here. You need to fuck off.
David Clark
Tyler Brown
There's no need to make a dead general even more dead
Ryder Thompson
>priestcucks thinking they'll take over
Jacob Johnson
>priest will get tools to deal with ysera every expansion Why is this allowed?
Thomas Parker
They will. Blizzard is making priest overpowered to compensate for keeping them underpowered in the last patches. Completely and utterly retarded, and shows once again that they as a company are creatively bankrupt.
Austin Morgan
>oh sweet, this stealth rogue minion is pretty good value, and at 5 health it dodges alo- >dragon potion >devolve
Oh well
Ian Wright
Let Me Change Your Mind
Ryan Wood
Stream when
Jordan Phillips
Two hours. You couldn't click two links to find out on your own?
Dylan Collins
if my times are correct, 1 hour and 8 minutes from now
Andrew Butler
play hearthstone! :D
Angel Evans
No, I could not. Thank you none the less.
You too, user.
Wyatt Reyes
Need to watch a friend. HappyFeet#219243 EU
Owen Walker
>chubby potato face >sunken eyes >trash haircut literally anyone else
Luis Garcia
2 hours till the stream
we hype now
Jayden Davis
name one.
Henry Morgan
back to Veeky Forums
Dylan Rivera
literally anyone else
Juan Thompson
What the fuck do you even do against secret hunter as Maly rogue? My winrate feels like 20% at best and I'm seriously considering just conceding to every hunter to avoid the inevitable salt. Am I just too fucking stupid for the matchup, or what?
Adrian Green
Maly rogue just isn't a strong deck
Evan Kelly
What can they still show to save this meta.
Cooper Williams
1 mana 1/1 battlecry: destroy an Orc or Murloc hero
Bentley Collins
It at least feels competitive versus everything else. Only against hunter do I get completely shat on.
Ethan Walker
Not only are you getting a free 10 packs when you preorder, since we know the community values game balance above all else... For the release of our most Balanced set to date, we've done away with superficial frills like cardbacks! Preorder today, Goy!
Elijah Jackson
You want it to beat every deck then?
Luke Flores
What's a competitive deck to play on ladder that isn't shaman or warlock?
Julian Garcia
hello where are the memes
Julian Rodriguez
guys please respond
Josiah Rodriguez
Alexander Long
Warrior or druid as usual
Christopher Baker
play Shadowverse
Carter James
Brayden Howard
Benjamin Sullivan
Got a sweet lethal here
Adrian Long
am I blind I don't see it
Leo Gray
sylvannas, hero power syvannas and slam, coin smite
Angel Johnson
10+3 < 14
William Rivera
Play Slyvannas - 6 mana Slam Slyvannas - 2 Mana Hero Power Slyvannas - 2 mana Grom - 10 damage Priest of the feast - 3 damage Coin + Holy Smite - 1 Mana - 2 damage
Luis Richardson
>coin smite
Carter Collins
Cooper Campbell
thanks friends
Brayden Hill
Aiden Cooper
Adam Butler
Ryder Brown
>cunny Somehow a cringier word than cunt, good job
Xavier Sanders
>2 days left in season >expansion like a day anyway >people still playing the exact same netdecks at rank 13-10 Holy fuck this is depressing. Do people really suck this much at piloting these decks? I played malygos hunter to rank 5 last season while misplaying at least once every game.
Jacob Young
Sometime in the next 1 to 5 hours
Carter Reed
Logan Carter
I have never seen that word used off this website and its only used by lolifags so at least its contained cringe.
Matthew Cook
And so is Hearthstone. Play SV instead.
Ian Murphy
1 and a half hours
Brandon Anderson
This isn't real. There is no way this man is this incompetent at his job
Isaiah Parker
>that the team had a lot of fun designing this is the problem RIGHT HERE. They think that doing a card game is just having fun designing cards that looks good on paper
Noah Richardson
>overpowered ??? ???
Dominic Miller
>be against zoo at rank 5 as Paladin >he ignores every single trade and does nothing but go face >constantly misplays by fucking up card order >still wins by turn 6 because of discard RNG and 20 damage on turn 6 quality game. Don't draw the right card? sorry you lose :^)
Fuck netdecking retards
Luis Ortiz
Wait, are you guys telling me Ferryman is a real card? What the fuck? Why does Rogue get a weaker basic card?!
Isaac Ward
maybe if you weren't a shitter you would have included a rallying blade instead of netdecking
Justin Miller
Levi Peterson
>opponent gets the nuts >"Fuck this game for not letting me win!" That's you
Xavier Young
>t. rank 10 tempo mage player
Liam Reed
I rached rank 5 today and thought i could go legend now xD
But instead of 50% shamans i face no around 80-90% shamans...
Thanks Blizzard, game is fun :D:D:D:D:D:D
Ian Anderson
>Defeat a mid-range Shaman with my bullshit Murloc Paladin.
Wasn't even optimized OTK. I just put a ton of Murlocs in it with some staple Pally cards.
Feels John Goodman.
Nicholas Nelson
please tell me about your homebrew unique decks user I'm seriously interested in trying new things
I'm not being sarcastic, really
Tyler Phillips
>>he ignores every single trade and does nothing but go face Are you sure you played against zoo and not burn? Cause I play a burn warlock deck from time to time and you NEED to go all face every turn.
Xavier Campbell
>Don't draw the right card? sorry you lose :^) ...yes?
Logan Morris
Looks not good on paper. the had fun to designing and laught the ass of how the troll the Playerbase.
Brandon Peterson
>you will never dumpster children with cantrip rogue like it's beta again
Shit game
Jace Torres
>tfw to intelligent to play hearthstone
Austin Morales
go play solitaire autist
Chase Collins
go play infernity autist
Parker Jenkins
I doubt that's actually true, as it'd mean they have fun designing slightly different ways to put fucking vanilla stats on the board
it's far more likely they don't give a shit and devote minimal time to each card's design, since the game will keep printing money from clueless phone players anyway
Lucas Smith
>Implying I play infernity
I played plants and d r a g o n s and shaddolls
Until they killed that game too.
Infernity sucks dick
Matthew Gonzalez
>from clueless phone players anyway are you attempting to shift responsibility from yourself?
Brayden Gutierrez
At this point even the adventure time card game seems more interesting.
Adrian Wood
go play eternal autist
Eli Diaz
I wish they fixed even one or two major problems with this game that the community bitches about. Like holy fuck I don't know what's worse, promoting curve based gameplay where burn spells are also removal or having a best of one ladder with no sideboard.
Connor Edwards
I haven't bought anything in this dumpster fire since khadgar, and that didn't go to blizzard
Nathan Sullivan
Eternal is pretty based desu but the meta when I played was disgusting. Rakano Warcry is such a pain in the ass to play against. It feels like playing against a Grimy Goons facehunter.
Jaxon Foster
1h 3m according to Reddit
>inb4 kys
Logan Green
>play arena >have a good curve >enemy still goes for face all the time >lose
I don't know why arena become such an aggrofest, this is disgusting
Luis Cooper
They did some balance changes and added some cards right before I started playing, which was only like a week ago, so it's probably different.
I guess I'm just at silver at the moment, but I'm seeing more stonescar aggro/burn on ladder than anything. Feln control is out there too, which seems to do well against that.