League of legends general /lolg/

Best ship


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best ship is me x u bby.

Camille when?

are you a cute metal guy?

xth for impregnating diana during a super moon and having twins


/lolg/! Wish me luck pls. Any skin shard is fine!

He isn't but I am.

so how long's it take before this fucking game becomes fun

you spend 15 minutes last hitting and all the champions feel like they just have different ways of doing damage

shoe on head

Is pantheon good to buy for new player?

>STILL no elementalist lux

when you find the champion that you find fun doing all that with, chump.

best posting

next wednesday



>tfw I'm a cute metal boy and I'm already taken

better luck next time. no shoe for you.

So if she herself has the means, she may consider someone tolerable to fuck.
Hell, even if she doesn't want anyone,
she can switch her steel body parts out for silicone/synthetic muscle-fibre ones,
complete with pleasure receptors.
Take it a step further and she made her body so that she can switch back and forth between steel and synthetics.

All this can lead up to a shrewd cyborg woman who may miss the pleasures of mortal flesh;
and will use whatever she can engineer in her secret lab to bring back those pleasures.
Even take them further than any woman ever could.

Do you lvl 3 gank as Jax?


Sure you can easily win your lane and get fed as fuck but it amounts to nothing if you dont know how to close the game. You must roam and win hard without stopping because if you stop you risk falling off in late game.

But yeah hes fun

>load into game
>see this

what do?


Tfw elementalist Lux will be live in 23 minutes

He literally just joined within the past month, you mong. AFAIK, he hasn't actually done anything yet, thank god.

No one here knows how to play Jax friend, every time anyone asks about him no one responds.

You can always have me as a backup plan in case your current relationship goes sour :^)

Whip my dick out.

ignore them the entire game, comment on how well the support is doing in a 1v2

[We all know what I'd say here]

I concur

>literally turned your last boyfriend trans
>back up anything

You're a fucking idiot

When I've found them all...I'll fade away.

>being unfaithful

baka, poser detected.

only if you think you can get summoners/a kill. Otherwise its not worth it.

That also applies to ganking in general, unless you want to relieve pressure in a hard matchup.

Camille is 90 years old virgin

at least I don't fetishize blueberry midgets with anime hair user.

Medea was just misunderstood and plagued by injustice

He'd been crossdressing and anally masturbating since way before meeting me, it was only a matter of time till he got in touch with his inner butterfly.

I find crossdressing funny but not attractive for the record.

>at least I'm gay
What did he mean by this?



>relieving pressure

only gay for your lard infused butthole bb


>tfw a lot of metalheads i know crossdress
>70% of the dudes I know enjoy it
>at least 10% of them wanna be the girl

I don't get it.

You know the drill, post em, hate em, rate em.


2 for 1 soft lewd orig03.deviantart.net/3732/f/2016/316/2/0/jinxie_small_by_ebluberry-dao7zci.gif

>not self inserting as the girl all the time
user, please.


I dunno man. The sway of those hips doesn't look all that prudish to me.

We can argue that she doesn't get a lot of sex as a cyborg, but who knows how many relationships she's been in.

She may give off that Victorian vibe, but one thing we need to remember about Victorians is that they were huge slutty hypocrites.

>it wasn't implyed
>but i enjoy it too

That's the only reason I know how many other dudes enjoy it.

Crazy murder doctor champion with medics puns when?


/vg vs /vg when?


Mundo? Singed?

RIP in peace

thats amazing


I'm a Katarina main, and she basically loses every single matchup, unless the opponent's retarded. This means the playstyle I'm comfortable with is barely csing, averaging an abysmal 5cs/min on a regular game, and just getting fed off of roaming.

I want to try out a champ that can sit in lane, and just bully every other traditional mid laner. Who should I play?

Guess he drowned in Lulu



10 more minutes

a couple of guys have gone missing over the last few days

Which one of you mutts made this abomination?

>openly admitting you're subhuman

I mean

I guess?

more power too you user.

If you want to AFK farm play Morg. She's pretty much unmovable from lane unless you do something retarded.

1 more for now, take care.


I like em.

When the fuck is Classic Darius getting a texture update. He looks so out of place.


>Looking for league-related games on Steam
Whos the real abomination here?

it's not being unfaithful if you just show yourself
or do they make you wear the burka where you live in

I think you guys are misread the chart. It's not that Eve is bad in bed, far from it. It's that she's less likely to pull some kinky (ie freezing your dick in ice, turning into a cat, etc) shit on you

Either way it's whatever I didn't make that chart (I made the other 3) so I don't claim any ownership over it.

Aside his name mundo is not a doctor, singed is more like scientist

bye user take care

i came across it when browsing deep within store

>leeching off a well-established brand
>early access
>free to play
>mostly negative reviews
erry time

>the uk

Inshallah, brother.

My champ pool is insanely big this preseason but I didnt want to make a wallpaper for ants so here you go. 4/5 btw Cursed Revenant Nocturne makes me hard as fuck I wish I had that skin, and thats saying something since I own Eternum and Spooky Scary Nocturne.


me too



Mundo is literally a doctor.

I feel like something should be cleared up from the last thread. Evelynn isn't a literal semen demon. That would be Ahri. Ahri has spent the better part of her life learning how to tempt, seduce, and feed off of men. Evelynn, on the other hand, is a hedonist. Yes, she likes sex and she loves getting intimate with both her lovers and her prey, but she revels in the whole breadth of sensations. In other words she loves agony just as much as she loves ecstasy.

>ally veigar is vs zed
>gank and get zed to 40% hp
>now veigar doesnt have to worry about being all inned under tower

much appreciated user you make my folder grow bigger

>Tfw will never find a woman who likes having her feet licked/toes sucked in this lifetime, especially not one who plays league
>Tfw a fair chunk of women arent even a fan of foot massages

End my life pls


i have a VERY large folder

hey guys should i buy wukong
if not what other champs should i play that are like wukong



h-how big

Aside from the fetish, this is some high quality drawing.

>. It's that she's less likely to pull some kinky (ie freezing your dick in ice, turning into a cat, etc) shit on you
fuck off retard


1 TB long

>implying Lissandra wouldn't try to ice cube your dick for later
>implying Nidalee wouldn't shapeshift just for yuks
>implying Illaoi wouldn't try to claim ownership of your butthole

lulu is the cutest!

>loses every single matchup when she has riven tier kill potential at level 2

aaaare you shure youre not in the wrong league?