Blade and Soul General /bnsg/

Sliderfu edition

>11/16 Patch

>/bnsg/ Servers
NA Group 2 (Mushin/Old Man Cho)
NA Group 3 (Jiwan/Dochun/Soha)
NA Group 4 (Poharan/Iksanun)
EU Group 1 (Windrest/Wild Springs/Highland Gate)

>/bnsg/ Midnight Skypetal Contacts

>/bnsg/ Clans Info

>B&S General Info & Resources

>Equipment and Daily Cheatsheets

>Automated Equipment Suggestions


>Community Yearbook


Other urls found in this thread:

first for me

2nd for gay rats

NA 639826 Tomb/Ebon!

>they STILL don't know who keeps their IP numbers inflating

Have a great day!

Nth for lyngirls.

Xth for I love you so much!


>Sliderfu edition
Does this mean we can post objectively attractive/unattractive characters and offer advice and differing perspectives on how we look for most of this thread?

xth for best hair.

Posting just to say that this game is shit and filled with some of the worst people on Veeky Forums. I'm glad it's dead.

Take your (You) and leave

Posting just to say this game is alive and filled with some of the best people on Veeky Forums. I'm glad it's alive.


Posting just to say you look like Michael Jackson and should stop posting the same creepy screenshot every day

>being this butthurt about being told the truth

Thank you.
I will post more just for (You)

turn on the bloom effect and accept the B L O O M G O D

4/6 last call

someone drop EU discord inv. link

Did someone say BLOOM?

Has anyone done DC yet? Or is willing to do todays daily challenge or know of one? Or do I make a lobby?

you'll be kiked by hate anyway na spy
you got 30 mins nigga



thread is dead as fuck

post ERP

xth for the death of /bnsg/

*erps internally*

NA DC + CS/JSY # 645 460


ily Netopi

>someone asks for ERP
>princess shows up



departed with a full party

what color should i paint my fingernails while i wait for my game to update

black, red, blue, or purple





Purple, always purple.
It's the best colour.

none of these were valid options -_-

It's called thinking outside the box.

how much is the chinese gold rate right now?

Mix the colors you faggot

One layer of each

paint your toenails and post

Purple. Always purple

>searching fireden for something
>end up in some really old threads
>there was a time when not hitting the image limit was shocking
compare now to then lads and tell me what you really think. tell me where we really went wrong

poorly optimized client
botched launch
lagging behind korean client still
grind still not westernized for entitled babs
chat client not made for erp
gifs removed from profiles
win trading
faction system a shit
level 1's still reserving popular names

>chased away 90% of the avatarfags
>fling shit and make up drama about the remaining ones
the only genuinely toxic people to ever touch this community as avatarfags have been bjarke and eristic, and as a result shunning the rest has left us with this

what do you expect?
this is 4chin
if you can't handle the heat nor grow thick skin, leave

Why isn't this hat in the game yet.


There's no point arguing or talking with anyone on here, because everyone remaining is an anonymous shitposter. I should close this thread again.

Don't mind me... just doing GHS.

oh, almost forgot the part where they simply inflated boss hp because you guys lied on your surveys about the game being too easy

the cutest cuties

but ghs is in another 3 hours

why are tall lyns such a god tier fetish

[Something about havesting Muffins muffins]

so azurling had a successful mating season then?

Basically went like this im guessing

Muffin is a slut

This isn't /b/ you d*cking summerfag

687451 tomb/citadel - carry the weak guy

wow this cyber monday deal sucks ass

>Bitching about KFM in pvp and spin classes
I forgot how great that was. Also Jesus the old names in that
Tons of gay posting so that hasn't changed

Spunk skunk
Steve Imouto
Ms AssFuk

May they rip in pepperinos

>just wanted to drain cocks
>got told to fuck off

Why do you keep saying this....I'm not!

You stupid faggot.
They chased away the avatar fags who posted lobbies, they changed away everyone who posted lobbies anyways, they chased away the lewd posters too.

Everything that made bsng worth coming to, has been thrashed for the sake of shitposting.

I would. For the lips alone.

It was fun though

how do i into anti aliasing with an amd card

Muffin is a pure, innocent soul

uninstall it
put nvidia card inside
download nvidia inspector


thanks for the nostalgia trip, I found a screenshot in the thread before

Fuck off, we only like rats around here.

I like rats and huge boobs but they're mutually exclusive.
Pander to me, korea.

>Jin wearing bunny ears


What is with Veeky Forums and the 'ded gaem' meme?

BnS is still incredibly profitable for jewsoft,

and I don't have any difficulty finding lobbies for dcs / pvp?


/bnsg/ is dead not BnS.


>just want cute mJins
>get told to fuck off

NA/DC CS Possible JSY if you have scale. #650 418

>bloodshot eyes
>fucked up nose
>chapped lips
How is she considered attractive?

Idk probably the same people that think Vam is attractive.

>not liking freckles

is this new phone

user are you talking about Forced AntiAliasing?

If so, press CRTL+SHIFT+ESC, and open task manager, Go to the processes Tab, and find BnS's "Client.EXE" and rightclick on it and click "open file location"

click the exe, Copy(CTRL+C) it.

Now to your Crimson/AMD driver panel.
Click the gaming tab at the bottom, and in the upper right there will be a Folder icon with "ADD" next to it.
Click that then click Browse
Paste the Client.EXE that you just copied into the URL bar at the bottom then click Open.

It will add the BnS client icon too the array of programs you have already installed.

Find Client(BnS Icon) and click it and it will open a new page with Anti Aliasing options.

Set the first option to Override Application settings.
Next it will allow you to select AntiAliasing Level.
Set it to 8xEQ.
The Antialiasing level is now set in AMD's Drivers.

Now restart BnS and the Drivers will handle Anti Aliasing.

The one on the left is way cuter for sure.


Muffin isn't attractive, she just sucks dick, and does a pussy trick for anyone who asks.

But Vam's little piggy nose is CUTE!

thank you

But Vam is cute, you silly faggot.

>ugly bitch defense force

>Try to make a cute mJin
>Shit at character creation