All in all this expansion is looking up to be the LoE of Expansions.
Robert Kelly
>lower the cost of an already bad card by one >permanently destroys a mana crystal
did blizzard still think this was a good idea? what the fuck
William Brown
play Shadowverse
Jacob Cooper
xth for thicc pandarens
Charles Nguyen
>all these people already crying about jade and planning how to nerf them Sounds familiar, I sorta remember this happening before. Wonder how that turned out in the end
Isaiah Kelly
Daily reminder that Blizzard can't fix their own game.
Nolan Robinson
>MC >Not Jade
Jade single handedly beats literally every control deck. It's like playing Jaraxxus without dead drawing a 9 cost card that doesn't do anything the turn you play it
Fuck it, it's time to go back to playing Binding of Isaac on my dust-collecting Vita during the work commute. They've finally killed the game in favor of f2p aggro players. No fun allowed, thanks Ben Brodenburger. The expansion's practically nerfing itself because of Jade and Devolve.
I'll actually try Shadowverse because of this shit. Anyone has suggestions for fun Android timesinks?
Josiah Diaz
Face decks and fun and interactive combos should work. I don't think midrange shaman will be at disadvantage against jade druid too.
Jace Bailey
>mysterious challenger of the set >4/5 draw (1.5 cards on average) for 6
Levi Davis
>people were wrong once so everyone is wrong forever
also that card would be broken if beast druid had a decent curve leading up to stranglethron + meangerie. It's like playing Challenger in standard, the card is busted but the support isn't there.
Zachary Bailey
Kabal is gonna be unplayable. Kabal decks are late game oriented but you can't play late game v jade golems.
Are you excited for the jade golem decks v hyper aggro decks meta anons?
Anthony Thompson
it shouldve been a 5/1 like god thats disgusting
Jordan Perry
Literally every single Blizzard employee involved in suggesting or approving the entire Jade Golem mechanic should be fired.
There were only ever two possibilities for it. Unplayable trash or game breaking, neither of which is a good outcome. It being balanced is never ever going to happen and anyone who thinks it could happen has no business being employed in game design.
Evan Martinez
Garbage expansion TGT 2.0 Dust Streets of Gadgetzan Goons are clubky as fuck Jade golems force you to run garbage cards Garbage legos Priest gets all the good shit and will become new shaman. I have 13k gold saved and I will waste them all on arenas/heroic tb, actually I WISH i wasted that gold on last heroic TB. And when I will be out of gold, I will finally uninstall this piece of shit and try that pedo weaboo garbage game.
Henry Lopez
/hsg/ Prediction Poll inbound soon. I want to make sure we got to see all the cards properly.
For those who don't know how it works, this is what goes down; Rate each card on a scale of 1-5 (1 - Terrible, 5 - Amazing). After the standard 100+ votes we get, I'll tally up the results and make a pretty image that we can all laugh about in the future.
Repost from last thread
Owen Hernandez
Shaman will have overwhelmed them long before their golems become a real threat. Too much value in the early game.
Isaiah Flores
This game is fucking dead. Jadestone: Heroes of Freeze Mage where you tell stories about how you got killed turn 5 by face decks.
Good thing the steam sale is going on.
Michael Diaz
>Puny shaman summons his 5 mana 10/10 taunt >Counter with my 3 20/20, 21/21, 22/22 golems
Isaiah Price
>people were wrong once so everyone is wrong forever all i'm saying is wait until it's released you fucking retards
Jordan Rogers
Kabal decks are easily the most fun of the gangs.
They seem to be the weakest, though.
Anthony Collins
I'm ready
Thomas Roberts
yeah counter a 1 mana 7/7 with a 5 mana 4/2 There is no breaks in the jade golem meta train faggot
Aaron Gomez
How much do they pay you or do you do it for free?
Aiden Harris
shut up magic babb
card draw is not a strong effect.
Bentley Morgan
>4 mana 7/7 >use my 2 mana deal 2 summon a 9/9
Hunter Wright
it's worse than azure drake in a dragon deck
probably worth including since bookwyrm and sylvanas isn't *too* much competition at 6
Anthony Anderson
Add on the retards who approved devolve and you got my support. The gutted a third of their expansion with a single card. Can't wait to see Grimy Goons entire board get BTFO by a single 2 mana card.
This expansion was a mistake.
Joseph Ortiz
Anyway, start posting cards not shown on stream
Jayden Morris
What is this?
Justin Watson
cute CUTE
Justin Long
Zachary Edwards
Sebastian Robinson
Josiah Perez
I don't know too much about Warcraft's universe.
All I know is that Vol'Jin named Sylvanas the leader of the Horde because he was dying and figured her a better option than her others. I do know that Sylvie is VERY popular with her subjects, the Undead love their queen.
That and she's probably a might bit more marketable.
Jonathan Allen
ITT: sleepers of the set
Bentley Russell
Nolan Ortiz
John Price
Bentley Richardson
>Priest gets all the good shit and will become new shaman.
Did you just forget about jade golems?
Aaron Gutierrez
Jason Williams
James Butler
Goddamnit I hope this doesn't become meta so I don't have to listen to its dying screams.
Nolan Mitchell
Dominic Cook
>jade druid mirror >he summons 0 mana 7/7 , then brann plus 3/6 taunt plus 8/8 and 9/9 >I play my own jade golem cards for 10/10, 11/11, 12/12 and a 2/3 >he kills me with his board presence
hope you all enjoyed my fun story about interaction and minion based combat :
Nathan Jackson
I raged a bit but considering they could get a 1/1 I'm almost ok with this
Camden Lee
Anything control orientated are going to take Green Jade Cock up their arse.
So decks have to go faster again to counter it.
Josiah Foster
Rogues got a Magma Rager has a card. Hahaha
Levi Ross
Best pic of the set
Parker Nguyen
They're still stealing oc
Xavier Campbell
They won't be unbeatable, but they completely destroy fun decks and control that some of us play to break up the monotony of netdecking. Like absolutely makes them completely unplayable. Every deck that wants to play the game past turn 10 is completely unviable now, even if you have Reno for self heal, which is fucking IDIOTIC, because they try to push Reno with at least 3 legendaries in this patch.
Even Grimy Goons get shat on by Devolve, as if they were at all that strong to begin with (they really weren't). So that just leaves Jade classes uncontested, save for the usual aggro shitfuckery.
Until now, I could go in casual and play my Control Mage or Control Priest to actually have fun. Now, I can't even do that. Now, there's literally no reason to even craft a deck instead of waiting to snatch the first good one off of Hearthpwn.
Blizzard encourages and balances around autopilot netdeckers. It's time to uninstall and let you faggots enjoy your braindead bullshit meta, I guess. Thanks for pushing entire archetypes and playstyles out of the meta with your faggotry.
Story of my fucking life, right here, can't even remotely get anything I want, it's always what other, retarded people want, cause it's easier to cater to them.
>Blade Flurry died for this enjoy your Mean Streets of Jade Golems. This game is fuckin dead
Logan Baker
you already have the average worked out? You have the optimal decklist for whatever deck this goes into, and on average it pulls "1.5"?
It's really good you retard. And It's comically easy to see that. A 4/5 taunt draw one is already good, because it's 0/1 larger than azure and has taunt. And that is the worst that could happen, period. In a dragon deck with a similar dragon density to what we have now (and this is adjustable) this can easily draw two cards. Literally all it needs to be ridiculously good is two draw two cards. A good amount of the time it will draw more than two, even. It's good enough to build your deck around, and guess what? You don't need to. Dragon Priest needs to tweak virtually nothing to run a card that says draw 1-3 summon a 4/5 with taunt for 6.
Xavier Thomas
>next expansion >10 mana 10/5 charge >costs (1) less for each destroyed mana crystal and discarded card
Jaxon Brooks
Isaac Cruz
Oh my fuck. This literally looks like /hsg/ OC.
Mason Mitchell
>two cards that deal 4 damage to all minions for 3 mana It's shit.
Jack Reed
Jade golems are boring as fuck, what's interesting about summoning a vanilla body with every card you play?
I was hoping they wouldn't dominate but they look insane right now.
Nathaniel Rodriguez
I really like how mass handbuff cards tell your opponent exactly how many minions you have in hand on a given turn.
Blizzard really worked hard on making a weak mechanic even weaker in case somebody gets a 60g paladin quest and doesn't have cards for wild.
Nolan Stewart
Austin Evans
jesus christ
Thomas Hughes
If this is real I'm going to shit myself.
We literally discussed this last night.
Eli Gutierrez
Jesus Christ and I thought Forbidden Healing was strong
Gabriel Brown
Leo Morales
Shouldn't undead have some kind of stigma among the livings? Nevermind, that second argument convinced me
Nathaniel Morgan
Time for memes
I like card disruption mechanics
Joshua Mitchell
Oliver Ramirez
>not the best rogue card in the set
Blake Evans
cool but bad
maybe pretty good for pirate warrior
flamestrike with ghoul? I dunno if it finds a spot though
finally gave priest a heal card, but probably doesn't get played
>friendly so no auchenai pyroblast
fucking trash
I fucking guess it's almost a burn counter, but no
Jason Rivera
Blake Morris
so bad it can't possibly be real
Lincoln Morales
Tell me this is fake
Eli Bennett
I fucking can't
Caleb Price
Why even bother
Better Mogor? Oh wait is a 9/5/4
Gavin Brooks
That looks like FUN.
Jonathan Myers
Woah so this is the design talent of a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY
Holy crap. We fucked up lads by having faith in this, uninstall and go back to paper card games. Digital card games were a mistake and yes this includes weebverse.
Henry Howard
>freeze mage pyroblasts own face.jpg
Justin Ross
That is a pretty funny card. Shame it can't be used outside of meme decks.
Elijah Howard
Camden Green
>Jade golems force you to run garbage cards such as?
Bentley Sanders
>play vs freeze >they concede
Parker Garcia
there is NO way this is a real card
Jeremiah Brown
Leo Gomez
The Trolden videos record themselves
Jeremiah Flores
>play vs freeze >they flamestrike
Aaron Smith
Bentley Long
At least, Shadowverse hasn't gone to the point to reprint cards, Hearthbaby.
Sebastian Stewart
How Priestly.
Ryan Wright
Evan White
get fucked rogues
Jeremiah Williams
Nathan Jackson
are you literally telling me that every game is gonna be decided by a fucking coin flip now?
Elijah Morgan
yes it is, can check for yourself
Jose Rogers
Its real
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