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>he's not even from a playable faction

IF OUR LORD IS T'BECOME KING Do you think the expansion will come next year or is that wishful thinking?

Guess what /twg/?

All of Rome will be amazed at such a victory!


milanese """"people""" are truly scum

What ?

Come on guys, Milan isn't that bad.

I release the rebels because they dindu nuffin

There is literally nothing wrong with Milan.

Are you ready?


Pope can't handle the bantz

How do I counter Forsaken? Like, what are they weak against? I'm playing Chaos legendary and the Sigvald quest has me scratching my head


>Turn 13
>Hattori have several full Samurai stacks yet again

It'll be out by the end of 2017, screencap this.

As a proud son of Venice I must concur.


So this is what FUN feels like ? because no fucking thanks

Master horsefuckers maybe?

Or just hammer&anvil them

t. Fabio Sphagetti

WRE now is a lot easier than it used to be.

How ready are you?

I want to be dominated by a best elf!

> you will never get Nippon in TWWH
> even though they had an army list in 2ed
> it's basically just Shogun 2 units
> tfw you will never free the Dwarfs


It's not hard, but it's grindy as fuck

Don't they lack any AP? Just anvil them with a few chaos warriors and hammer with whatever you've got.

How do I maintain control in Attila?

I want you to fuck off with your shitty waifus.

>next history game a couple of years away

>not China

That mod looks amazing, sadly my autism prevents from enjoying games in languages foreign to my own.
What factions are there?

I'm pleased to hear that you are ready.

My waifu would beat your waifu any day.

Let's start a list of QOL improvements for Warhammer
> Empire garrisons keep the color schemes of their native province after being confederated or conquered

Hold up lemme load up the campaign menu

I sitll don't know how these modders managed to lock the mod so you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums.

If anyone wants to take a stab at cracking it I can post the mod download link (it's baidu though) here

>These modders managed to lock the mod so you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums
Are you shitting me.
Fucking greedy Ching Chongs.


What in the fuck

>you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums.

>you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums.

>you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums


These are always neat.

>you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums

There's literally no way it won't be out next year

They might push it back a month or two to put more stuff in it, but with the rate they've been putting out content they won't just suddenly leave a 6-9 month void of nothing.

>you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums

>VC somehow bullshitting their way to strength rating 1 while having absolutely nothing
Terribly accurate.

Trust me not all the Chinese modders are like that. The team has gone through several splits and really ugly public spats on the forums on making money off of mods

The only reason I have access is because I said I'd promote their mod on TWC and on Western websites like Veeky Forums

There is a free version somewhere on the forums but I think that one is 1 year behind the "paid" version in updates.
Anyway, from left to right, the factions are:

Mongolian Qing
The Shogunate
Kingdom of Myanmar
British Invading Force
French Invading Force
Outer Mongolia (non-Qing Affiliated)
Nguyen Dynasty of Vietnam
Khanate of Khokan
Shi Da Kai's Taiping Army
Nien Rebels
Qing Imperial Army
Empire of Russia
Huai Army
Xiang Army
Yi Dynasty of Korea
Sepoy Rebels
Kingdom of Siam
Taiping Empire
Meiji Government

Estalia being opportunistic as always

We'll always be friends, won't we, Gobbla?


They've been stretching out the releases of DLC, and since Bretonnia is supposed to come out in February it will either be late February with another DLC in mid January or it will be early February and we'll go two whole months without new content after Wood Elves

And Bretonnia is both free and half-finished already, so this seems like a cover to get more time. The next DLC after Bretonnia will probably be something like Ariel or something. I'm not sure what else they'd include alongside Ariel. Or wait Ariel would be FLC for Orion's faction of Welfs and you'd have Todbringer and Taurox? No wait because Taurox would also be DLC for DLC. Shit I dunno.

But I have no doubt that the earliest you'll see the expansion is June 2017 the way they're trying to space the DLC out more and the way they've got it so that Bretonnia will be the only new stuff we see during the middle of Winter.

Are you a chink too? Hong Kongese perhaps? Or an ABC?

Tell them to make an English version and I'll download their mod.
I like the variety tho.

Nothing can beat Gobbla and Skarsnik.

ABC of HK descent

They keep saying they'll make one but with their immaturity and petty arguments stalling their modding progress it's unlikely.

At least their Imjin War mod has been partially translated by IGdood on TWC save for historical events.

Tell that gook fucker to hurry up and translate the Opium Wars mod, I've been waiting a year.

He's probably too busy with real life or he's moved on to XCOM 2 modding

Fucking gay, it takes like an hour or two a day, for a week max.

Wow. Just finished Sigvalds quest battles. What a dick...

He doesn't translate until the mods are mostly complete. Opium Wars mod keeps getting an update every 1-2 months.

It's all the hordes of chaff zombie armies pushing them to str 1, plus autoresolve

Based, XCOM 2 is better than anything CA's ever released.

>Gobbo archers

>Evil guy is evil

wow who knew

I know he posts in /xcg/ when he asked us if we wanted Vietnamese and Arabic voice packs

Or am I Gook?

Is he saying Delet this in Chinese?

Kek, I wish

What the fuck

That's worse then fucking CA.

how do i remove the importing food tax penalty from attila? this shit is fucking gay

Was there any news today?

git gud

samefag all me desu

t. snows in iraq


DId you guys know about this?

Could the lack of naval battles have anything to do with GW imposing it to not have competition with this game?

>watch LegendofTotalWar's WRE let's play campaign
>the entire time he's bitching about how much he hates attila
>all the battles are just 45 minute cheese-fests where he brings his archers up to the wall and peppers the enemy until he's used every last bit of ammo before rushing in and killing whatever remnants of a defense is left
>in his 111 episodes, probably 90% of the episodes consists of him micromanaging his cities and figuring out the meta build that every city HAS to be on legendary because attila has awful city management
>there's like 5 defensive garrison battles every end turn
>he eventually just starts spamming stacks and autoresolving everything

And that's when I realized that playing WRE is not only EXTREMELY boring but also EXTREMELY repetitive and EXTREMELY tedious. I've never seen legend so utterly defeated mentally, it's clear that he's never been so bored playing a campaign in his life.

I decided instead to play as the ostrogoths. It's been a dynamic, unique, and awesome campaign where I get to enjoy roman units without having to play the most boring campaign in total war history

t. pei ling xhou

>watching let's players

>Could the lack of naval battles have anything to do with GW imposing it to not have competition with this game?

Maybe. The naval unit cards in the game files might mean they got stopped by GW some time in development or they are going to be used later on.

LMAO who gives a fuck what legen thinks? He's a scrub that gets his dick sucked by children, he's actual trash at TW I've beaten him every time I've met him.

>you can't launch it without a privileged account on their forums.

He really is only fun in small doses.

Legend is a faggot and you should feel bad for enjoying his shitty videos.

But user let's players and youtubers are amazing for good content ;)

I only play on medium

Will he do a review of the game?

I've been waiting for one

As soon as he starts sperging out you gotta turn that shit off real quick because it only gets worse.

legend is the worst kind of noslagia filled cunt, not only is he biased but he is also terrible at the game, he put levis armaturae right behind his cohors and then started calling it a shit unit after it friendly-fired his cohors into oblivion

he saw loyalty loss from "office given to subordinate" and said
>i have no idea what that means

he is terrible at the game, extremely biased and 100% unfun

Pretty sure Nippon never had an army list.

>Implying he actually plays total war games for more than 2 hours.

If he ever does I'll make 30 YouTube accounts and fill the comments with my bitterness.

Man o' war has been a staple of the GW franchise for ages, they wouldn't have allowed ships in the game as WHFB is dead so they can't copyright new things for it
blame chapter house for fucking everything up with gw ip

How would he review the game when he isn't good enough to get past the first 20 turns?

I reckon GW told em to fuck off with it cos they didn't have the correct licensing for it. You can even see a dwarfen navy in the campaign map reveal trailer

That looks pretty cool. Too bad it's early access or I'd think about buying it.
