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What The Fuck Am I Reading? Edition

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Sombra is my waifu




Jesse McCree is built like a whore.

Why is Pharah so much lighter than her mother?

>try the Ana bot practice for the first time with McMeme
>20% acc
I have 42 normal acc, this was before they buffed him.
Am I at least decent?

will there ever be a hero more fun to play than roadhog

cutest and bestest pairing

he makes for a better shota

Because Ana got whited

she got pumped full of white german juice


She doesn't get out much

Two of the only 4 well designed female characters in the game

Any mid diamond + NA inhouses running?

White Dad

They're delicious.

we talking game mechanics or art design?

hope you're talking about Widow and Mercy desu

You forgot the Queen of Brown skin.

You know why

Can you please stop posting this

Junkrat is not for romance, he is too busy removing omnics

Why Symmetra doesnt wear pants?


The best

her design is kinda boring and vanilla but ok


Our world is worth fighting for.

>hope you're talking about Widow and Mercy desu
Literally the worst after Symmetra

ill give you one guess

Art design. I wondered if I should put widow on the list and make it 5, but I'm not a fan of "sexy just because sexy", so I did not.

Ana got PINNED


Is a better than basic dpi mouse a worthy investment for sniping?

>ywn be middle-aged black ops operative who picks up a filthy street rat to groom him into a 8/10 husbando

this is my curse

Moving my question to the new thread

I bought this game about a week ago and I really like it. I'm getting close to level 25 and I'm excited to try competitive play, but I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to balance out my team. I play Tracer as my main and Pharah as a secondary, would I be more successful if I mained a spread of characters in different roles? Or should I focus on being as good as possible with just these two?

If it matters, I have a ton of TF2 experience and a fair amount of LoL experience.

>he doesn't know

>not 99% arab or turk



Well, you should be able to play at least two characters of each role so that you can do what your team needs.

So she can poo anywhere she wants

Which one is Pharah's dad?

You should have a bare minimum of one character in each class you are good with

>maining Pharah
You'd do better to spread your roles. More specifically you'd better spread them into tanks and healers. Learn to land Roadhog's bullshit hooks and you'll be able to carry. Also learn to play Ana or Zen


There already is and it's Junkrat.

You need to be comfortable with at least one or two heroes in each "class" to not hinder your team. Unless you're next door to the Blizzard servers with a top of the line rig, you will never always be the first to pick and will have to pick around your team rather than the other way around. You have to adjust to what the team comps are, especially at higher rankings.

Amélie Lacroix
Look at this qt smug.

Keep focusing on pharah and tracer, but at least practice with other roles enough that you aren't useless in other roles

Maining is generally a bad idea in a game like this, but it's good to have a set of core characters you're best with and a pool of secondary characters you can still use well

Both of them
but if we're going by the skin tones alone, then the wasp is more likely

gosh rein is so rad

>That hand

Am I losing it or what the fuck

You should probably learn to play lucio/ana since they are in every game and also play a tank. You are going to see a lot of 3x instalock dps in the lower ranks and its good to be able to fill.

If youre a god with a hero you can just play it and eventually reach the ranks where your team takes care of the comp and you dont have to care.

>ywn take a bath with him after a long day outside

So, what the fuck are the reading?

The best way to get good is to play all characters to learn who you can take out easily and who counters you the most.

It's not the same to read that Roadhog can kill a Reinhardt than it is to actually play as Roadhog and see how hopeless he is when you walk into his shield and fill his face with scrap.

Can confirm.

Reinhardt's sending dick pics again

Is the new season today or tomorrow?

THE raddest

What are the best skins for every hero?

Maintenance day as usual.

Two days

comfortable form/size > sensor quality desu unless you are using like a 10 year old mouse

also the daddest

3v3 is the best ow has to offer

Dec 1


This roadhog chirstmas skin.
It should happen but it won't happen.
And it's a shame.

Until you have to kill him for flirting with your second in command and her daughter, that is. Not groomed well enough.

Me wonders.

>tfw you finally figure out sombra's spray pattern

holy shit why did no one tell me about this


hm, okay.

This will become canon and you can't stop it.

>stealth character comes out of stealth

he's so dad he got enough love for two

>Ana can't not delete Roadhog

Neither, they fucked each other obviously.

>play 3v3
>'get their healer first'
>'wtf no roadhog is a bigger threat'

I will. 76 is mine.

i meant three whoops

Post the character you have the most play time with and the song you last listened to/are listening to now.


>Ana76 poster still holding onto false hope

Bullshit. Reaper is the #1 Dad. Reinhardt makes for a nice crazy old neighbour or grandfather

just tried out dva, her damage is retarded, calling op

You need to play each character thoroughly enough to feel like you understand what makes them click.

But having a single top meta hero to main is going to be more fun and get you farther than anything else. Choose one or two heroes from this list


Realize that in competitive that the team only really has room for 1 DPS hero and it's least important role

too late

t. silver

reaper would probably end up killing the kids though. he's a grumpy edgy old man.

>tfw finally figure Tracer's spray pattern
I'm unstoppable lads.

Ana was Morrison's second in command though. McCree cucking Morrison was part of the grooming

>playing that disgusting used up slut

Hopefully this changes once they unbreak D.Va and Hog.

I love negating ults with d.va

How about you stay away from him, faggot

New Hanzo skin when?

Sorry I have to break it to you like this.

>play with friends
>they can't build proper comps
>they trickle in
>can't focus targets
>never kill the supports
>get mad when i call them out on it
>win more solo than i win with them
How do I get better friends?

>thinking this game is a moba
lel no

Like someone said, you should know how to play at least 2 characters from each class.
Can never go wrong with rein and lucio, others are situational.