Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station: >I wasn't paying attention >Nothing interesting, probably >Oh right people wanted Goblins as a race
>player controlled baby spawns at roundstart >captain has to secure him >anywhere from 2-5 undercover syndicate agents cooperate to capture him >baby can resist out of people's grasp/containers and ventcrawl on cooldown timers >babu gets randomized objectives as the round goes on (e.g. "go to the laundry room," "pet ian," "light somebody's cock on fire"), completing them enhances baby's abilities and strengthens its plot armor for further mischief >baby must eat regularly or die (to prevent players from locking it in a room for extended periods) >four minutes before the emergency shuttle docks all agents are notified via pda uplink that a syndicate shuttle will be arriving at one of several random locations at the same time as the emergency shuttle >if the baby arrives at centcomm, the crew wins >if the baby arrives aboard the syndie shuttle, the syndicate wins >if the baby's left on the station or dies, everyone loses (round continues??)
Post your static name/CKEY and people tell you what they honestly think of you This was fun last thread
Jonathan Hughes
Brad Armstrong
Wyatt Perez
More like Brad Armweak
Juan Stewart
Kayden Steele probably a "who?" but oh well
Camden Gray
Amelia Adams AKA Seaweed Hair
Logan Gutierrez
Paul Foster
Christian Wright
roasted and toasted
Landon Long
yeah this honestly sounds amazing
Colton Howard
Rina Visser How about people also say what job they usually do and what they look like. Some people (me) forget names constantly but see the same people mostly.
Angel Thomas
Mediocre, all you do is either make waifufags talk about you, or its you who self shills in the thread.
In any way, thoroughly mediocre.
Daniel Cook
deanb ash
Angel Bennett
thats good though. id rather be forgettable than be a major fucking faggot AKA being a 'popular static'
William Flores
I'd love to, but I posted myself last thread and only got one half-assed response and would rather not delve into shilling territory
Nolan Clark
>id rather be forgettable than be a major fucking faggot those aren't mutually exclusive, in fact you are both
Mason Rivera
>nowadays servers are at best decent >game stagnating >no hope for any of the alternatives >SS13 may wither and die soon
Really bad feels.
Hunter Mitchell
Thing is, he is what some would consider a popular static, only its popular due to being a waifu.
That's not good user, that's being so mediocre the only reason people even recognise you or mention you is being a player with a female sprite. Recognition from only the lowest denominator of spess players is not good at all.
Carson Ross
>feelfags shitting up the thread tell me about it
Nathaniel Richardson
>ss13 may wither and die soon
If it didn't die when it was a laggy fucking mess back in 2014, then it certain as fuck wont die now.
Ryan Cook
>servers are at best decent hah
Sebastian Walker
the extent of my 'self shilling' is posting greentexts of shit ive done after a round. also that time i gave a transgendered hispanic boy $5 to draw my static to pay for his spinal surgery
Daniel Ramirez
Biggie Cheese race when
Xavier Williams
I dunno user, felt like the laggy 2014 mess was the best time. The same way Greece has a much lower suicide rate than any of the richer northern European countries.
Evan Edwards
>you have to self shill to be a faggot
Hudson Davis
Hime Kizuna/NigglyWiggly
I haven't actually played in quite some time.
Easton Wood
I love you
Wyatt Peterson
I find it fucking hilarious that you hate Celt now.
Adrian Adams
You always made my heart go doki doki when you showed up to my desk
Tyler Flores
You don't have to shill to be shit user, you just have to be the most mediocre player in the whole server and be recognised only because your avatar representation if of female gender.
You are the worst kind of player, the one who has no will to improve their potential or plain doesn't have any. You are like a npc, nothing is amazingly good or bad, its just all bland. A robot could replace you and I wouldn't see the round or the interactions changing anything.
Isaiah Long
I haven't played with you much but I can't really remember anything bad about you
Luke Young
>tfw you wanna start playing on Veeky Forumsstation cuz it has a lot more stuff and seems like more fun >i realize that i've been playing on yogstation so long that i'll have to learn a bunch of new stuff in order to play i thought i was done reading wikis
Cooper Gomez
yeah, thats true honestly. what do you mean by 'improve their potential' though?
Cameron Stewart
Go and stay go
Ryan Wright
>laggy mess was the best time
Pretty sure you need to take off those nostalgia goggles. The population of the game has risen consistently since then.
Nolan Gonzalez
It's not that bad.
I would give a lot of things to be new to ss13 again. I really would
Henry James
I love you too, user
I don't hate Celt though, he's just an idiot sometimes
[Kokoro going Doki Doki intensifies]
Lucas Rivera
Everyone has the potential to be as robust as a veteran clown, to be the sleekest syndicate operator you ever saw, to be a matster of the tidal powers, to know all the loopholes in assimov laws, to make a reputation so people react to you, everyone can know box inside out and know every nook and crany, the exploits, the combat tips, the places to hide, the ability to vanish, the ability to build.
You never stop learning how to be a better spessman. Those who just conform to mediocrity, one job with no building potential, those who don't explore, find tactics, understand how players act, how to approach them, how to scavenge and thrive on a fucked up place, they wiligly act mediocre. You ways have more ways to be better user, and if you don't seek them and are content with being a mediocre player mentioned only in praise for being a waifu, I'll call you out on it.
Jaxson Garcia
if you're not armless or using peg-arms fuck you on the nose aka huge faggot rip who ok ur gud
Jace Parker
Evan Wood
Mike Hatson / Kihran Now I can say my name was at least mentioned in two threads
Luke Fisher
>implying someone won't find a way to make this weird and cringetacular.
Anthony White
>yogstation please god no
Gavin Myers
Meh/10 ops
Carson Fisher
drilled two nuke ops, felt good
Austin Hernandez
>Floor pill (4.5 units) pill
Jose Parker
Adrian Anderson
>;Oh god it's this kind of day >;Gimme a second >BABY IS KILLED, EVERYONE LOSES >;You're welcome BANNED FOR RUINING THE GAME MODE
Parker Hernandez
Marty McFryman
Lucas Wood
don't you mean "oh yes keep going I want to collect my petvalids *me grins and bears teeth >:3*"
Brody Kelly
who knob
Logan Fisher
Departments with the biggest cucks/beta males
From the most beta/cuck to the most alpha:
>Cargo >Medbay >Heads of Staff >Science >Engineering >Service
Blake Carter
isaac lifof
Cooper Phillips
Joey Bonzo
or Kelly Baker I guess
Eli King
Science are the biggest cucks on Earth who overcompensate for it by toting backpack assault rifles. Ironically, they can't even shoot well.
Thomas Williams
>Literally named SERVICE >Alpha
Ian Wright
>Science overcompensate with guns >Not cargo, who order 20 crates of guns every round
Cargo are C U C K S.
Jace Ramirez
it's a staged photo milk chocolate is more filler than chocolate they probably didn't actually give him any
Joseph Ramirez
I miss your robustness and goodcurity playing
Noah Garcia
>tfw just want a strong skilled husbando to assist me in medbay
Hunter Sullivan
i've only been playing the banpage for the past two months, so if you are a newnewfag I've probably never seen you on.
literal who literal who literal who literal who literal who rather annoying shitter familiar name, don't really have memories of you familiar name, don't really have memories of you literal who
Wyatt Reed
>He can't perform a servicing job whilst keeping his masculinity intact
Kayden Roberts
who needs guns when cargo can make block hole or blow up a yellow rock to fuck the station over.
Joshua Cook
both of you suck
Oliver Roberts
science autists have guns at least three times more often than cargo it's especially lovely because the 0, 0, -1 bhangometer is a dead giveaway t. sec main
James Lee
observing you as ghost taught me how to cargonia properly
Gavin Young
Why are you even posting if you know nobody tho?
Anthony Young
because he's a self-absorbed tit
Jacob Baker
>who Blue haired faggot who can't play Captain/Warden/Anything that well but tried my hardest. Haven't played properly in 3 months though.
>familiar name I'll take that, I'll be happy for the rest of the day. Safe in the knowledge that there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it Park Life
Jonathan Jackson
>want to know what people think of me >too scared to post my static Fuck
Jayden Walker
>Cargonia, the place where you barely work, get pizza and guns for days and has people that would betray eatchother over a tin of beans and a TTV are cucks >Medbay, who often chlorals shitters and does sex changes on them, players who choose specifically to help everyone out are shitters >Captains are comdoms, but you call the HoS a cuck, the cap a cuck, kill Ian or shitalk the RD and expect anything but a quick deathgasp, you are getting dissapointed >Science, the most autistic bunker who stays holed up in bomb autism, repetitive mech and Borg construction, the mass teleporter niggers, the people who go do botany exclusively for max potency cyanide death nettles aren't the biggest cucks on the earth >engine artists that get outdone by a single metal crab in efficiency and skill are anything but pathetic bull preppers >Botanists, bartenders and chefs, the most ignored, inconsequential people in the whole station who can barely kill anyone, much less actually stimulate rp are somehow to be considered alpha
You got that shit backwards as hell.
Aiden Reed
i wanted to tell Dean Bash he's horrible
also, if you are looking for feedback, and someone doesn't know you that is still a datapoint
Elijah Brooks
>A literal who
Luke Murphy
cuck detected
Brody White
play more ya faggit
Luke Watson
you aren't even the original seaweed hair, get a new nickname
Lucas Howard
Guy Montag
Jace Foster
I'd rather be working at medbay, cargo, and literally anywhere you consider to be a "cuck" job than be a autist, a autist that is less efficient than a crab or being the most ignored, inconsequential folks the station has to offer.
Call cucks, but the only delusional cuckhold here is you.
Mason Gonzalez
idk thats what yahir would always call me. never seen anyone else be called that before
Xavier Hill
Julia Brandt/Morena
Kevin Bailey
You could play from day one and be a literal who. Just means you're a boring fuck that never does anything interesting.
Hudson Peterson
Daily reminder that a small chatter a day keeps the suicide away! What job gets the most ignored?
Justin Brooks
Who is the original? Toothpaste?
Angel Parker
I'm surprised you have time to post here, shouldn't you be picking up your wifes son from school?
You can't be so much of a cuck that you WANT to be in the house while Jamal is all over your wife.
Xavier Evans
Be fair, being interesting or noteworthy on Veeky Forums means you either have to be exceptionally good at the game and make something fucking spectacular, or be an absolute shitter/accidentally be consistently bad, which is much more common. Otherwise you're delegated to "Plays good/bad sec", "i want to fug Miss user" or "Who".
Josiah Flores
/actualtraders/ each round only 3ish people bother making the trip to arrivals unless you somehow made a deal with guncargo and are selling eguns and ablatives
Carter Clark
Gavin Watson
Librarian, no contest. The only time anyone notices them is if they start screaming Woody's Got Wood into the radio.
Needs a rework desu.
Landon Parker
Librarian. And I say this only because the Chaplain is bound to get at least one person to come down if he says a service is on.
No-one cares about the librarian unless they have a valid reason to kill them. Being a reporter is aight but the AI can do a better job than any mere organic.
Jonathan Bennett
Is being a reporter an actual thing? Sounds interesting going around and chit chatting.
Also how many times do detectives go around actually solving shit? i get excited when they get a case and its usually verry rare to see them actually investigating shit.
Isaiah Roberts
or if they're cute
Logan Myers
Yeah, its a thing actually. Good fun.
A lot of the time actually. Detectives investigate shit all the time, they just do so quick and hidden.
Lincoln Brown
even when you booktide nobody fucking notices you, it's weird.
Alex Jones and other interesting gimmicks are rare exceptions.
Charles White
You can change the name in settings I think. And if not you still have all the reporting gear in the room behind your desk. People read the news too, it's nice to be able to keep up with what's going on if you're stuck doing surgery or on the outpost. STEP 1: Tune in to sec channel STEP 2: Make your news based on that STEP 3: Get kicked in the face by sec
Depends on who your detective is and how bad the sec team is. A bad sec team will arrest the first person shouted at over comms before the detective can get their shit together and by the time they've solved it it's too late to resolve or everyone on the station is dead.
Hunter Walker
The question is, how would you fix the librarian?
Joseph Mitchell
Fix? He's supposed to be a useless meme job. He does that perfectly.
Connor Myers
Travis Egedy
Sebastian Phillips
Make the desk in the office either be a method of admin communication/item/magic creating or make it so you can use a ouji board or something.
Booms are the core of librarian, its the players who don't visit him. Write a new book with actual guides to attract people, it ain't hard.