Fighting Games General /fgg/
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capcom cup this weekend
root for our boy fchamp
tfw fighting es in netplay lag
Play remix
buff rashid desu
Put Blackquill in Marvel 4
I like Es.
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
Reinstall USF4
If you aren't excited for Capcom Cup, how can you call yourself a fighting game fan?
I'm more curious about Akuma and S2 changes.
But he isn't a busty woman with a whip
skullgirls is fun
No it isn't
>rumors of a MH monster being one of the Capcom representatives in MvC4
It'd be cool if we get Brachydios
oh who am I kidding we're just gonna get Rathalos
>rumors of something being in a rumored game
dont get your hopes up nigger
actually there's a good chance it'd be brachy since he's bipedal and you can probably make interesting specials with his explosions
what is he not gonna do with sonic fox?
i cant understand what he's saying
X? ask?
Has anyone here built their own hitbox/stickless arcade stick? How much was it and how difficult was it to pull off?
I'm afraid the hitbox will be too large for my tiny hands and I'd like to build a custom one, but I have no knowledge in DIY stuff.
I have a confession to make
I dont like fighting games
I like Street Fighter and Marvel
What should I get between SFV and BBCF if I want to play an alive fighting game?
someone said in chat you're the next sonic fox and the german kid said that hes not the next sonic fox because hes not a furry lmfao
>Wanting a monster when the MH Hunter themself would be a godlike representative
They can be kinda like Arthur, where all their moves involve different weapon types and their dash is the little comedy run they do in game
Also you could cut Felicia from the roster and give kitty (Felyne) helper to MH Hunter
I believe the MH team has specifically said that they don't want a hunter as a rep
I don't remember exactly the reason why, something about it not representing all players I believe
You marvelnignogs gonna get nothing because that is what you deserve.
both are perfectly live
but if capcom doesn't put some work in it's not going to last extremely long
BBCF is a more solid title- it has all the things the recurring players have wanted so ppl will be playing it for a while, and ppl are going to keep buying it
glavenus, rajang, or bust
ive already accepted that capcom will never give us another darkstalkers game again, don't take felicia from me
>Not representing all players
Include all weapon types
Have half of the alt colours be female hunters and half be male
There's like 2 people that play bb outside of japan
Never forget that the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the NBA finals
Hunter would be yet another boring as fuck all-rounder whose only major difference from the others is his graphics skin. MvC3 was filled with such garbage all-rounder characters. Why would you want more crap like that?
anyone up to practice in sf5? trying out new characters. im in NA
Because I like Monster Hunter and want a good rep instead of some shit like a jaggi
Why does she like pudding so much? Also, 3rd best bb.
Thankfully your garbage opinions have no sway in anything.
Here's to hoping they make a good Marvel game this time
>want a good rep
>implying explode-y punch dinosaur isn't a good rep
Someday, I would try to be someone in the fighting games community.
Or as a Player...
...or as a Developer...
Will that be hard as fuck? Yeah, probably.
Will my fighting game experience help me in my job interview tommorow?
yeah, sure. invite me
a mh rep would be someething like this
or even the cartoony version so they could use those sony nekos as alt skins
1) still wouldn't be enough desu
2) the amount of budget just to cover that is not worth the effort
3) a monster would be more fun anyway
4) a felyne works better too, and they're cute
Are you gay furry?
Cute couple
Please just make a fucking capcom culture general.
You retarded manchildren are worse than smashkids but at least they don't spam genre generals before a game is even announced or logical to happen.
So what did you think of Central Fiction's ending?
or you could take your autism pills and not be triggered by capcom 24/7, even better fuck off to your party masher general if its not dead (again)
when you had to fight akuma? that shit was sick
I'm in the process of making my own stick out of some scrap wood and a box from an old cologne set. Best advice I can give is use a template from slagcoin or where ever for the P/K buttons and make your template from the movement buttons. Just put your hand a blank sheet and kinda dot the centre of where your fingers are comfortable, remembering that your buttons will be about 30mm(1 3/16 ").
Could be better, like, from all the possibilities, that was the worst possible scenario
woah what
its just a cat
why is tekken
i wish the story didn't regress to having time loops again, but it was nice that it actually had something resembling an ending. you can tell the game has serious roster bloat now tho as many characters were pushed aside for the ones that matter. and they still had to add even more characters this version and shoehorn them into story. it suffered a bit because of it.
looking forward to the next bb game. hopefully rachel looking for ragna is an important plot thing. not-ragna and not-rachel were terrible character ideas and i hope they aren't the new main chars for the series.
>samfagging this hard
Post CFN and beat me in a FT10
Nice try
>start up a casual battle lounge
>first guy is a button mashing nash
>second guy is a button mashing ken
>third guy is a "rookie" mika who destroys my anus
what a blast
will s2 bring back footsies
How do we fix SFV?
Nice OP.
No changes are needed. It's literally perfect.
play skullgirls
Give me two good reasons why.
Capkek Cup is on ESPN for people to laugh at again.
Learning one character is already a lot for me. Why the hell would I play a game where I have to use juggle 3 characters?
t. 16er
1. It's fun.
2. It's fast-paced.
You don't HAVE to use a trio. Duos are perfectly viable.
But I hate team games
Well more specifically I hate Assists
The guy in the middle is the best guile player on earth, how does it makes you feel?
I love sfv and I love esports
Hes neither American nor Asian
t. alex valle
How many premieres has he won :^)
t. man who has not played SFII and thinks a couple special moves looking similar means the game is the same.
atleast he's an adidas man
Doesn't look like he can DU enough vs actual good players
I'm sure he's the best guile euros have though lul
Anyone want to play some matches in SFV? I haven't played since alex was the new release and i'd like to warm up again
steam name is lappa, url should be id/lappalappa
i'll play but i'm on ps4 so i need your fighter id, not cfn
im NA, and also bad
No, I don't like dealing with multiple characters. I enjoy using one character at a time and becoming good with him or her and than looking for someone else to pick up. SG only appeals to me as far as the hentai artists go. Maybe once I am competent in this genre I can branch out but for now I am rooted.
fighter id? my name shows as lappalappa unless you need something else
What fightstick is in this drawer?
Forgot to mention it doesn't have any retarded inputs.
You could use solo as well, there's nothing wrong with that.
Anal Hero 3 DX
>Get season pass for $15
>All the DLC characters suck
How the hell do you even play Juri now.
Wait for S2 buffs
Is Nash still considered a gorilla or is that just Ryu and Ken now
somebody play me already christ, name is lappalappa
why do you shitpost this thread all day? makes me want to NOT TRY skullgirls (got it from a indie bundle but never installed because of the shit community aka you)
Ultra Street Fighter 4
The whole game is blind gorrilas with amputated arms.
make a lobby
you play her by learning her and using her over time and learning matchups
surely someone so useful that they have a tripcode would know that not all 6 characters are ass and anyone is viable unless you're playing at an ultra diamond level :)
urien and guile are top tier, alex and balrog are really good, ibuki and juri are unexplored
except ibuki and juri all the dlc characters are better than fang, gief, rashid and bison
nash is king chimp of banana isle
>better than rashid
>urien and guile are top tier, alex and balrog are really good, ibuki and juri are unexplored
t. shitter who spent real money on sfv dlc