/hsg/ hearthstone general

Preorder the new expansion for only $50, she needs the money to eat and do other mundane things.

>New Expansion cards

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

Last thread:


Xth for never drawing dragons

>Preorder the new expansion for only $50
Why would you preorder 50 packs for $50 when you can get 40 packs for $25 from Amazon?

DONT FALL FOR THE PREORDER MEME, there is no cardback


Yeah, because using the new rogue rager as op pic wouldn't be more suited or anything




Non-pre-order players right now:
>Willl ge completly shafted by the awful pulls from their very few packs grinded for months (LOL), MAYBE get a legendary (warlock legendary every time)
>Cant make a proper Jace deck, or 10/10 Shaman deck, or Rats Hunter deck, or Buff Paladin deck.... or any kind of deck right now because of the lack of gold and dust
>They will be unable to even complete quest that requires win games on Standard because of the overpowered preorder decks that will dominate the ladder even on rank 20
>Will continue to play their same tier 3 outdated decks for months

Pre-order players:
>Will have every single common/rare/epic and every lego up release, multiple copies even
>Several golden cards
>Got countless options for building all the new meta decks right off the bat and can have fun also making fun rewarding decks like Jade Druid and Wallet Priest
>Dominate the ladder easly to rank 5 and beyond all the way legend, gets free wins all the time from the weak free2pay players
>Will love the expansion as their experience will be vastly different because they aren't poorfags stuck with meme cheap decks like zoo

Will you have fun being raped again and again and never getting those wins for that quest user?
Why you even play this game if you're a poorfag?

Hey guys, check out the new card they announced for Rogue! The synergy will just be amazing!


You should be able to.

execute only targets minions

randomly targeted spells only choose from legal targets

>Bladeflurry died for this

I really miss oil rogue, it was so much more fun than miracle


Please explain this: I already did the Amazon+Android coin deal in early 2016.


2 armor and one (you) has been deposited to your account

Is this the worst set ever?

>Maybe 20 cards are playable
>Many cards completely BTFO entire deck types(Jade Idol, Devolve)
>The good cards for the set are often blatantly obvious value cards like Wrathion, Kabal Dark Cultist, Dragonfire, Rat Pack, Abyssal Enforcer that don't even create new deck types
>The one new decktype that looks playable is either OP as balls or complete shit(jade golems)
>Almost 90% of all the cards that aren't metaworthy are literal trash like stealth rager, Hired Gun, Grook Fu, etc
>Noggenfoggen for no reason

It probably even tops One Night in Development.

Fuck, I can't take Rogue memes, its just too funny because of Team 5's incompetence

>paying real money so you can have more unplayable legendarys
There's only a handful of relevant cards.

does anyone have a big collage of all the msog cards?

it's time for /hsg/'s predictions

my sides

Sauce please?

How hard will you ship anduin and wrathion?

>New Shaman card that turns into a random six drop once it hits face
>Add a bunch of new utterly worthless six drops like Bomb Squad and the 1/1 that summons an ogre

Surely this is the card that will steer everyone away from midrange shaman

i wont ship it, i'll ferry it ;)


Do you think this will be used? Would be sick with maly but if you let a maly live against rogue you are pretty much dead anyway...

>Craft two legendary daggers for you at WoW
>Crafting quest only available to rogues
>It's not the fucking rogue legendary from this expansion
>Rogues got 0 good weapons since Blade Flurry nerf
>Instead we get some shitty OC do-not-steal™ meme understated legendary
>He doesn't even have the fucking Dragon tag
>Dragon rogue will never be a thing

I just really like it for some reason


Don't fall for the Blizmeme. Play Shadow verse!

Thank god i switched to Shadowverse


Should Jade Rogue run Lotus Agents?

think back to prenerf yogg

did flame lance ever do anything if the board was empty?

theres your answer

if it shoots 8 missiles that do 3 damage it would be cool, but blizzard has no consistancy so it will probably be shit and only do 8 damage per missile

could be pretty mean with inkmaster

honestly it's not a good card, i can't think of a situation where you wouldn't prefer either fireballs, pyro or flamestrike but i like it

Remember how long the LoE meta was? Now consider that LoE was actually a good expansion whereas this one is trash, and consider just how bad the meta is going to be until the next expansion, which will be a very long time from now.

>Shaman is completely dominating the meta
>it even opresses zoolock which floods the board with sticky minions
>team 5 literally think a 1hp stealth is going to survive a turn
>if it survives and gets buffed to 3hp it dies to ~literally~ everything

Druid, Warrior and Hunter seem cool though.

but i'm f2p and I have 5k gold user

you could talk about why the game is better instead of spamming shitty art

It's OTP, user. Even Blizzard employees ship them.

But for real, you guys don't know how happy this makes me.

I believe you can because Mogor can make Icehowl go face, so random targeting can break the card rules.

>post yfw reprinting worst card for worst class

Do you miss me yet?

TGT had like, 5 cards playable? 8 maybe? Sure, when the meta changed it was always different 5-8 cards, but I doubt it was much more than that at any given time.

Do they pay you or do you do it for free?

>ONE MANA 30/30

No, because Druid has been dominant in almost all metas, and its going to be dominant yet again

brutal finisher in tempo mage.

when your opponents board is clear doing 9 damage to face for only 7 mana is pretty much a discount pyroblast.

>only happens way past the point when a stat stick would be useful

remember, the opponent left Brann up for 2 turns, played an incredibly shitty deck, and wasted his Pyromancer



Shadowverse is infinitely better than this turd

Yth for drawing ALL the dragons


i got a good laugh from this friend so here's a (you)


not targeting heroes isnt a rule of icehowl, its a card effect that can be silenced that is admittedly worded poorly. It would make more sense to say that "can not be be instructed to attack heroes"

In the case of execute it outright cannot target heroes under any circumstances. If noggenfogger execute worked on heroes then there is no reason that yogg's executes shouldnt be able to target heroes and they cant so you will almost certainly not be able to with noggenfogger

Remember me?

>there are actual real people in this thread who give the creators of shadow rager money

Spell power is gonna increase the dmg of each missile. Thats why the 3 in missles is a written word and the other one is a number.
Mite b cool after a doomsayer turn or with inkmaster and malygos like the other user said

>against rogue
>burgle memes

How is that inconsistent. The card text on that is clear enough to see it's 8 damage three times (do *x* damage three times at random targets). Where as arcane missiles is do *x* damage split at random targets.

Holy shit user BTFO!!!!

>There are people who pre ordered this shit

>not being able to reach legend with tier 3 deck

I only need jade idol for the golem madness

That makes sense, also it most likely won't, it would be ridiculous if it could.

>pre ordering digital content
>pre ordering content before seeing all of it
silly goys

No one remembers him because no one ever played him

Is there any class with so many shitty minions as rogue?

Lifecoach doing review of all the cards

He is good on Arena draft.

Did they make good use of the new master of disguise design space?

>will just spend gold on packs
>even after crafting all the usable legendarys and epics I'll still have 10k+ dust left for the next expansion

Warlock, but it makes up for it with the strongest hero power.

Yes, I opened 6 of you

The fact people give Team 5 money is beyond me

>I work, so I can spend money

Just because I have money doesn't mean I shuffle it between my shit at the toilet

>There are rogue mains who preordered

>It's just a catgirl with two puppets

>I'm the only one who thinks kun is shit

The puppets are alive and can generate shadows all on their own, so don't talk crap about Cerberus.

Im just glas I didnt

Gonna sit this out for the next year, save coins, and just do retarded quests like play 15 murlocs in casual mode

>not good
>not good
>not good
>not good


That sounds retarded. At the very least tell me there's cute boys in Shadowverse, because all the images I see are ugly baby makers.

I agree. It's a free 7/7 in a class that can get those easily anyways. I'd rather run card draw.

I guarantee everyone in this thread calling cards op/garbage have never gotten legend. Pros call cards wrong all the time and you think you're smarter?

You're not the only one

Even the 10 armor isn't bad you mong. Nowhere close to being shit like many other cards.


1000 yen has been deposited into your checking account

t. Cygames Studios

Say no more.

>Muh stealth rager will be good guys wait and see!

Fucking... this

Honestly, competitive play used to just be one druid deck, one warrior deck, one spicy meta busted deck™

and right now its druid, mage, and shaman

the point I'm trying to make is that druid's versatility has never, ever had a drawback and that it is consistently always been a top tier class

That's good for us then.
Don't need a lot gold/dust to stay competetive.

you could try being good at the game fag

Tempo Mage is gonna crush all the optimistic slow decks.

Mana ramping, Choose One and not having a single drawback.

I'm putting one of those into my deck the second i got him. Just to tilt people who somehow loses against rogue.
Also, I will make shittiest deck possible so priests will stop taking my toys from me

Ok, /hsg/ Jade Idol turns out to be completely OP and blissard decides to nerf it.
Propose nerfs

I think Dispatch Kodo is super underrated. That's old keeper good sometimes and with the buffs like HanCho you can do so much damage.