Someone that isn't Vlad x Vayne edition
Someone that isn't Vlad x Vayne edition
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first for holy fire is not REAL fire
Functional, and stylish~
xth for braum tits
Xth for Vi a cube!
ew thats gay
I didn't want to do Elementalist Lux though...
Reminder that Tank Akali is back and very strong
theres nothing gay with two grown men playing in a pool user
That's all the items she has? Wtf?
its fine the skin looks like ass
Sign my petition if you want to make a message about Lulufag and don't like the yordle lore changes whatever they are
>we're going to solidify her as an assassin
>by giving her a lot of regen to make her good in extended fights
okie dokie
>ywn be this lovey dovey
feels bad man
should i buy Camille ? i like the snobbyness
Elemental Lux cinematic
fight me in real life
Azir's cool to don't worry.
team builder ranked was a mistake
aggressively shit just like the skin
>TFW leo hooks your carry and then strikes Garen with Solar Flare and sets him ablaze before he bisects her with some sort of flashy anime finisher.
>Wizard Hat is back on Akali
Shame this means less angry dragon.
I assume you can open boxes for elemental lux right
>Teambuilder ranked was a mistake
>When "Mid or feed yasuo" repeatedly kept appearing
I'd much rather have the current system we have now then people who hold the fucking game ransom.
but what if
what if
you go full damage
and you let someone
just listen
let someone tank it for you?
holy steel is not real steel!
also it usually works like "kill them all, let god sort them out" or, to quote sheckley, "anyone disposed of by a government official is, by definition and by unwritten law, a potential criminal", not that the fire and steel don't literally hurt
yes, we finally have a prim and proper champion that is hime-style snob instead of a bore like Cait
>Land Taric's ult
>Never sure how useful it actually is because the enemy just stops attacking
A really tall guy who is trying to get a Silvally at the moment and likes birds alot while listening to the Battlefield 1 soundtrack.
I'm also hoping Camille is a bunch of fun.
70% or 100% crit on jhin? Can't really decide which is better and when to go for 100% or when to stop at 70%.
Impressive. I just don't like how weak she feels even when built full damage, and the increased r cooldown makes me less comfortable with relying on outplay
(also a sad Ezreal-less faggot)
>she doesn't even shoot the laser
i took my pants off for this?
the people who bitch about their jungler's not winning lane for them are ridiculous
i legit feel bad for jungle mains
if you and your team get to survive the fight, your ult served its purpose
It is the jungle's job to do something though
>feeling bad for the role that has been objectively broken for the past year and will continue to be the strongest role unless drastic changes to the nu jungle are made
i don't see it killing anything
did she drown?
Dark Lux confirmed not only best waifu but also strongest form. Get fucked every other form fags
was that AP akali or AD?
I was thinking AP but she critted ez at one point
ganking losing lanes? fuuck that
yeah it's pretty disappointing
>syndra/leblanc knockoff lux is better than any other form
lux sure is a shitty waifu
>the enemy stops attacking for 3 seconds
>was that useful? I dunno...
you're an angel.
Why did I waste 30$ on a skin for a champ I don't play in a game I don't even like?
its available ?
she was eaten and digested by an Elemental beast.
they made sure to take their time and feel her squirm around in their belly's as magical queen's are a rare delicacy in runeterra
>not getting a harem with all 10 forms
look at this beta over there
Samurai Yasuo skin when?
you're my angel
where fuck is the jungler? hasn't ganked mid once ugh fucking dumb nerd! (c)
>Get fucked
as something bad
i take it dark lux is alone and nobody wants to fuck her
Does Veeky Forums like Ezreal?
All adcs are a bunch of cry babies.
You shits do watch your flanks, you see the support going to ward ONE FUCKING SECOND, then you dive, die and say
> Hurr durr sup doesnt stay in lane with me hurr durr
Fuck you. You're a fuckig moron.
Adcs are the most stupid motherfuckers of the game.
That's a good question
Why the hell isn't this a skin?
The thing is, maybe they would stopped attacking anyway, I have no way to know. Contrast with Kayle's instant "screw you" moments, where she blocks Veigar's ult.
>people actually buy skins for champions they don't like or play regularly
I just don't get it.
Talon likes him
who doesn't like lux?
>tfw I own every yasuo skin
>But I bought none of them
Riot wants me to be a yasuo main but I won't do it
Looks like someone's salty they can't play the most mechanically demanding role in the game
Why not?
Playing any other champion than Yasuo is anti-fun for me at this point. I can only have fun when I play him.
Looks like someone dont admit most adc suck and are retarded.
You didnt address anything in my post fucking 18 year old.
NA kids are so fucking gay.
I see a socially anxious KV in his early twenties who has nothing to live for and will harbour suicidal thoughts until his depression finally consumes him desu.
>maybe they would stopped attacking anyway
why would they stop attacking if they were in range to deal damage? every player lives to deal damage, they often do it at the expense of their own safety.
because it's on Yi already
wasn't it fire + nature = lava ?
>mfw people are bitching about the cinematic
yasuo critted akali when she was dashing to ezreal
akali was ap
It could've been better
consider the following Jax build:
buy blue smite but don't complete jungle item
berserkers --> gunblade --> triforce --> rageblade
This while making sure to get 10% cdr from runes and a spirit visage for max CDR.
This makes Jax an unkillable monster with 2.5 attack speed and a massive amount of resistances + regen.
I made a thing.
No I'm not vladfag.
post more graves
So what? Yasuo fits the idea perfectly, and so does Yi. Knowing Riot, it's shocking that they didn't exploit the weeb Yasuo main demographic
I would like to punch Vlad in the face too.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, she's an emotion based elementalist.
This is the dumbest of shit. WHY? I mean fuck, are you telling me the only way she could turn into a water-based elementalist by think about getting her coochie eaten? Or a Wind based elementalist by paying her bills?
C'mon Riot!
this is good, I like it
where is part 1 ?
Idk man im gonna just give my 2 cents, on average adc players are much much better than support players. Its objectively much harder than support is. I mean I know your post says that they are retards but I mean youre probably low elo where all 10 players are shit no matter what so it isnt specific to adcs. Especially since you are also one of the retards.
t. d3 trash but still better than support mains in high masters.
This game is truly dead. Years ago that vid would've made this thread and reddit explode. Now people barely give a damn. China is the last bastion for Riot.
I stole it from here.
>left straight
i tought darius was a righty? or maybe he didnt want to kill him and used his left, probably
>No first day sale for Elementalist Lux.
Lmao, would have bought it at legendary-tier price, but there's 0 way I spend $30 on a single skin.
It was his free hand.
> Screen goes black in the in
Im w8 they show fcking LASER WITH KAAABOOOM sound, wow im so dissapointed
Hey goy, theres a sweet bundle right now!
try to erp you when you play support?
there hasn't been a first day sale on a skin for a year
how are you even surprised
porn of girl on right where?
>Riot's thinking about tower changes and reduce cooldown on soldiers
I'm not sure this will help Azir in any meaningful way. Personally I would just focus most if not all his damage on his soldiers , up his damage consistency, up his zoning and just replace his E with something else.
azir already has a strong laning, it's just he is no burst damage and no damage generally
>Shaclone got Tyler1'd