/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #834

>Schedule for November:
11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
11/9 - 11/14 - Rise of the Beasts (Four Celestials)
11/14 - 11/21 - Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope (Redux)
11/21 - 11/28 - Defender's Oath (Redux and Renewal)
11/25 - 12/2 - Four Knights of a Fallen Land (Redux and Renewal)
11/30 - 12/8 - Between Frost and Flame

11/21 - 11/30 - Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



die chenni

what a cute teen



Best R potatoes. (Not shown Souffle and Philosophia)

I love teenage characters.


Anyone up doing EX stages? I need to do them because I'll be busy for the next few days.


>Fire Knights moving to Earth and Wind

I love Jeanne!

Does a dirt build use 1 bow or no bows?

none, baka!

Who /Jeannus/ here?

she's not even a teen


Usually none but if you WAITEKITA ZE you might want 1-2.

r-reposting in new thread!

She is according to an user a few threads ago.

How many Ranks do you gain in an average month?

How much are 3000 coins? I want to get a begginer's pack.

>characterless SR's
Also, muh 10-rolls.

3090 yen

Bout 30 buckaroos

What is there to carry in a slime room? If someone does too much damage you won't get decent EXP.

Can you do 25K at least?

110 in 3 months. Do the math.

If they jump ship then they weren't true fire knights

How is Wrestler?


If I get the pack now do I get to use the ticket to buy any character or just the ones available when I use it?

It's based on the day you created your account.

I don't have any plain damage and I'm only doing it for the drops, I don't care about exp!

Since I didn't get any responses the last thread.

I got an account with a salted email, is there any way to change my log in information to my personal email? The links I've found don't seem to be working.

It's taken me 4 months to go from 118 to 125


i' gay

Someone add a suck sound effect

Rank 1~100 > 2.5 months
Rank 100~119 > 1 month
Rank 119~128 > 1 month
Rank 128~138 > 1 month

Lot of slime between 125~138 since it was during the 50% EXP bonus. But now I've slowed down a lot, not much point to grind considering how long it takes to level up and how all my 5* are 100 now.

AS fare as I know, no. You can change you account name once (and just once), but I don't think you can change your e-mail.

How many pots would it take to get 200 corow anima in 2 days?

Yes. How do you think account resellers go about their business?

You can change your e-mail as many times as you like on the mobage website.

Who is this DJ ripoff

>go to sp.mbga.jp/ and login
>click middle icon at the bottom labeled マイページ
>click green down arrow then the cog
>click first thing listed labeled メールアドレス
>fill in new email

You are looking at 40 pots give or take.

3 silver anima par Extreme. 30AP.

(Maniac have a higher yield but in 2 days not like it will make much difference on the average).

Fat DJ

About a day and some change left for Mangafest. How's it been treating you Anons?

Im new to the game

how do I beat chapter 3 - 4 to get free lancelot?

>finally a flip from Colochang
b-bbut I awawawa-wanted a wand..

A bunch of fists from Colo and Tiamat. Got a gun yesterday.


Finished my gun light pool but have gotten 0 swords. At least I'll have a second MLB soon with the remaining ones in the shop as I'm almost at the required renown for them.

>finally a flip from Colochang
>b-bbut I awawawa-wanted a wand..
You and me, user.

I can't even find the log in form.

I get it, burgerboy.

Are you opening the link in Chrome emulator?

Do you still need help? Are you hosting everything? I can carry it if all you want are items. But it means you won't get EXP unless you can do some damage.


1 snek knife
I bought the other one with pendants.

I am Greek

Sorry meant for

50 Berries, 1 Celeste Axe.

I'll blow all my supplies on the last day.

I should buy this account right? There are more SSRs

Is there any particular way to do that? I can log in to the game just fine, but the link redirects me to mbga.jp/

Right click, inspect element, then click the phone icon in the corner.

Is Gunslinger still good or is Wrestler better?

Almost the same in Baha HL.

I'm not telling Lucius that Minigobu is in my crew.

Speaking of, all I need is Teena now for the full Goblin Hunter crew.


Tell him faggot

No point in farming Nebuchad and using Gunslinger besides mastering it for the passive now.

What are good skills for Warlock?

Is Laser Focus still shit?

chaser and splitting spirit


>Titbird charms the whole party
You should be better than that my nakamas


I'm going to rip Minigobu's fucking head off!

Who the fuck is ??? on these yahoo auctions?

To avoid ban

le ground zero kill the chev as soon as I get in xDDDD

Gut these cunts.

I don't get this seanig meme

Its just a retard being retarded

Is what she says true? And why does she sound like an old hag?

one last question, do I fuck up the original owner of the account by changing the email?

I mean, does he lose access to all his salted accounts?

2 chev swords, 7 selfies. Pretty well.

chev has plenty of health to survive multiple GZ, step it up and open her at 50% or don't join if you aren't fast enough to hit her during unmerge

>FF XV is out
>Spent too much money on GBF
At least there's twitch

>tfw reached the point where I actually just press AUTO to farm while I do other stuff on the side

I was not looking forward to this when I first started the game.

>ahah this chloe character has a funny voice i wonder who's the VA
>article about the VA being stabbed 20 times by a crazy fan

post zoi



Thank you guys for helping me with slimes! I only managed to get 2 half pots, but that's my own fault..


is he any good?

Thanks for the host. Hope you got nice loots from it.


That's Tomita Mayu, not Miyu.