lego legends, eating plastic edition
lego legends, eating plastic edition
Best girl!
Kayle in a skirt!
Death to all Janna mains
He's the best!!
I learned how to play Kat again, vg vs vg, beware
Functional, and stylish~
>still no qt bf
Cooked for >1's AP ratio is 15%
2 seconds AP Ratio is 45%
3-4 second AP ratio is 75%
5(Max amount of time) second cook is 110% AP
the thought process is that its a nerf to her mid range insta-poke and is now more of a zoning tool. It also helps her clear lane faster helping out mid lux
if she uses Q first she is atleast guaranteed a 3 second damage pop in most cases
whilst the other changes help mainly support Lux and give her a anti-stealth Vision niche
Im saying the point blank insta snare into a full combo isnt fair not her being ranged. so long as she holds onto Q you cant encroach onto her and her kill potential remains high. It just needs some slight telegraphing so you can atleast burn a flash or something.
the other thing is that Lux deals all her damage from the backline so if you manage to bypass her frontline and slows and make your way to her you shouldn't just eat a 2s snare and get inevitably collapsed on
Guys, is it true that support mains are severely lacking in the mechanics department?
you just need to actually git gud, NO ONE in high elo has trouble with her
I wanna hold Jinx's hand
So we bunking here now
>reseated my fan and now my cpu is a steady 42 degrees, down from steady 98
really makes heat sink
which champions let me auto win if I go even in lane?
>People who try hard an arams
>They think they're skilled when they're all poke and the enemy team has no dive
Is Aram literally where the most skilless and toxic of the community hides out?
I've never had to mute people as much as I do in aram
>inb4 why are you in aram
Because easiest way to level a smurf
nasus if you know how to close out a game
the temperature went down
a champion like that would be broken if it existed
but that ahri is about to initiate leona, not janna
im fine with farming under tower not even looking at the enemy which champion lets me do this?
>tfw the villain has the nerve to step within my attack range as Garen
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
pw vidya
vg v vg needs 6 NA
How do I play her?
git good
her snare is already not a stun like say syndra, ahri, annie etc have (so assassins still can aa and cast their crap) and is much worse at point blank than morgana's snare
i guess some lux dumpstered your assassin ass at mid and you are mad now
Does Veeky Forums think Ezreal's cute?
vg vs vg +5!
pw: vidya
Yes we do dont mind , hes a sissy that likes big hairy men
I have a strong urge for more fanfiction/write pieces.
>no update on the EzxMale fluff that was rolled yesterday
feels bad man
Really funky Tryndamere
Tape two big blue round memory foam shaped pillows together, slather them in oil. Wedge the good old cock clencher between them and load up your favorite Tristana rule 34. Turn your volume up to absolute maximum and set Tristana's death sounds on repeat. Insert your weiner into the trap and begin thrusting like it's keeping you alive.
Congratulations, you have learned how to play Tristana.
>Mundo is now less useful than Nasus for the first 20 minutes of the game
Buffs when?
odds buy that overpriced lux skin
even don't
But i love lulu!
I see the other lulufag as a brother in spirit, and i have cried for him. But i must keep praising lulu, because that's how i connected to him.
for shame
buy it sir
youre lucky your cancer wasnt nerfed before the preseason
7 and you buy it
you are a good person
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums back on NA
Why should I join?
I wish I could walk into lane playing the Team Skull theme
youll earn some ip and renown among your people hero
>open friends list
>12 friends with ultimate lux icon
Goddammit. Being BR and poor is suffering
nope nidalee
>tfw Azir can't walk into lane with his goons that are wearing punk outfits and he's their boss, yo.
vg needs 3
*teleports behind you*
Also that lightning fag can fuck off. shit taste
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
Join so I can flame you.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
>Talon's hand is huge compared to Trump's.
Kal is like all the other league girls, she deserves to be loved too.
is talon a mexico?
So what's the splash art for the karma christmas skin anyways?
what makes gangplank such a terror lategame?
>literally jumps walls
it fits
Aoe crit
>Shaclone permabanned
>/lolgen/ isn't sucking his dick
What the fuck? I thought you fags loved toxic assholes.
>12 friends with ultimate lux icon
be special, show it with this new lux icon!
Just do we he did.
Nobody liked Shaclone. Nobody.
Everyone hates dirty shaco players, let alone the king clown himself.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
Good scaling, but you need to git gud with him to do shit, also global ultimate with utility/burst/constant damage that can win teamfights on its own.
I like tyler1 because he's entertaining
shaclone is just an asshole, and not in the entertaining way
>none of the recent champs or reworks got third skins execpt for taric.
Why did they even gave Lux the skin this year, fucking monotonous and boring champ to play, literally one combo that can be executed in one way to do one thing.
just got banned after a game everyone feeds, loved how yasuo in top get angry after getting killed by darius and come to take my jg camps
see ya guys in 14 days
It's an improvement over Sona and fucking udyr.
>buying skins
>giving money to chinese jews
>in the year MMXVI
I hope you guys don't actually do this.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
place your BETS
Most of the recent reworks other than Taric and Yorick already have a ton of skins, so it's understandable. Unless you think we need yet another Ryze skin.
I go red
So you dont buy any product in your life?, you should check you pc parts cuck
Learning GP and Ryze right now, rate my match history.
I bet on team "Mommy bought me this skin for being a good boi"
Gamer girl bux
Waifu fag bux
Shitter bux
Is it really necessary to brand me a leaver in my match history because of bugsplat?
>So you don't buy any product in your life?
No, i am a gigolo. Unlike you, who is a slave of the jew.
tfw shitter bux
Playing Spirit Guard Udyr and smiling to myself when people complain that it should be his normal skin.
good taste in champions
Riot is a small indie company man
If it's necessary to brand me a leaver for my internet dying.