/wfg/ - Warframe General

Nezha is not petite edition

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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/YSSbAnW.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

> forums.warframe.com/topic/715768-update-19-the-war-within/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh


Your -35% infested zhuge mod sucks dick.

inb4 ignorant shitters who dont know that short is included in the word petite


We have a chart that shows all female frames's asses and busts yet we don't have one for male bulges?

Rhino wins by a landslide for that.


Attention nogames4 players

Blue potato blueprint, courtesy of the grineer. Get it while you can.

>come back after about a year-long break
>every. single. frame. introduced is fucking hideous
>they went into triple-overdrive with all the fucking retard-huge syndanas that clip through EVERYTHING and do not match a single frame design or texture-wise
>retards and their black and red edgeframes or [hit random and add gold accents] primeframes eat it up

>literally the only good cosmetics released are the mock-grineer skins and they're not even by DE
>the only good syndanas outside of 1-2 extremely situational combos (like valkyr + perrin sequence syndana) are like the first three and the phased asa

That might be hard considering some of them wear extra stuff like Loincloths.

Unless proportion user finds a way.


he's wearing a cod piece so it's not fair

We do?

>this pic

this shit right here....nah, this aint normal man. you niggas need to get laid

What am i exactly looking at.
and why does it over analytical.


Volt's is bigger

what does underbust mean?

kys asap

So are Riven mods the new prime source of plat for lucky people?

Lol why you so mad tho????




dude, it's coming up on ~midnight usa time on the monday after a holiday weekend, of course shit's going to be slow

Everybody too busy jerking it to Limbo's hot tits.

No really, says Limbo has tits, or am I reading that wrong? wtf is up with that?

stop shitposting anytime console shitter.

The bottom of the diagram is the front. Limbo doesn't have tits, he has weird back things.

There is a catalyst invasion going on though, he's right

So... he has to wear a backwards bra?

>Bring Limbo to sortie Keyla to help team survive the missiles
>Weapons too low dps, get fucked, team dies to her anyway

>Bring Banshee
>Team can actually run away from missiles
>Fuck shit up with Sonar

That does it. I'm bringing Banshee to any assassination from now on. Your team won't get shat on if the boss dies before they do.



Banshee's very underrated. I've never seen anyone but me bring her for defensive stuff like excavation, and she's great in those. 64 meter ult range for 8 energy per second is hot.

>Bring Limbo to sortie Keyla to help team survive the missiles
Stop this shit.
You don't need a limbo or frost or whatever to survive missiles.
You just jump up to the video screen to the left of where Kela sits in between waves. Missiles don't hit up there.

Call me an elitist, but if a shitter teammate doesn't jump up on the screen with me and dies to missiles, especially when I even waypointed it, I don't bother reviving them.


>"Hurr Durr I play Banshee because SQ is one of the few cheeses left in the game"

>bring rhino
>tank kayla's missile and recast iron flesh
>buff everyone with roar
>blast her in the face with a opticor so hard her model just bursts into treats on death

>mfw Banshee shilling backfires and Fatfuck nerfs Sonar and Soundquake

I use Banshee to make shit like Ignis viable.

I'll fite u nig

>iron flesh
>iron fucking flesh
not to mention tanking a LV100 missile with iron skin, shut the fuck up already and use wukong like the big guys you utter shitter

I... I actually like Banshee mostly for Sonic Boom. Easy, spammable, long range knockdown.


>bring opticor with pure damage build and +200% damage riven mod
>blast her in the face with a opticor so hard she only loses a few pixels off her healthbar

sure thing kid

how much can I jew it for?

stay mad

Some missions are meant to be cheesed. Besides, SQ is mostly just CC in lategame anyway, and other frames have better CC at that point.

It's a solid ability. All her abilities are solid except her ult being boring. No idea what they could do to fix it though.

i am not the one bullshitting here.
go with your fairy tales to the forums, maybe you can fool someone in there.

it's shit. 200p if you're lucky.

Lots because people are dumb, but it's not that great. %damage on Tonk is meh because you use HC already. Multishot and crit stats are what you want.

>Some missions are meant to be cheesed.
Yeah, that's what Wolves say about the stock market. Excuses to justify bad behaviour.
Also, RQ exists, and while you can't be self sustaining on higher levels with the damage, you can build Banshee to to complete very specific tasks in unreasonable amounts of time. 5 waves of IO in 150 seconds, that kind of shit.

>+ damage
>+ free elemental damage
>0 rerolls
"your riven mod is shit" is the new hot maymay?

post your opticor build faggot

let's see how bad you're lying

>Nova continues to be perfect

>shitter already asking for a Banshee nerf
i hope you learnt something today Banshee fags, keep your shit to yourself.

>fell for the Zarr is good meme

Why would anyone use this over the Tonkor?

People would rather spend thousands on an exceptional mod than hundreds on a decent mod. Your mod is nothing special, deal with it.

>Why would anyone use this


I have 800 fucking hours on Banshee, I know how to cheese with her. Doesn't mean I do or condone it.

Why would anyone use the tonkor over the simulor?

Exactly, and doing shitty low level missions is boring no matter what you play. Might as well save some time and cheese that shit. I used to use Saryn, but Banshee is fewer button presses.

I've made a huge mistake.

But the Simulor is decent

The Zarr is basically a weaker Tonkor that can kill you if someone decides to run infront of you

>Banshee nerf
It's inevitable at this point. Fatfuck will have capped Banshee's sonar to 400% for the quality of live reasons and make that augment that increases SQ's energy drain periodically a normal part of the skill in an effort to "reduce the number of useless augments".

>but Banshee is fewer button presses.
Which is why that shit needs a nerf.

Why would anyone use guns over melee?

>And I'm sitting here using the Tiberon

because not everyone has been playing for 300 days

The Zarr is slightly higher damage than the Tonkor if you don't count crits, and its mini-bombs cover more area than the Tonkor does so it's better versus groups. The multiple damage instances also makes it way better against nullies.

Tonkor's stupid to begin with, so comparing stuff to it isn't a great use of time.

Not a nerf. A rework. Her other 3 abilities are great, but her ult is boring as fuck. DE clearly want to fix abilities with no interaction like Ash's ult, so they'll get around to Banshee eventually.

Hmm.. Not sure which one to go with here. The +Fire Rate and damage of the first option are nice, but +Multishot and Crit Chance makes a crit build actually viable on the Daikyu.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to casuals.

I'd take the second. You can easily get more fire rate with other mods, but multishot and crit stats are harder to come by. Also elec is nice and no negative stat.

Too bad it's for the Daikyu.

How do you guys get around 40k players honestly

I played that game a while, most grind heavy game i've ever played

>The Twin Roga are actually great
I think these things might be better than most of the primaries in the game.

even with that you wouldn't get that high crit chance compared to other bows

the multishot is nice but 200% damage is outright better

My first Riven mod since I restarted playing. Looks decent enough, worth upgrading my Dera over?

Its burst is good but it's sustained is terrible. It's slightly better than a Pyrana.

really? I only got them to 30 and didn't have time/will to play with them but it looked like them 2 shots "magazine" killed them

they sound great

you havent played PoE yet i guess

Yeah, that's pretty true. They've just been bursting really well for me. I've not needed them sustained yet, though. Haven't put them through all the paces. But they could be great support weapons for a good primary.

I guess I'm used to small magazine-size weapons. Tonkor's really tiny magazine hasn't been bothering me. I've gotten used to reloading with every shot or so. Engage, kill, disengage, reload, repeat. It's a tactic that stops working at high levels on endless missions, though. It works for the rest of the game.

Someday, I will do a raid. Maybe once I finally reach MR 20.

How many of the old shit tier weapons have you all actually gotten use out of with riven mods? I got a pretty great on paper one for the Harpak (+dmg +heat +magazine i think) but it's just not fun to use since it's a slow burst with wide spread and projectiles and the alt fire is useless. Only gun I've learned to enjoy is the Synapse with a +crit dmg riven, reminds me of the Lightning Gun, shame about the shit range.

will be really good for mag
i actually am really jealous, that punch through would be really nice for magnetize

Yeah Nezha's size caught me off guard, was expecting him to be smaller than some of the girl frames. Agile stance remedies that though.

Supra is usable again with Riven mods. It's damage was already decent to begin with but since it's classified as having strong disposition the buffs you can get for it are pretty good.

I was told by a friend the grind isn't as bad as before, that you can choose your rewards now. Last time I played was around 1-2 years ago when you had to go to 40 minutes t3 defence to even have a 5% chance of getting a Loki P part and the only viable gun was Boltor Prime.

Is the game fun yet? Are DE still mega jews?

No. Yes, they're even worse and getting more shekel hungry all the time. Eventually they'll birth a dragon from all the greed at their HQ.

you haven't played Runescape i guess

New system is good and bad. You can choose from 1 of 4 rewards in a full squad and increase the drop chance for rares for a relic (new void keys pretty much), however there are a fuckton more relics than there were void keys and add new ones for every new prime so getting the grind is pushed to getting relics.

Game is as fun as you would have found it before at its core behind all the grind. Yes, for instance there's a new warframe where you have to grind helm/sys/chas to build two different" aspects then use those to build the actual warframe.

Getting prime stuff is slightly easier, but they increased the grind to get the relics to unlock them.

I don't find anymore fun in this game. It's a chore to me.

DE grows Jewer every "hotfix".

>Is the game fun yet?
I've always enjoyed it
>Are DE still mega jews?
Fuck yes.

They're fantastic on Volt & Toxic Chroma.

post """"""""creative"""""""

Holy shit this Kela mission. My whole group just up and quit on me after we spent 2 or 3 minutes fighting her.


I've given up on decorating my ship. Pretty much pointless since no one can see it.
I just throw the shit I get in a corner and that's it.

my shrine of sorts, there's an excal on the shelf too

I did it with my limbo using cata for the bombardment, idiots in my group didn't go in it the majority of the time, and I spent half the fight reviving them. we killed her though, slowly, got a fucking forma.

none to be honest.
the problem with old weapons is often the mechanics, not the damage.
you can get the powercreeped version if you just want to deal more pain.
you like the karak?
you can use the braton or the soma, what kind of riven mod do you need if the mechanics are exactly the same?
i could go on but honestly the riven mods are just a plat resource for nostalgia fags, i made like 1200p already but can't hardly see myself using them in an old weapon.
those old weapons should be rebalanced or add some new gimmick, just more damage won't help a subpar weapon.

>Secura Lecta
>enemies always drop 2x credits aslong as the weapon is drawn

Holy shit when did they buff this? I'm literally drowning in credits now.

Not able to take screenshots, but I dump my ayatans half powered and half not powered all over the orbiter. It looks nice when my dog sleeps next to a pile.

Only once I can sell stuff for plat will I ever think of buying crappy decorations to make it really look like a workshop.

good luck hitting the side of a barn with it.

This Kela fight just feels so obnoxious. Two of her rocket taps pop my frost bubble, one will down someone and she just has so much fucking health.