/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #835

>Schedule for November:
11/1 - 11/9 - A Peace of the Pie
11/9 - 11/14 - Rise of the Beasts (Four Celestials)
11/14 - 11/21 - Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope (Redux)
11/21 - 11/28 - Defender's Oath (Redux and Renewal)
11/25 - 12/2 - Four Knights of a Fallen Land (Redux and Renewal)
11/30 - 12/8 - Between Frost and Flame

11/21 - 11/30 - Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop
12/25 - Christmas Stream

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

>Previous thread


This thread is officially a TITS thread.

>TITS thread.
shit thread tbqh
I really don't get it, you guys have the plebbest of the tastes

Guys! This game is clearly dead.
Time to play something better like soccer spirits

>soccer spirits
I'd rather play FGO thanks

I'm going back to Valkyrie Crusade.

I'm rerolling for Ishkar Rin in FGO as we speak!

I'll be free soon.

Thank you, based KMR.

I'm going back to my shitty DMM games

Can I windmeme a bit with Feena/Gawain/Petra and can I firesuffer a bit with Sen/Aoidos/Halloween Beato? I also have Teena and a couple of other decent fire SRs and Minigob.

You need to deal with what you have anyway. So yes and yes.

I didnĀ“t even notice the sword in the loot screen because that selfie distracted me.

Well I've got two teams in other colors, just wondering if it's reasonable to build up these as well.


Fuck I want selfies so much


What is this screen? It's not normal battle loot screen.

Posting in a best fire thread.

They will die. I hope they will be together even in death.

Pending battles I believe

battle log

Is there a trick to beating the challenge quest Knights and Demons or do I just need a decent water grid?

But I dont want to play as Sasuke

Fixed. She looks way to skinny and tits are too small.

Yo you can't just fix someones waifu like that dude.
Not cool.

Can thickfags ever not have to ruin everything

>tits are too small
Are you stupid or do you think tits are made of concrete

>at least 120 recorded rerolls
>stopped at some point around the 80 mark and didn't start again until later, so probably more like 140
>still no box knight
Is this game just trying to tell me to stay away? She's so cute though ;~;

Found the pedos/cowhaters.

9fc22ce8 grande

This is why I start dashed my cute box.

But dorafs aren't thick, they're just short girls with big tits. Go push your fat fetish somewhere else.

I would if I could afford it. I'm pretty jealous.


Chicken Bawk Bawk

>But dorafs aren't thick,

Did you get any SSRs from those rerolls?

Maybe if you'd get that fat out of your eyes you would see that your projection isn't accurate.

Helped you with fixing.



A couple, yeah. Sarunan twice, the high kicking doraf girl, Magisa, Rackam twice, Rosetta, and a couple others I don't remember. No cute potatos.


>implying I'm going to listen to a pedo

>thicc thighs, thicc ass, waist only looks thin because of her pose
>not thicc

Bulge not big enough.

>thickfags are fat themselves

thickfags are usually the skinnest motherfuckers, kinda creepy honestly

>because of her pose
desperate much

Question, what makes Zoi so good? I don't know what part of her kit makes her SSS+

Whatever helps you sleep at night, chubby chaser.

fucking robbed

Feeders are usually skinny faggots. Same with how hungry skeletons also prefer musclebound women.

Which is why alpha males prefer little girls. Or in the most extreme cases, become them. Like Caggy.

>those THICC thighs

>thickfags are usually the skinnest motherfuckers
Can't deny that. You got my number.

People tend to look for traits they don't have, traits that they end up idealizing or wishing they had themselves, in a partner.

Creepy though you may find it, it's normal.

>Just got SSR Romeo's third skill
What's the best way to use him?
Should i use his skill only when it's needed like Yoda?

>Fish out of water

>What's the best way to use him?
Replace him with a better character.

You mean this bulge?

She doesn't do anything by herself.
She allows you to abuse backwater which is a broken multiplier.

post mail, I'll give you box and Nemone

She's tanned you piece of shit.

It gives you back all 5 charges when it deactivates, so you don't really run out of charges that easily

>tan isn't brown
She's brown like EMIYA is brown. Not nigger.

Yes. Needs to be just a bit bigger and the tip needs to be wet.

Forgot you like your women to look as close to how a little girl would. Fucking fag.


Vane is so fucking dumb

>if you dont like like your women to look like obese whales or have excessive fat you are a pedo
Apparently, people who like fit are pedos.

Just like how Sara is a teenager.

What happened here

Bigger? Wet?

>The meal is 10k rupies.
>Vane has 5k rupies.
>Lancelot has 2.5k rupies
>Percy is trying to sort it out and Vane is being a fucking retard

>doraf females ejaculate out of their horns and actually impregnate males
That would make sense as to how doraf women aren't killed when babymaking

I like this.

Forgot to add
>Sieg has a 10k coin

sieg is so pretty


[email protected] will work. Nemo's that cute brown erune, right?

Can someone post that fuck you phalanx sticker?

No, nemo is that dumb mentally damaged nigger.


that fuck you phalanx sticker?


that fuck you phalanx sticker


GBF needs more playable human lolis



They have to be SSR or they don't count. Reminder we've had NO new SSR lolis since the new year!


did you get them?

Do we even have human lolis besides Io

Sure did, thank you. Trying to navigate the email/password switch stuff. You've made my night, thank you so much.

No problem



>Chapter 60 onward

Oh boy, I love smashing my face against a wall for rebound bonus.


Grind and come back later?

>ip blocked
fugg, what do? Never used a proxy before

Learn how to use one.
