League of Legends General - lolg

another buff nidalee edition!


>buff Nidalee

>10 forms of lux require MASTERY SKIN AT 4K RP

Why is Nunu's passive so garbage?

Same with Heimer and Lissandra..


Death to 100% (all) of Janna mains.

It's only 3250. The 4k RP one is if you want 10 icons and a ward skin too.

>Finally hit diamond 3
>OTP's and challenger smurfs occupy 90% of every game
>Every now and then you get that le ebic streamer in your game who demands their role and doesn't communicate at all
>Picks retarded shit if he doesn't get it

Why is it only getting worse?

Carry harder

But I keep getting autofilled support.

Get good at carry supports then? It's really not that hard.

>carry supports
Whats it like being silver 2?

>tfw your dick is too small to titty fuck sona

>Brand support played at worlds
>Who would play a "carry" support?! XD!!!!

>implying you cant carry with supports in diamond & above
>what is challenger support mains

What's ya point? I play supports that can tank and go in on people. Stop being a dumbass and a whiny little bitch and get good. Only you are stopping yourself from climbing. Play Mao, Braum, or Sion support and go deep into the other team.

>tfw your dick is big enough to fuck yordles (female)

How do you start onetricking? Just start instalocking a champ you like and get good at it through repetition? What about in bad matchups?

I wish I could be a diamond support so I get adcs that know when to go after drg and not die when I leave to roam and place wards. After 5 seasons I'm start getting to rank.

I can't believe I miss trick2g's influence on the game, he taught people how valuable objectives are and that you don't have to go 20/0 and carry the game as a glass cannon.

The point of onetricking is making the skill gap between you and your opponent so large you can bruteforce your way through any matchup.

>Current year
>kennen still has no counters and is turbo cancer
Its a good thing more people don't play him.

How do I stop myself from sperging out at people?
Like some ridiculous type shit happens. And I want to strangle the person I'm playing with.

For example I was playing support. My ad stops auto attacking and runs away. And he could have taken a free double kill. But he literally RUNS away LMFAo

Then the our team is like wtf this botlane is trash as fuck. And this happened in P LA T. Fucking plat shitters i swear to fucking god are worse than the people in gold

Just pick a champion you enjoy/like is what I did. But can't one trick all the time should have a back up. Also try to pick a champ that can be helpful to the whole team or split push like a god.
Still got them dummies that just went DA GATES and try to 1vs5 the other team.
It's hard to pick from hec, vayne, and him.

You don't, instead you create a smurf and stomp people well below you, rinse and repeat until you've got a couple of thousand viewers.

>tfw your bull is big enough to titty fuck sona

Dumb frogposter

How do we buff the Champ? He's pretty shit right now.

Sorry m8.
My fetish his humiliation.
I may have a small dick, but my I'm not so pathetic as to be a cuck.

Reminder that Ahri and Kindred are nothing but furry sluts.

thanks for the advice nightblue :v)

>I'm not the bull

But why buff him if people hates him?

>expecting diamond adcs to be anything but 95% hot garbage

You're not going to enjoy the truth

t. Diamond support

If you say so user.

Statistically one of the worst top laners, only has a decent win rate in the jungle where you can avoid his awful laning

They just have to be a bit better than the adcs I get in sliver. Maybe I should just get a duo adc that's not stupid and climb with them.

You can play him then and make the win rate better! You can do it user!

Ahri is not a furry. All she got is tails and ears.


Who here /lux elementalist/?

Who here have lux as waifu?

Who here are a Lux main?

Who here bought the ultimate skin 1 minute after release?

Still furry since she's a fox.

Gas the waifu fags



they are 20% better than silver adcs but 9850% more entitled

Their overinflated ego causes them to throw on purpose 90% of games they play because something didn't go right in their beautiful pink-coloured world

5 is better than 3 and 4

lux is so boring
I don't even think her ultimate is worth all that money


The out of combat movement speed stacks on all Dirk items.

Including the Dirk with all three other items it builds into

>Full AD Garen
Nice, user.

>look at my out of combat movespeed guys woo
>look at my 50 movespeed guys

its actually full lethality

64 and 30% pen at that point in time

ekko didnt even survive 6 ticks of my spin

>the moment when you beat full LCS wannabe team with your meme comp after being 10k gp behind

>I sitll haven't had the courage to tell my guild why I've been away for all those weeks since september
>If I come back I'll be terribly undergeared and will most likely have no loot priority
>I still can't quite manage to stay awake late at night during what would be the raid times, because of my meds
>Maybe they even kicked me outright because they assumed I was gone

It sucks to be socially inept

What do

Should I keep playing league until I kms out of frustration

>didnt even survive 6 ticks of my spin
Maybe that item going to make Garen a powerful Top laner champ.

>5 is better than 3 and 4
We don't cotton to freaks around these parts! Scram, weirdo! Before we make you taste the pain!

yes, but keep in mind matchups so you can avoid the few that are going to be too awful to win even if you're the best with that champion
only played orianna for ages, used to play her even jungle and toplane splitpush with AS build

That's my main right now
He's likely the best toplaner right now to main, since he's one of the few that can win most matchups, and can influence teamfights heavily

Flexible schedule?

at ease, lad. i was only meme'ing

I have a flexible schedule but idk if they'll be willing to do a raid during another time than the evening, if that's what you were going to suggest

Kennen has, and always will be, the original cancer laner. I remember seeing him every game in season 2 and he's never had a hard counter.

Possibly the most infuriating thing is how easy it is for him to do well and how hard it is to punish him. He's the Lee Sin of top lane.

I wanna hold Jinx's hand
I also hope Mordekaiser's rework gives him a pillar man type of feel. I have a soft spot for the metal man of hues.

what champ do you day dream about when bored at work?

How about in the early mornings?

I may have had a high ranked on my last game and they went Raka top. They won their lane but let nasus get a ton of stacks and placed a ZZ for him to farm which I found dumb as fuck nod we lost.

>Kennen has, and always will be, the original cancer laner
I believe you haven't heard of something called the 'Renekton bar'


Being bad. No matter how good a champ is if the person playing them bad they will still be shit.

There shouldn't be shitters like this in high gold

>high gold
No such thing. Gold is just gold. That's like saying 'high silver'


The "Renekton Bar" only really became a thing is season 3. In Season 2 Renekton was actually considered fairly weak as top laners go, with a lot of people complaining that he essentially had no passive and did fuck all (this was back in the days of Atmogs and Fratmas and Jarvan jungle every game).

Sure Renekton was gay as fuck later on, but Kennen was cancer way before Renekton was, and hasn't ever stopped.

lifesteal or grasp

What happened to Jarvan jungle?

What server?

He probably just doesn't know what to do with Rengar, I lost a game like this with Rengar right after the patch although I didn't feed so hard because I somehow thought we were in S4 and built like Dandy used to, and I'm plat.

Same thing that has always happened to him every season
>riot nerfs everyone so hard that jarven actually starts to look strong
>they nerf jarven

Well, removing the free armor from his E definitely hurt. J4 was good because he was just a tanky mother fucker who never died while shitting out damage

And he forced enemy flashes like crazy

Take your pick:

>Removed armour and attack speed from his E
>Jungle changes meant more champs could jungle and be quicker at it
>Mobility creep meant his ult was no longer "flash or you die" for a lot of champs
>Archaic mana costs and blue reliance
>His W is literal shit
>No AoE
>All changes combined make his clear speed awful and his ganks are not the best in the game anymore to make up for it

Only thing Jarvan has going for him now is that he has one of the best level 2 all-ins of any champ on the roster.

> completely stomping game but having trouble siegeing with mostly melee team
> "i'll draw them bot you guys baron"
> team is working well together and all goes as planned
> except
> cho'gath tries to solo baron before anyone else gets there and gets executed
> "sorry guys this isn't my game"
> baron gets stolen, momentum shifts, we lose

i got a lotta games played and i ain't seen that one before

>no AOE
>literally has only AOE moves
It's quite sad how little AOE he still does

Yeah, I worded it poorly, but I meant his lack of AoE damage, not the absence of any AoE abilities.

Took them so long to make his ult hit multiple people though.

can only choose 1

How bad is sand bird now? I haven't really played for a bit and I know he got nerfed like 10 times

So if I wanted to play Blitzcrank top and actually win, should I max E > Q > W? I feel like E would be his strongest ability in a solo lane

Hows Reksar after nerfs and CotC

E doesn't scale well with levels


Talking about Jarvan doesnt he have one of the best pre 3 ganks? Wouldnt taking red+krugs and then picking a kill from mid viable?

You shouldn't, but if you do you should wait for ganks and level Q. Blitz damage is garbage for a solo laner, and you're going to run out of mana fast if you cast Q for damage


With Jarvan, his level 2 gank is about as strong as his level 3 gank because his W isn't worth picking up until level 4, so you're still only going in with E and Q.

But yeah, the standard play for Jarvan when he was good was to hit 2 and gank, and he's still exceptionally good at doing it. Only issue is that if it doesn't pay off you're now behind because you can't clear for shit.

other junglers can do the same while being superior in other aspects
why would you ever pick jarvan over Vi?

>there is a role, so shit and utter garbage in the game that Riot has to protect people from it

Jesus christ delete supports already.

I can get up early no problem

I only take my meds before dinner and they knock me down a few hours after

I'll try to gather my courage and say hi can we raid in sat/sun morning please

Lol, is cheap as fuck, fucking poorfags i swear

Just stop eating mcdonalds fatty

I already spent around 1000 bucks on LoL
I don't need a skin thats not even her best.
How much did you spend richfag?

>I have a lot of money to spare so I'll judge people who don't want to spend 8 meals worth on money for some shitty eye candy in a chinese videogame

t. Currently needs to spend 50 a week for my psychoterapy in hope it'll save my life


knights vow
any item that builds from forbidden idol, preferably redemption
spirit visage
+8% healing and shielding mastery

from your team's dps

I forgot


I'm full build with knights vow and I feel like it doesn't do anything. What's the problem with tank Zeke's?

All your items are going on someone else that's the problem