Fighting Games General /fgg/

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tfw nobody to play with

Why are polturds always triggered?

athena > athena


Her parents must be proud

SFV is a great game and season 2 will make it even better

do not lewd the aigis

Not him but you should kill yourself

who knows

for supposedly being anti-sjw and stuff they sure get upset at nothing quickly

Why don't you go back to shilling your SNK abortion? You're worse than HBR

I'm pretty sure that's the Nash player you meme'd on desu

t. underachieving online warrior

Daily reminder that sfv is shit.


No Mitsuru, no buy for P5A.

Yeah holy shit I'm so glad Capcom decided not to make a single balance patch for the entire year

It was a great choice

Very minimal downsides at all really

Couldn't be happier

makes sense

reminder that the chances of MvC4 being real are literally 50% right now

maybe you should play a good game or at least not play shit characters you dumb fat fuck


Wow, Broski looks like THAT?

We get it brick you are gay omfg

Yeah it's pretty sad honestly. He's always trying to keep up this cool persona but in reality he's just a loser.

maybe YOU should play good games

it's generally a pretty good idea I think, makes you happier and better, more people should play games they enjoy

but don't compliment capcom's patching schedule

>tfw you want to practice ramlethal garo setups in your warm cozy house but walmart needs you to unload 5 trucks today in the bitter cold

>Job interview
>tfw you do the question mix up by answering questions with questions
>Got the job


Kill yourself, fagfeels.

Dude, you are the one constantly crying how Gief is fucked in V and how you should've just chosen a better character.

Don't say people are bitches when all you do is crying like a bitch and get your ass spread to literally who nigerian Ken online players.

Get fucked forever.

shut the fuck up you stupid caveman don't talk shit to me

>being a wagecuck

You can usually see one of them replying to nearly every other post in the same lowercase posting style.

what the fuck are you talking about

First of all most of my wallowing and angst are just because I'm insecure about being shit and obviously can't get anywhere near the results of legitimately good players with the same character

But secondly I'm not even talking about that shit, what I'm saying right now is that capcom waiting for a year for even a preliminary balance pass on their brand new game is fucking retarded, also not calling people bitches

don't talk shit to ME, unless you're working through issues or osmething, then it's fine and we can talk, money match me at evo next year

Early 2017

When will Broski leave forever?

why are people dumping on broski and ghodere and being hella gay, they're like one of the few good trips left

dump on brick instead lmaooo

#Broskit ?

why all the hostility


this is the dougest dougpost ive ever seen lol

a certain kusojerk is triggered

Forgot your trip, broski.

what is this supposed to prove anyway, ToDs are like one of the reason people even play dic in st

Still no Akuma and S2 changes...

This is going to be a long week. I only hope Combofiend is not going to be too much involved with S2 changes.

That ST sucks

Everytime you read a discord shitpost, remember this webm

is super turbo the worst kusoge made by mankind? there is a special place in hell next to hitler for the guys who made it

it's really difficult to get a deep enough jump in to be able to combo from it. the crossup in that webm didn't combo into

On the contrary, ST is good.

Just look at SF5 Bison:
No range, no reversals, no nothing. ST Bison has the tools to kill off of one jump in. SF5 Bison has NOTHING/.

>jumping is difficult
LOL stfags

H___ s___, S_________ l____ b__

jumping is for scrubs, learn footsies kid

Hello son, Satan likes beans


This is almost word for word what the piss trip has said before. I'd say you were him but he NEVER posts without his trip!

Why is anonymous always so angry?

it's just common knowledge among people who spent more than an hour playing st, especially if they actually play dic

Imagine playing a kusoge like super turbo with brazil and mexico all day, wouldn't you be angry too?

ST rots brains, it turns out

When you post his pic again. He's a bigger fuccboi than juicebox holy shit.

He's like that gay kid from that one Veeky Forums screencap all grown up.

>watch anime tournaments
>anineets too busy worshiping japs to win
>watch street fighter tournaments
>americans take their losses to heart, train harder, and win later tournaments

Why are anime players such cucks?

Sfv has auto frametraps, ccs, and invincible dash and mash.

I love how discord gets shitposted to hell everytime they come here, ST sucks lmaooooooooo.

American FGC is built on worshipping ecelebs who finished 4th at Evo.

>Invincible dash and mash

Backdash gets crushcountered though


It's not amazing or anything but i'm really glad the devs still care and keep improving it.

I'm sure next patches will probably keep improving this stuff a bit.

Was it really only lighting changes, a lot of the models look way different in a good way

It's just that SFV lets frauds win

Fucking SNK. They have a once in a lifetime chance and they put this shit out while sucking sony cock. Same for asw.


>tfw KoF became the best looking fighting game
Literally no reason to not buy it, but of course you faggots will just eat up SFV even though that looks worse than KoF.

Is there a comparison for this one?

Yeah i'm pretty sure it's lightning and some shaders.

I think the textures are improved too

Which one is supposed to look better?
I can't tell.

second one clearly looks better

here Like, I don't know if it's the lightning/shaders but Kyo's gloves texture looks better

It's ok guys, Capcom Cup is this weekend; you only need to play SFV until this Sunday.

The glove looks the exact same except a different lighting frame. The clothes always looked good and way better than anything sfv has. The problem is the early 00s tv show faces.

This is the last one

Actually now that I checked properly, Xanadu's clothes have better textures, check his arm

Sylvie's eyes(the giant ones) also have new textures. Her eyes(actual eyes) changed color by the way.

as you can see capcom streamboars are ruining these threads and not playing anything

Yeah, you're right.

But the other two have added textures. Maybe Kyo's model was mostly finished before while the rest wasn't

Marvel 3 for current gen consoles will save us


>The clothes always looked good and way better than anything sfv has
In terms of clarity and lack of overly noticeable clipping issues, sure.

In terms of texture quality and overall detail, lol no.

Why does KoF have such god tier music

can't wait for season 2 and juri buffs!

Clay has no texture detail and quality.

>consoles after 6th gen

>ST is good

So what would the Marvel 4 roster even be?
>inb4 Donte and Vorgil

Darkstalkers is a good series

Demitri for MvC4

imagine having some italian mario-soundalike constantly dodge you, i'd be angry too.

I need you Akiha

>Ryu walks up and just DP's me in neutral

What the fuck

walk up dp was my favorite meme vs rose players in usf4

I’ve practically had it up to here with the fighting game wars so let me spell it out you all. The answer is simple. We live in Amerikkka. The reason for flame wars or anything involving petty fights is deeply embedded into the nature and psyche of Amerikkka. Amerikkka is controlled by people whose very nature is that of tribalism. IE, the organization and belief structure of a group takes priority over anything else. People naturally enjoy the company of those who hold similar beliefs, and a sense of community unifies them together.

Normally this would be fine, but Amerikkka is known for being ruthlessly competitive with everyone else. And we all have that desire to “be right”. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean. Everyone in this country could care less about facts or accuracy as long as they’re “right”. We will debate and fight anybody who shows even a hint of an opposing belief. This is why fanboys will troll mother fuckers at the drop of a hat. Now, most hardcore naively believe this is petty and immature to fight over something so mundane. But I’m willing to bet many of them are christian.

If you are Christian, would you be willing to accept that if you are wrong about your beliefs, then the Quran or even the Torah would be the word of God? Or that maybe atheism has it’s place in this world?

Occidental religion, from what I’ve learned, is that it teaches the superiority of belief. The quote “thou shalt have no other god before me” comes to mind. To me, it says “to hold a differing view is a sin more punishable than death.” Amerikkka claims to be the most religious (or christian) nation in the world. With that, it’s no wonder everyone is insidiously trying to dominate in a debate. It’s ingrained into us from day one. The environment of the country is steeped in rampant competition. We have to be better then the other person. With Tribalism, people who share the same…. “tendencies” feel some sort of mutuality with each other.

it's called yomi, kid
