/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous >[The Second Generation is Alter-chan ~2016 Christmas~]
- From 11/28 to 12/7
- Need to clear Orleans to participate
- Welfare 4* Jeanne D'Arc Alter Santa Lily
- 3* event CE can be obtained from FP gacha
- APK version update to 1.16.1

>[Ishtar gacha]
- 5* Archer Ishtar (Time limited)

>5* Serene Moment
Arts +10%, Quick +10%, NP Gain +10% (Fruitcake +1)
>4* Holy Night Reading
NP Gain +15%, NP Damage +15% (Shortcake +1)
>3* Saint's Invitation
+3% Defense, 100 damage reduction (Cheesecake +1)
>5* Holy Night Supper
NP Charge +30%, Crit Damage +10%, NP Damage +10% (Miracle Stocking +1)

>[Amakusa Shirou gacha]
- From 11/22 to 11/30
- Amakusa Shirou NP Interlude upgrade released

>[Half-AP Main Quest]
1/2 AP consumption from Fuyuki-Camelot story quests

- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Next stream 12/6
- Babylon in December
- FGO Anime announced



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Extella spoilers

>FL Spreadsheet
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Alternate servant/CE DB

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


first for bad servant

700+ quartz later, I finally have my waifu.

First for useless welfare but cute

OOC Garbage

Second for useless welfare can't into French


My Santa!

Nobu a CUTE.



Your Santa? My Santa.

what did she mean by this



Truly a Christmas miracle.

Yes my dude?

Who is he?

She's out giving Guda a titfuck.

Anorexic Nitocris.


>original Jeanne Alter can't into French either
In-character garbage.

>Summary: Amakusa, Fuuma and Tawara are hanging out, we arrive, Starbuck gives them a dictionary as a present, they're like "WTF this is a terrible present", fight occurs, Amakusa buzzes off, Starbuck begins to doubt herself, mysterious masked man appears to help out the struggling santa.

I guess that's it, although she's not really doing any worth than Santa Alter.

you mean a nursing lap pillow

Female or male Guda?

How would you deal with this situation?

If I took off his mask would it hurt?

>mysterious masked man appears to help out the struggling santa.
Who could this possibly be?

Does it matter? She can give a dick to either one.

Why does his nose look like a fucking column?

I can't handle these reddit nicknames. Who's ''starbuck''?

It would be extremely painful.

It would hurt his reputation, yes.

>missed the best welfare

you are a big guy

I just got the summary from BL

Then it's strenghtening quests time
Call Edison

waiting for reddit to translate what he says

For you

Best walfare is Kuro tho

Noboy cared who he was until he put on the mask.

How did you manage to miss the longest available welfare?

Beating him in a duel to send him to the shadow realm where he belongs.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Wasn't Dress of Heaven the longest one?

And then everybody danced

Phone bricked and I had to wait to buy a new one.

I missed Kuro too fml

Maybe due to the extension, but you basically had an entire event just to prepare/become aware that Summer Scathach would be available and then another event to actually get her

Both were avaiable for 3 weeks

Did you at least get Kintoki?

How do you titfuck a girl

>I missed Kuro too fml
Me too ;_;

so if amakuso lost to angry manjew the weakest servant on par with humans does that mean I can beat him up?

She can make Runes dick

>He doesn't know

Manjew has A+ AGI actually

Requesting an Altera version of the gif of two teenagers from the 50s doing those dorky dances. You know the one.

What, Amakusa lost to Angry Manjew?
What the fuck happened in Apocrypha? Why is it such a clusterfuck?

His interlude.

Thats mean you can beat Vlad,which lose to Amakusa.
Just be sure to fight under the sun and bring lots of onion and cross.

It's not in Apoc. It's in his interlude quest.


No but I don't care about him. Not because I'm a waifufag or something, I have all 4* Riders except Cake (and Mordred but she was unreleased at that point), and also have Drake.

Man it sure feels good to have every welfare ever released at NP 5, who's with me here?

There's a thread on gif for it

No, its real, don't look away.

>tfw no Nobu

I'm with you here.


In Amakusa's interlude, he tries to backstab you to get the grail and Angya on a whim teams up with you to stop him.

Protag power makes everyone a winner

I started this year and because of all the reruns I'm only missing Nobu
Not that I care about her though, I'd rather they never rerun that event because there are people saving for Okita return and it brings joy to my heart if she never returns

Fuuma is cute.

Step it up, I have all 5* Riders,except for Medb because, well, it's Medb. And Kintoki is still the best one of them all.

Absolute majority.


I want to hold pinkies with my waifu!

Aren't most people here like this?

I lack Kuro, because they killed emulators back then. Got everything else though.

>better than pirate sluts

That's not how you spell Kintoki.

I want to gently tease my daughter by posting another daughter making her think I forgot about her but in reality I'm only doing it to see her reaction

I wonder if this is a bond CE narrating an interaction with the master like her other one or if it's a description of her swimgear

How lewd is she? What's her rank compared to the other servants when it comes to lewd provocative clothing?

Yes. Yes he is.

>doesn't need low health
>Overcharge easily
>give shitload of stars

Sluts is long gone

You're gonna get disemboweled like that.



at least pick a waifu that has decent fanart jesus christ

Huh. Amakusa really is a shitter, even in lore.

Cute. She needs more fanart.

Her first ascension line is literally saying she's stripping because it's hot and then asks you if you like it


He most certainly is. Better star gen, better NP gen, and a really good quick buff put him above them. They have a slightly higher damage ceiling under the right conditions, but Kintoki can NP spam, which is worth more since his is also a nuke. Plus Sluts have god awful NP gain. I have both maxed, and I can tell you fit a fact that Kintoki is better.

What was the consensus on how she puts her boots on again?

Burned Scat.

What if I told her I hated it?

Being cute makes her useful for my eyes, ears, heart and dick though.

Already did my first refund. Any way to do it again?


Can't wait

You got a sibling? Give them the money and have them do it.