Now that Hitler is president, I need a reliable car to take to Canada. It needs enough space to live in but also good on gas. What does Veeky Forums recommend?
Now that Hitler is president, I need a reliable car to take to Canada...
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BRZ is reliable, fuel efficient, and somewhat practical. Has shit for torque though, don't expect to beat anything in a straight line.
Trudeau is hardly a good PM but better than Shillary and definitely Donald Dump. It must suck knowing that, no matter who you vote for, the outcome will be worse than Obama.
Is this the hot new shitpost?
I was just scrolling through the catalog thinking of how to make a shitposting thread involving Trump and the 86/BRZ for maximum effect. Guess you took a bit of work right off my hands.
Get a smart car.
Try a Prius, you fucking Liberal SJW cuck
Is somewhat poetic for a libtard that enjoys being cucked to drive a cucked car.
Where do you live? It seems to me that you live in a southern state because you don't realize how shitty a lightweight, RWD car is in the snow.
If you're headed north, and have around $25k to spend, get a used WRX. You will thank me when you don't spin out in a normal winter day (aka blizzard) in canadia.
Pretty sure niggers like mercs
Why do people continue to think they can just move to canada? you realize it is not that easy right?
>buying ammo now require a background check in california
if you go to Canada get a Subaru WRX, not much off of the BRZ pricing but you get good AWD and that's gonna help.
Dosen't seem like much but you slip around a lot during the winter.
T. canuck
Actually lightweight cars are good in the snow.
Being lightweight and RWD not so much.
But having a light FWD or AWD as an winter beater is awesome.
We don't want you here, and when true dope gets kicked out we'll probably get some conservative you don't like either.
Maybe not if you're white.
Enjoy.your future Mexicans, Canada.
stay here and vote democrat in the next election. if everyone leaves then we're going to be held hostage by christcuck biblethumpers
get a custom camper van, I have one from sportsmobile and it's great
don't get cabinets though they take up space and are uesless fukk that
As long as its awd you should be fine
but canadians conservatives are 100000X better than american conservatives
Fuck off, we have enough libshit faggots in here.
>hurr durr librulz ar so violent dey hit us at trump ralliez
>h-hey guise day of da rope soon for librulz +jewz amirite???? red pill lel xddddd
kys on your 16th birthday, kiddo
Buy this
Make sure you bring febreze
>T. Buttmad CTR cuck.
Toyota MR2 Second Gen, it's a good handling car that's perfect for winter driving, it's perfectly safe
Trump is the sort of guy that never got hit in the face for being a prick in school. You conservative fags think all libs are all college prep prius driving pussies. Little do they know...
...libs also drive turbocharged I4 hatchbacks and talk shit when people insult their e-cigarette hobby
Nice argument there
>All dat impotent internet tough guy CTR cuck rage.
You libcuck creeps are the same type of faggots that would orbit their oneitises in college and adopt the same feminist ideals in the hopes of getting in their pants all the while crying when they get Blacked by Tyrone and J'quambe lmao.
>free weed lmao
>dog blowjobs
>substitute teacher