This is the 1990 BMW E30 M3 Evo III. It's the coolest car made between 1990-1999. Prove me wrong

This is the 1990 BMW E30 M3 Evo III. It's the coolest car made between 1990-1999. Prove me wrong.

>slower than a corolla

it can not be proven wrong



>Prove me wrong.

OP nigger BTFO :^) Veeky Forums never disappoint

Nobody thinks your shitbox FWD econobox is cool, user.

>expecting 90's cars to be fast

muh dick

>you'll never own an e30 m3

Life is suffering

I'm so disappointed I got into driver's cars just this year when E30 M3s started skyrocketing.

best wedge and best bmw incoming



Those AC Schnitzer wing mirrors are cash money.

No, it's just an beemer shitbox

Cizeta V16T is the 90s shit


I never noticed the telephone on top of his head

If I was European that's probably what I'd have instead of my fox but I think they're pretty equivalent. The e30 is a little "classier"

Slower than a corolla btfo!

none of them are cooler than the E30 though

I'm not saying that it isn't cool but..



Europe built mostly slow overpriced shit in the 90's. It was the Jap and Burger decade.


Europe built the fastest N/A powered vehicle in the 90's you imbecile

>Burger decade

its not even cool in the slightest

its an entry level "luxury" car tarted up

What is e36 for 500.

faggot OP


>tfw the EB110, XJ220, F50, CLK GTR and even the Tuscan are just inexplicably uncool.

Here's my suggestion, I guess. Stripes non-negotiable, and not the ACR, that's tryhard and thus uncool.


e36 m3 was a performance bargain in America during the 90s

i like m3's but this is better


you're about 2 decades off you fucking melon