I was just working on my project car, leaned over the engine bay and put my weight on the fender where the battery is...

I was just working on my project car, leaned over the engine bay and put my weight on the fender where the battery is. A groaning noise started which I attributed to the suspension settling under my weight, but it just kept going. I got off the car and listened and it was coming from the battery. It's like the sound when you slowly lean back in a creaky office chair, but constant and not changing in frequency. The battery is connected to the car, there's no keys in the ignition but opening the hood does draw power for the under-hood light. I sat there watching it for a couple minutes and the groaning noise didn't stop so I unplugged the battery and it immediately ceased.

What the fuck? Is the battery gonna explode on me next time I use it? It still holds a charge and runs the car fine.

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bump, pls i don't want to die in an acid explosion and ensuing car fire

yeah ur gonna die sorry senpai

But he doesn't want to die painfully is what he is saying.

I put on eye protection and welding gloves and plugged it back in, it immediately started with the noise again, and loud. I'm freakin out man.

its cancer rip

Press F to pay respects

>it was coming from the battery
are you sure?

definitely. another description of the sound could be like a simmering pot with the lid on.

get a new one and fire the old one out of a trebuchet as far away from you as possible

record it, make a webm, post.

sounds interesting really, wouldn't know what the hell that is.

Does the battery heat up as well?

I'm not touching that shit more than I have to
gimme a minute

sounds like its definetly arching somewhere, which means you have frayed cables in da engine bay, or some ground went loose.
idk, that seems like the most reasonable explanation to it

The latest update to my phone seems to have fucked file transfer so youtube will have to suffice.


holy shit that is fucking spooky. Try measuring the power from the battery if you have an Ampere meter.

That is definitely something wrong with the actual battery and not your car or cabling.

hmm that sounds like an arching thats resonating inside some sort of metal comparment capable of such thing, like maybe a thin piece of panel or some shit like that. By the unexisting spark when plugging the terminal in looks like not much power is being dragged.

Sounds like you have to man up and plug your nearest cheap hazard freight multimeter (Remember, plug one of the ends of the tester to the battery and the other to the positive cable, so series it is (Not paralell, this will fuck up your current meter)) and measure current to actually know how fucked up that is

>plug one of the ends of the tester to the battery and the other to the positive cable

you don't need leather gloves for that my dude, you're too shitty of a ground for it to light you up, and so as long as you don't touch both terminals

I'd quite honestly throw that battery out - you dont wanna be fucking around with those things when they start to make noises

Would it be arcing inside the battery itself? It's a few years old. But they're full of metal plates that would make that resonating sound right?

It's more protection from burns or shrapnel. Batteries leak hydrogen when shit goes south and a spark can light it up.

like dis

Red terminal to the engine, Black terminal to tester.

Remember to plug the multimeter's red cable to the 10 AVDC or 10 AMPS DC or some shit like that.

And if you're still doubting, wikihow itt my negro

So you're saying to basically install the multimeter between the battery's negative terminal and the car's body (ground)?

pic related 4chinz not attaching

na my dude more like an arching inside the engine bay in maybe a thin piece of metal or some shit. If it was inside the battery it would sound more deadened like

The sound quality from my phone's mic is trash, in real life it sounds like it's coming from inside the battery. I moved my head all around the engine bay and that is the physical source of the noise.

now considering it again, could be arching inside like you sez

discard what i said before and ditch that bitch out the way like said

Shouldn't the red multimeter cable be on the battery and the black multimeter cable be on ground? The reading would be a negative number on your setup.

yea but a negative reading is the same as a positive with a minus in front of it aint it senpai

but why hook it up backwards if you could hook it up right

what the fuck. that's one of the weirdest things i've seen yet on a vehicle. and thanks for the post.

Because it accomplishes the same result as you said nigger

Well fuck this thing I'm just gonna get a new one tomorrow. If my garage is burned down tomorrow morning I'll be very disappointed.