/acg/ - Animal Crossing General

#1181 - Katt edition
Previous thread: >The Basics
ACNL Basics Guide - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/
AC Wiki - animalcrossing.wikia.com/wiki/Animal_Crossing_Wiki
Nookipedia - nookipedia.com
The "pthhhpth" pastebin (FAQ) - pastebin.com/jU4CeWhu
Brand New Catch - animalcrossing.us/new-catch-guide-december/

>Furniture & Collectibles
Item database - moridb.com/
Item image gallery - animalcrossingnl.mooo.com
Museum Checklist - mediafire.com/download/0p18zy41jkxsy8a/ACNL_Fossil_&_Art_Checklist_RC2.xlsx

>Customization Guide
Image/Pattern Converter - thulinma.com/acnl/
All Furniture Customizations - customnewleaf.tumblr.com/
Image2QR code - mediafire.com/download/d0g3vj88g0gk1pf/Version 0.4.zip
Pro Designs Android App - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nefastudio.android.dmoridesigner
QR Paths - pathmagic.tumblr.com acnlpaths.tumblr.com/ acpath.tumblr.com

>Happy Home Designer
All villagers & items - happyhomedesigner.wikia.com
FAQ - pastebin.com/f8pnU0wr
Amiibo Cards - nintendo.co.jp/3ds/edhj/amiibocard/index.html

>How to play ACNL online with /acg/
People need to add each other's FCs in order to visit faraway towns.
Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.

>Villager Birthdays
1st - Rooney
2nd - Annalise
4th - Robin
5th - Hans
6th - Kyle

Festive furniture (December)
6th - Naughty-or-Nice Day (Europe)

Town tune list - newleaftunes.tumblr.com/tunes
Neighbor move in/Camper Reset trick - i.imgur.com/meQutqI.png
What is the void? - pastebin.com/9KPbdnSY
Preventing moveouts - pastebin.com/avaKnPPc
Welcome Amiibo FAQ - pastebin.com/aAbMZwmM
ACNL OST - pastebin.com/bPyY03LK
Upload to Imgur via 3DS browser - webrender.net/imgur/
Dream codes - pastebin.com/PCmJZ5WA

Other urls found in this thread:


katt sucks

>want Tybalt, but I've already got Rolf, Rowan and Leonardo
>want to move Kyle and Elvis in, but that would mean kicking out Gayle and Walker

Nintendo pls, 15 villagers on the Switch.

Thread sucks

4th for best uchi

What mushrooms were you decorating with? I have a bunch saved so I could give you some but haven't had any of the elegant mushrooms or famous spawn in my town.

I'm using all of them. I've been throwing them in forested areas in my town. I don't need them yet because my next area isn't ready for them yet but I do appreciate the offer. I just need either the Stonehenge or the black cube and my town will be set for pwps and I can worry about the little details like mushrooms.

No, you suck.

Reposting my lists for the new thread:

I have: moridb.com/catalogs/vj485c28Sl
I want: moridb.com/catalogs/drl1867ltl

Trading well for cedars!

I've got blanca in my campgrounds right now, if anyone wants her cabana stuff.