Claiming thread for lulu x khazix
This is rape.
This guy walks into the bar and slaps your gf's ass with his shovel
what do you do?
laugh because he does no damage
Why is Ezreal so cute?
suck his dick and watch him fucking me waifu
Suck his big cock, because I have no gf :3
comfy lovers
>tfw no submissive ezreal bf to bully and say lewd things to
>Pulsefire Ezreal - ADC
>Spirit Guardian Udyr - Jungle
>DJ Sona - Supp
>Elementalist Lux - Mid
>mfw next one is going to be a Top champ (jungle if they are retarded)
My brain is going nuts with posibilities
2017 can't come soon enough
do gayfags find him attractive? do women find him attractive?
Xth for Katarina
best girl
NA prime time = unmanly middle age males gay time
Have you met people thanks to this game?
Vlad VGU when.
He's the single most hetero-girl-bait champ in LoL.
All the gayfags I know think he's meh/10
but also all the gayfags I know are also furrys so they might be biased.
>NA gay twink Ezreal lovers
>EU big hairy Graves lovers
pretty sure theyre the same amount of gay
You can a life without long-term """""""""friends.""""""""" or """""""""romantic""""""" relationships.
The former can help with job or career opportunities while the latter can help with financial opportunities (though the latter often becomes an issue down the line, or so I've gathered) but it's still manageable if you have acquaintances you can talk with.
Everyone likes to paint this pretty fantasy picture where they believe that the perfect dream career, lots of friends, a gf/wife/bf/husband and kids will grant them a happy and fulfilling life but the real truth of it all is that happiness is a temporary emotion - you will become numb to these things eventually and chase the next opportunity/hope for happiness like a goddamn swarm of locusts because that's what really keeps us going on in this world. The drive to pursue those occasional bits of happiness. You know, a sort of "grass is green on the other side mentality." Because it's true.
So move on and adapt if you can. Most friends (and people) in life are easily replaceable and discardable.
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
darius has a legendary so it won't be him
irelia is getting a vgu soon-ish so it won't be her
tfw garen ultimate
>That Tobias and Annie bot video
my sides
I'd love a Gnar ultimate skin.
Though I'd be happy if Yorick, Shen or Poppy get it too.
I'm not middle age.
Do you actually support Ezreal x Talon or do you just ship them because there's no one else to pair Ezreal with?
you mean my adc's ass, right
Don't forget, you're also a psychopath so your perspective on others matters is skewed
riot doing changes that matter
Wonder where my towers went
>middle-aged players
So is this the new meme?
You're talking to someone who's been living alone for 5 years and leaving his apartment to do stuff with others maybe once every 3 months. The people I call friends are people I sometimes talk to who occasionally bother with responding.
I'm not going to meet any new people to replace my friends with because I'm a naturally bland and boring person nobody will ever care about. Every other person I've met has stopped talking to me at some point, and it'll always be like this.
as a grill I find his voice incredibly sexy but his model not so much
I think a Gnar ult would be cool but I don't want it because if he gets one all the pedofurrys will draw porn of it.
Ill be alone for all of my life bro, eventually you just accept it
I like the ship, Talons a pretty cool self insert that fits better than some faceless male or the ledit Tarix x Ez meme
>irelia is getting a vgu soon-ish so it won't be her
the fuck, with more reason could be her
Oh wow the new poro model looks much better.
At least it isn't some uncanny valley horror effect with soulless beady eyes anymore.
>He's the single most hetero-girl-bait champ in LoL.
certainly you mean teemo
Yea, it almost makes NA unplayable.
Most people would rather play with cool Koreans, then cry baby wageslaves that suck at video games and can't find a new hobby cause they have no friends IRL.
>Be Olaf jungle
>Have a cassio in our team
>Feed her a sweet talon dessert
>She goes 8/1
>Win geim
Wew lad I sure love preseason
Azir has a really nice butt, he probably uses Nasus as a thrown.
>Play ranked
>Vayne/hec/zac/twitch/rengar/talon/shyanna not picked first or banned
>Get picked by the enemy team
>Lose game
I sure do love league of legends!
>Syndra as a Support
Nice thighs too
>Viktor, Kha, Cassio, Darius, Kennen, Lee are still open
>Lose again
Azir is the ONLY confirmed heterosexual champ other than ones who already have canon pairs like TF and EVE
I've never seen a talon do good after rework
It's going to be a ribben skin
implying he doesn't have some boys in his harem!
they really fixed the incredibly overtuned, game breaking, omnipresent cancer that was pre rework talon
I've only really seen chinks play him recently pre-rework. He isn't even good now is he?
look I love bp as much as the next guy but you really should learn when to fuck off and make obviously incorrect claims
just like futafags with Vi
>tfw you are a autistic shen main
>tfw you know you will never have a decent legendary shen skin
btw, i believe maiden of the mist will get jealous
hes hard to catch but useless
Seriously though why do all the new female designs have this cloak thing covering their butts?
I want to see the buns, Riot.
To the user who said Ahri is a slut...
What of it? Your waifu a shit
>tfw just got banned for calling someone a faggot in normal draft once
im honestly not memeing, what happened to this game? do they flag your ip if you've been banned before and then monitor you or something? what the fuck
What the fuck is wrong with her left leg holy shit
Bang said he wants his SKT skin to be Ezreal. Do you guys think Riot will make SKT Ezreal as cute as TPA Ezreal? Will it be lewd?
Please, give some time for Trump to make things right.
Camille has those bedroom eyes.
nigga i got all the way to level 10 i need some transparency now
I think they actually do flag you. Calling somebody a faggot once and then getting a ban is too much
they should make her look indian, if nogs can have their champion pajeets should get one too
NA thinks it's okay to allow gays to run rampant and ruin almost everything, which almost proves most of them are not man enough to do what is right.
>riot tweaked the snow day graves splash just to add this
>Bronze 1
>Silver 3
>Gold 5
>Plat 2
>Diamond 5
>All in the same game
Now that's what I call impressive matchmaking Riot.
there there
don't listen to them, they are silly
ahri is a slut only for whom she loves... currently!
sure senpai
I hope he asks for it to be cute
swear if his skin for the year turns out to be shit like arcade was ima be sad
They used to not, but since the implementation of Early Sales, they can.
Not many, but SG Jinx, Project Ashe, Elementalist Lux, and a few other legendary+ skins will go on sale.
I dont think MZ Sion will go on sale again, you missed out
I got a fwb who liked to bitch at me after every night and eventually i just told her to fuck off.
I also never gave the slut my v-card for that exact reason. I want to feel a vagina around me, but i dont want to spoil the experience once im with a girl I enjoy spending time with clothed and playing vidya (not league, probably) with. (I'll play League with her brother though, he's a pretty a'ight dude. Ironically went as Teemo for Halloween.) and almost as much, dont want to have to deal with being with qt love interest and not fucking her after having fucked a cheap whore.
tl;dr, its not worth it if she doesnt play league
>Graves will never have a wife and kids
Shit lore desu senpai.
sexual slurs have a very high chance to even get you permabanned
i saw a case posted recently where a guy got permaban for simply quoting a slur which was told to him by another person, saw another where a guy was permabanned for chatting with his full pre-made friends about vaginas and stuff, being reported for something else by the enemy team who didn't even see the chat
also yes, your former offences are recorded and affect your future punishments
>bedroom eyes
Teal makes ya feel, man.
I legit made three specially named masteries for her, I'm so pumped.
Wednesday can't come fast enough.
Foxes are best waifus
>hating on arcade ezreal
I know you hate the neck warmer and hair, b-but SMOOTH LEGS and ARMPITS. Personally, I just hope they don't go the same route as Pulsefire, where they gave Ezreal a super masculine face for some awkward reason.
No user, that's just how life is.
Things are fun and happy for so long before the problems and the numbness start rolling in. Find a gf/wife/bf/husband and eventually the fights and living matters will roll in. Maybe a splitup, a divorce or an affair later down the line. Have kids and from what I gather they stop being "fun" after they reach 13 and grow a mind of their own. Eventually, you'll come to experience extremely stressful points in your job or career. Eventually you'll get bored of hobbies and replace them different ones. Eventually, some of the friends you know will break up with you or vice-versa. People will discard or cheat you at some point. And likely, you will to them. Eventually, some people you know will die. Eventually, you yourself will die. Nothing lasts forever. So have fun while it lasts, experience them if you, but do not expect it to last indefinitely and realize that like the game you're playing, the only real constant is you.
He don't need a wife because he's TF's wife
oh nigger you have no idea
dead serious my friend
my bot lane didnt like our support pick so he came mid and tried to lane with me. i called him a faggot and asked him why he decided to ruin the game and i get banned. this is hecking stupid
so is it just based on how many words the Riot Games Official Hurt Feelings Filter picks up? i want to know for future reference because im a loser that already made a new account and i actually want to make it to 30
>No they CANT be bros the HAVE to fuck each other
Lol wtf why is riot so PC.
>Camille will never pay you a visit in the middle of the night
feels bad
>tfw your waifu isn't a Slut
Feels good
O fuck
Riot's finally going to grow some balls and start confriming the gay/bi characters that were always kind of blatantly gay/bi all along? About time.
>Would rather find a nice girl than sleep around
I wish there were more guys like you, user ;___;
would you really have a picture of you hugging your bro hanged on your wall user
i'm not saying that's gay
but i'm not saying that's a straight thing to do
>Miss Fortune
Where the FUCK is the top lane titty monster?
What kind of question is that?
Save up for a custom sex bot in the next ten years, and you will always have your Gray Lady.
no amount of skin can make up for the unbearable noises that skin makes
they should just make a new cuteboy champ they would allow cute skins for desu, ezreal seems too established
>Not playing Illaoi to the exclusion of all other champs
>next skin
>its Shen in some PROJECT get up searching for Zed
>there's a poro fellating a hotdog wiener in the background """"""hinting"""""" at their relationship
its not too late to go back right?
They probably aint gonna do that. Just gonna drop hints here and there.
I'm looking forward to the Caitlyn/Vi expended lore
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh God, thank you, I needed that laugh. Wew Jesus that was hilarious.