What are some stupid misconceptions you've had Veeky Forums?

What are some stupid misconceptions you've had Veeky Forums?

>I used to think that turbos worked by forcing exhaust back into the intake

i used to think life was worth living.

When I came here I thought Veeky Forums knew something about cars that wasn't autistic meme shit, but it turns out Veeky Forums is pretty fucking stupid about real world car shit


Somebody please post Direct Exhaust Injection.

>>I used to think that turbos worked by forcing exhaust back into the intake
That's called DEI, one of WAT Racing Development's greatest inventions.




Can we just get this shit out of the way?
>I used to think American cars were good
>I used to think German cars were good
>I used to think Japanese cars were good
>I used to think V8s were good
>I used to think V6s were good
>I used to think forced induction was good
>I used to think NA was good
>I used to think RWD was good
>I used to think AWD was good
Wow congratulations we had this thread again good job OP proud of you keep it up

when I was younger I thought that engine size referred to the gas tank size.

>Used to think heavy GT cars were the ultimate sports cars

I miss those days

Porsche really is the king of the car world though, and now that I'm older I can actually appreciate them making sports cars instead of GT's

this x2

>used to think HP/L was a relevant metric
>realized it only matters if you live in a nanny state with graduated licenses/tax on displacement

When i was 5 I thought that driving backwards would put fuel back into the tank
and when i was 7
I asked my mom why she doesnt put diesel in the minivan, i see the guys with trucks putting diesel in their trucks and thought that if you put diesel in a *normal* car you coukd pull heavy shit

you were a stupid kid

I used to think miatas were gay but after having ridden motorcycles for a few years I have come to learn to appreciate the tactile experience of driving a tight little sporty machine

>I used to think miatas were gay but then I became gay
ftfy, fruitcake.

is your butthole also tight and little?


I thought Subaru was Australian

>Outback is an Aussie thing
>Subaru sounds like Kangaroo

Lol this, I thought this for too long

Pretty much same, it didn't take me long after that to realize this board is full of children who just parrot what they hear on the internet and don't actually know shit about cars.

My bike goes 0-186 in under 20 seconds. And 0-150 in 10. There is literally zero chance you will ever come even remotely close to this in your pathetic lives without riding a motorcycle. The only pussies here are you two bitches



i thought radiators sucked in cold air

I knew a guy who thought engine displacement was a metric used to describe the volume of the engine in how many liters of water it would displace if placed in a pool.


Nice chicken strips faggot

I used to think that displacement taxes suck but then I realized that it's actually enjoyable to overcome the challenge of these boundaries. Anyone can do great things when they have total clearance. Building a huge V8 has quickly become the easiest thing in the world. It takes extraordinary engineering to do great things within limits.


But that's not impressive

In a car it would be impressive.

Bikes are like the lowest common denominator for velocity seekers

yeah but its a bike so no-one cares