Looking to buy my first overpriced fag car

Looking to buy my first overpriced fag car.

2016 370z
2014 TT Quattro s line.

Both done 35,000 kms.
Both $45,000 AUD


>buying VAG ever
Go with the Datsun

Heard the handling is stiff. Guzzles a lot and ugly interior compared with the tt.

What are some pros?

Its not a faggy tt
Z is underrated. Actual drivers car, pigfat is a meme. Get the manual and enjoy vq37

Veeky Forums hates German cars and loves crappy weeb shit, so I don't think you'll get an unbiased opinion here

Get the Nissan and don't fall for the Quattro meme and VAG engines.

the TT would be much better
go with it if you're okay with the upkeep
the 370z is outdated af and has 35k kms in less than a year

Get a 2014-15 370z with lower km's

35,000km in a year is too much

it won't brake every 5 miles like fucking audis.
It's a proper sporty drivers car
It looks cool

TT is ACTUAL faggot mobile, go with the 370Z

370z is a fat car. not fag.
tt is a cuck and fag car.
go with the miat nd rf.

I'd say go into it with a better attitude than, "overpriced fag car". They're both pretty highly regarded, and imagine life without a car.

Holy shit
What a terrible way to spend 45k in Australia

It's not a literal Golf with a bodykit.

Faggots on on shilling about VAG. Yeah the TT is a womans car, my girlfriends mom bought the first TT back in 1999, and kept it for 13 fucking years as a beater. Only thing that went out was the fuel gauge meter and the usual wear parts. Made me reply becuase no one here is able to afford anything but 15 year old shitboxes from Asia with 200k miles. Youve come to the wrong place for advice OP, I'm sorry. Boyracers who think normal production cars are made for le ebin skidz and raceboi driving with minimal maintainence are the very best this board has to offer.

tl;dr buy the TT if you want it. I've driven the 170HP diesel, 211hp petrol and the TTS which were all pretty okay cars. But like I said theyre a womans car, which means cramped space. Also if youre traveling alot in high speed on the freeway etc, the short wheelbase isnt very suitable for anything above 120 km/h

370z all the way

>AWD & nicer interior
>RWD & better handling & performance

woah bias!

Drive both you turbonigger.

for overpriced fag cars you can't go wrong with german

Go with the Z because RWD will be way more fun.

Your right he needs some sort of Mercedes or BMW.

Kek i have a 2013 a5 sline with the 2.0T with 239k km with nothing ever done other than lube tires brakes and other preventative maintenance like sparks wires gear oil brake fluid and coolant flush at factory intervals. I beat on it every day i drive it. I do 300km a day.

did it run as a 24/7 taxi?