Veeky Forums is going with /pol/ to the winter ball this year, we can drift over niggers on the way.
Winter Ball
No, I refuse.
Fuck off Shillary
>Veeky Forums is racing miku
I like it
It happened already
Go back to the lifted truck thread, sister-fucker.
>anyone who isn't a retarded dropout racist must have voted for hillary
I know this might be hard to grasp Cleetus but there are people who voted for Trump that do not have unwarranted hatred towards any race
/pol/o/ OTP.
Replied to the wrong person?
Who said so?
It's really hard for me to grasp Cleetus. He's just so wide... everywhere...
The 2 threads from yesterday.
You know you love /pol/
We just want to gas the bikes.
i see what you did there
People in an earlier thread
>going with drumpf supporting nazis
/pol/ is love
/pol/ is life
Get in!
Ok, fuck them, I say no.
>not wanting to go with drumpf supporting nazis
/pol/o is cute, post more cute art of them being cute
Wow this thread is way more unfriendly yesterday's two threads. Where did these rude people crawl out of?
See you later then.
We already chose, no turning back now, besides, it's just an excuse to give both of them some OC
desu, no interest in being associated with /pol/. We don't need more roleplayer.
To late now fagget, we /polo/
I say it's butthurt /x/fags trying to falseflag. I miss the comfy threads from yesterday ;_;
I just want some sweet OC.
>going for second base when some one is drivig
>going for second base when Veeky Forums is drving
I just know this will lead them into a tree or something
Heres some more senpai, /pol/ loves you guys.
Makes sense we'd get cursed with the worst board since we're shit ourselves.
/x/cuck tears sooth my soul
the eurobeat was edited in, right? right?
all related videos i can find are without it, but i really want to believe the madman who did this actually had eurobeat running loud
Do what ever you like. /pol/ is still not welcome.
>Veeky Forums can't drive blind with no hands
They're going into a tree either way
>Veeky Forums can't drive with her feet
Fuck off faggot
Believe in your dreams, user
>no fun allowed
dont you have a GTR x 'vette thread to shitpost on?
All other boards are jealous that we got /Pol/ position
jealous of the board that is often considered the absolute worst on Veeky Forums
makes sense
somebodys mad hes about to be deported
>Dagumis in to a wall
Jealous of the board which just helped get Trump elected.
Join us.
We're fun!
>/c/, /jp/, Veeky Forums (Veeky Forums's /leftypol/), Veeky Forums, /x/ (especially /x/) crawling all over /pol/'s dick
>/pol/ picks Veeky Forums
>not jealous
I spent quite a bit of time there
still shit
best thing I got from /pol/ is Christ-chan
I dont keep up with board politics
no one ever has anything good to say about /pol/ except that the retardation is funny at times
Pol here
I need a radio for a 55 MGA. Positive earthed car. What do?
/pol/ is a cesspool
get an original Lucas electronics model or youll bring great shame
>get an original Lucas electronics model
Fuck me, I'm gonna have to rebuild it, aren't I?
I was also thinking of like a period 60s radio, to sorta restomod, but the mga has been frame off rebuilt so . . .
stick whatever you want in it and keep the original for repair or to keep with the car if it ever gets sold
its pretty damn easy to change it to a negative earth connection for a new radio
Is that you, mike?
Mike, go to bed.
>stick whatever you want in it and keep the original for repair or to keep with the car if it ever gets sold
Car didn't come with a radio
>its pretty damn easy to change it to a negative earth connection for a new radio
yill you do something retarded like gap the metal of the radio to the dash and get all the pixies angry. Its a hack job at best with the metal dash
>Lucas electronics
You cruel, cruel man.
Fuck off Malaysia
stop it /pol/ Im trying to talk shit about you stop making me smile
the fuck
Thats pretty nice.
ching chong poo in loo
so we just spouting off memes now
this is why no one likes /pol/
I have one of those in the garage. wont look right though.
/aok/ is the best alliance
>Veeky Forums has gone from OUR YEAR WOOOOOO to associating with /pol/ and ERPing with some shitty tripfag-designed weebshit animufuck
way to obvious mike
All of Veeky Forums belongs to /pol/
You don't get it, do you? As of this week, Veeky Forums, America, and to an extent the entire world is associated with /pol/.
How does /pol/ feel about cyclist?
liberal cucks who should all be run over
They are leftist and must be removed. Preferably with force.
Eco-faggots who need to get the fuck outta the way.
Fuck electric cars too.
They're like the jews of the roads.
Or liberals and the bike is their safe space.
They should be gassed on spot.
Annoying fruits who uphold the Communist manifesto as a bible, at least in my country
the same way we feel about BLM
However, I will admit that they can have some merit if applied in an appropriate fashion
Dutch cyclists by and large aren't "SHARE THE ROAD" lycrafags.
Bicycle infantry divisions were a thing btw
Obviously beat by motorized divisions
Gone for a few days and suddenly Veeky Forums is "dating" /pol/ or something? What the fuck?
Not that I'm into this or anything but if I were I'd still think we could do a lot better than a green frog or whatever their mascot is.
/pol/ was always the /new/sman
We have twingo.
Huh? Wasn't /pol/ some brown kid dating /lgbt/? I could've sworn /pol/ was gay...
the only appropriate time for a bicycle
other than on the underside of a motorized vehicle
/polgbt/ meme needs to die
Good luck with that.
Lurk moar fgt.
Thank you for the donuts
Literally subversive propaganda from /lgbt/ that no one on /pol/ takes seriously.
/lgbt/ interpretation.
>dating a closeted gay guy
I wouldn't recommend it.
Nice try /x/
/lgbt/ was a mistake
it wouldnt be too far out of the way for us
if /pol/ was a girl it would be better
/polgbt/ is old as time and a memetic fact by now. /pol/ might stray every now and then but he always returns.
Don't get attached, hun.
>If I force it enough it will become a meme
back to
colour the pill red, please
Bikes are meant for mountain trails, college campuses, and cudesacks for kids.
Not on a real road.