Is there anything wrong with white guilt?

is there anything wrong with white guilt?

Define "wrong?"

Spooky af

Yes, every human alive on the African continent should be wiped out with biological warfare and then the resource rich land used by western powers

White guilt is a meme. It is the fate of the stronger races to subjugate and conquer all the worthless lesser ones. The strong rule over the weak.

Race is a spook

Fabricate a narrative where the ability to commit evil is monopolized by a group of people which also includes millions of powerless, innocent, working class proles.

Before you know it, you've created a philosophy that includes the following:
- "race" realism, "white" people suddenly exist as an ethnoanthropological category;
- a secular theodicy, you know what is the exclusive source for the existence of evil in the universe, namely, "white" people;
- a secular original sin, with the option of a sacramental approach to its expiation via sadomasochistic, self-humiliating rituals to save your individual "secularized soul";
- a justification for in-group vs out-group identitarianism, political action, discrimination in the workplace and elsewhere, censorship, apartheid restoration, embargoes, "hate speech", etc. centred on racial hatred against "whites";
- the belief that actions by a "white" person's ancestors matter only if sufficiently "sinful", human rights, secular democracy and progressive politics don't count;
- a basis for moral superiority, in which "white" supremacism reinvents itself as a thinly veiled pride in a superior capacity to commit evil AND the contemporary superior capacity to reject said greater evil.

This is the product of "progressive" politics giving up on the unity of humankind, as well as its friendship and cooperation.

If you're looking for the exact origin of this behavior, my best bet would be asking who in the present day would obtain the most money from a race war, and who propagates the above retardation.

So you need to look for political groups, parties, campuses, news outlets, publishers, arms dealers, and more.

The solution to superstition cannot be the repetition, propagation and reinforcement of said superstition, and most importantly the political action deriving from it, beginning with educational programs at any level.

So-called "whites" shouldn't parade in chains in a public, sadomasochistic, secularized religious rituals in search of their own individual absolution.

They should spend time and money more efficiently by means of actually helping the disadvantaged, rather than saving their own "secularized souls."

Likewise, the creation of a horde of "early Malcom X" wannabes, and other vengeance-seekes and apartheid apologists has nothing to do with the realization of MLK's Dream.

They are what the honest to God "white" supremacists and the people that want to arm both sides of a "civil" war, and a race war in particular, had always dreamed of.

And by dreamed of, I mean they almost lost all hope of it.

They prayed to the god of hatred and racism every single night that he wouldn't let the magic go away, that he wouldn't procrastinate the apocalyptic battle between "white" and "black" anymore, that the ghosts would forever remain real.

Don't race bait if you don't want a race war.

But I'm stating the obvious here, it's all a big fat tautology.

Alas, not only was the union of humanity erased from the agenda, what was supposed to be the party of reason forsook reason too.

Behold the party of spooks, false consciousness, commodified liberation, and Porky's revolution.

I think there's an element of modern western society being built at least partially on the backs of non-whites in a non-equitable way.

That said, it's far from an exclusively white thing to do, and whites have been very indulgent about making amends for it. I personally think it's hypocritical that the same people who are usually advocating racial tolerance / doing away with racism also insist on an entire race shouldering blame for something. Neither myself nor any of my family in living memory had anything to do with the shit whites regularly get blamed for.

You can only be guilty for your own actions. The actions of others, whether they are related to you or not, cannot be used against you as evidence of your guilt. If you are white and feel guilty for slavery its up to you; if you have not engaged in slavery, in any form, you are in fact not guilty.

If you're gonna blame people for the actions of their forefathers you get things like antisemitism.

Hi Sam.

I'm split 50/50

it is technically wrong, but it really makes you think

>is there anything wrong with white guilt?

It's enormously shallow, literally skin-deep. Slavs are fair-skinned too yet none of them had African colonies(white guilt is mostly referring to white-on-black stuff) Are their guilty too? Germanics had African colonies but outside of Germans and Dutch you only have minor Danish trading posts and Swedes having Caribbean island or two(where they've obviously had black slaves). But it doesn't end here - what does Austrian German have to do with early 20th century genocides in German African colonies? Yet, again and again - it's not the end. Had German worker or Farmer had any influence on German colonial policies? Again - no. Were all Junkers or other elites guilty of it? Sure no. Had the descendants of the incidents behind it all any influence on their decisions? No. Do they still have the influence on them? Well, time travel isn't invented yet, last that I've checked.

So who's actually the guilty cracker? Oh wait, it's an old fart who's long dead.

So who will mine the rare metals and diamonds for no pay 20 hours a day in that scenario?

The chinks!
There is like a billion of them.

>Germanics had African colonies but outside of Germans and Dutch

the english are germanic too

Is this a pasta?

>booker t. washington, republican
Neither party today would be recognized by what they were even fifty years ago.

Have you ever made that experience in school where some faggots just would not shut up and the teacher, too incompetent to single out the culprits out of a pool of 32 students, would give out some "collective punishment"?

Then you know how it is to pay for something you did not do. Unless you are a masochist, you probably know the answer to your question by now.

Yes. No one is guilty for the crimes of his ancestors.

If it were so all black people would be in jail.

Does it count as a pasta if I update it everytime I post it?

better act fast then, they're upgrading to middle class pretty rapidly

The "guilt" part.

they overtake greece by 2060 so thats one generation away

>it's wrong to feel guilt for the sins of your race
>it's okay to feel pride for the accomplishments of your race

I get you're trying to make a joke, but this also literally applies to whites, more so too.

Yes, since you didn't own anyone, and if you have an ancestor that did then you condemn them.
Sins of the father shouldn't apply to the son.
Especially since most of the race don't actually give a shit.

>more so
Yeah how though

We have had a concept of law longer.

Really activates your almonds doesn't it?

Kek okay, "we" who? Also, post proofs that African tribals haven't had the concept of law as in rules to abide by to ensure harmonious living as long as everybody else

It is a joke.

>Feeling bad that your ancestors where superiour to others.
Nah i dont give a single shit. Yes when put into the context of our modern western moralisms it does seem wrong, but so do the actions of every single race and every single people throughout history.

No one would ever think of making the Danes or Norwegians to feel guilt about the fact that they raped and pillaged all over Europe. Not even about the fact that they conquered and settle large parts of Britain and northern France. Or the descendents of the asiatic hordes who raped and murdered millions. It's because of ethnic self masochism. You can argue it's due to some conspiracy, a natural progression in western thinking. Or that we practised the opposite of what we believed to be moral and just and therefore developed some sort of guilt. But it's still idiotic to feel guilt for the previous woes of a people, or even the modern woes of a people if they are the result of your ancestors actions.

No other people are asked or expected to feel guilt over their ancestors, even if their actions where even worse and didnt result in the prosperity we see today.

Always be proud of your ancestors no matter your race. But remember you have no one to blame for your woes other then yourself. Even if others inflicted them on you, that means you were weak. Nature doesn't feel sympathy.

tl;dr White guilt is based on spooks and retarded western moralisms.

Vikings were black

White guilt isn't actually a thing, except maybe with a few liberal cucks. If you really know what it's about you know it's about being aware of your white priviledge and acting sensibly. It's not about feeling guilty for what your ancestors helped establish, but about acting sensibly in this system.