League of Legends General - /lolg/

Zed edition

>All-Star music video:
[YouTube] There Will Be Mayhem | 2016 All-Star Event - League of Legends (embed)

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Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson.


Second for actually playing League instead of shitposting on Veeky Forums

why is gangplank allowed to have a global ult

I love Lissandra!
she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!


Xth for Katarina
best girl

Why are Shen, Rek'sai and Twisted Fate?

No one cares, it was part of his original kit and its a part of his new one now.



Jax (Angler skin, please)
IDK what would fit him.

I want to have a lesbian relationship with Orianna.

his broadside has long range

Answer me this lolbabs. Why is Ivern allowed to have a 700HP shield that also does 600 magic damage on a 5s cooldown?

Why is tristana dressed as liss?

I have a confession to make, lolgen. I started playing Lee Sin and I really like him

I know he's the cancer monk of overloaded kits but he's just so fucking fun.

If you please I would like some tips. My skill order is R>Q>W>E and I usually build ward-smite warrior into Cleaver/Maw, mobi boots, rest situational.


>Tristana cosplaying as liss

Also nice facebook

Fuck that, why is he allowed to have S-tier waveclear for forty (40) mana and get a million fucking bonus gold?

Lulu is the CUTEST!

TF's isn't global anymore.

>Huni signed to SKT
I don't know how to feel about this


not sure if i'm glad/

i mean i really want to get nami but i have like 50 essence and buying champ shards with ip will need me to pay half of her price anyway...

Big tiddies are only good when they're on bitches with attitude (pic related). The "shy quiet girl with huge tiddies" trope has been done to death.

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.

Should I? I like the Amumu one but I never play him

I wanna hold Jinx's hand

Also why did no one tell me Malz is a comfy champion? For once a mage I like.

I want Lulu to make league great again.

Big tiddies are always good

>bitching about getting half off of what you wanted instead of paying full price

>ywn go back in time to S3

When new patch with winter map is hitting?

Probably because he's not nearly as comfy as he used to be.

You will never know the feeling of pressing qwe on the wave and retreating to your tower while your voidling and space aids farms the wave from 1600 range.

I love lulu more than anything in the world!

by being removed from the game all together?

I agree

Just an opening into the gaping abyss of a support mains mind user

Anyone getting keys? it used to drop 3 per week but last week and this week i only got 1 per week. Even with S and S+ on aram/ranked/normal they just don't drop.

Any reason with boneclaw shyvana got huge tits compared to her other skins?

>queue for top/mid
>get jung or supp half the time
Fuck you rito

he is the newest champion

also answer me too, lobabs, why does he even need smite with his passive?

and why is his name an anagram for riven

i am a mid/jungle main, silly

if i were a support main i would have owned her long ago, i really like her urf le nami-tin skin

i just got two frags
their drop chances decline and are reset every month
they don't depend on your performance and slightly higher in apart

You'd think Lulu's popularity was on par with Riven's considering how these threads are always flooded with shitposts from Lulufags, but I rarely see her in game.

I'm more of an ass-man.

If no one replies to me in the next 60 seconds I'm doing it

Dont user!

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

If you don't like or play those champs, do it! But, for me, they're top tier skins.

*and they are slightly higher in a party

me in charge to write something properly

dusting is better, isn't it

You back the heck off, she's mine and i will fight for her til the death.

When he was brand new he had a really low winrate, and of course of bunch of retards complained about this to Riot, as retards are wont to do, and Riot gave him buffs.

>Just change the R position
Oh my...

she's pretty awful to play now that she's relegated to support

anyone from /lolg/ streaming right now?

Temple jax's hat looks dumb and I dont own Irelia.

the world is a desert. i am the oasis!

...sandstorm ahri when

Just curious is Trinity force a bad item on Akali? Other than the mana, its seems to have everything she wants, hp, ad, cd reduction, attack speed, and movement speed. I feel like both passives, spellblade and rage go well with her passive and her combo since she does include auto attacks. I mean, I never see it on her so I assume its bad for Akali, I'm just curious as to why?

"Your waifu was an easy target."

Tfw lolg will never catch ahri while shes sleeping and kidnap her for our collective stress reliever

Youre making the right choice in getting rid of Temple Jax. Angler is the best skin.


Idk. Also yes >filename

R8 my champion pool

>Master Yi


If Garen and Darius had a fist fight who would win?

Round 2: Graves vs Gangplank (Pre-Burning Tides)

even google knows!

i didn't say keeping, i said dusting

so you have enough dust if you get an expensive skin which you want

with rolling you will likely get another mediocre skin for a champion which you don't play or even own

>Wukong feeding while still building damage
>Everyone (me included) ripping on him, telling him to build Tank
>He gets a 5 man ult

Ho lee fuck.


are you trolling me son?

>Master Yi
You need to go off yourself.

tfw you wait for your opponents to outplay themselves

cute cute CUTE!


Master Yi is serious as fuck, you piece of shit.

Put your trip back on Ahri.

you forgot to add a vlad or darius pic

You're right I was pretty sad about rerolling and getting bio darius. Why would I use it when I have douchebag darius?

Why is ADC TF so fun?

>people actually think Riven takes skill
>muh auto attack cancelling
>muh animation cancelling
>muh high skill cap
>riven mains LITERALLY make up champ "mechanics" to justify using a brain dead manaless button masher

What's wrong with Thresh?

>building tank on wukong
Please, don't do this.

>mfw I start fapping to this

post op.gg lets see if your not bronze

mate im in the dunk zone but come on, in context Yi isnt great

Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before

Thresh alone is okay, but considering the champ pool he says with blitz, it seems that hes either baiting or wanting to be the silver flash hook madlife master.

Wow look at this retard. All she has is 4 gap closers, an AOE stun a shield that scales off of AD and an AD steroid that doubles as an AOE execute. She's not like all those other Top's with overloaded kits.

Which champions take skill then? I can only think of Karthus and Mordekaiser.

because holding some loser down as you throw rocks at them is fun as fuck


Ugly... Ugly! UGLY!!!!

useless useless USELESS!

Don't forget her knockup

Some champions are much harder to master than others, and some are harder to pick up and play than others, but no champions in this game are really all that difficult to just pick up and play.


>grow, grow, grow

don't forget how cute she is

Azir, Brand and Ivern come to mind. At least more skill than I possess.

don't be mean, give her that coke back >



>want to play elementalist lux
>cost 2 months worth of pay
nice game lolbabs

I love Trundle! He's my husband!
I wonder what color is butthole is. Blue or pink?

>cost 2 months worth of pay
wtf? do you work in a sweatshop?

How the fuck do you not make enough to buy lux until 2months of work
I get being fiscally conservative
but if she is LITERALLY the price of 2 months worth of pay
what the fucka re you DOING ?