>What is this game?
Build a car, drink some peer, do some mundane work for good pay, and live like a Finn.
>In-depth Guide
>Where can I get it?
>Skins and images
Previous thread
>What is this game?
Build a car, drink some peer, do some mundane work for good pay, and live like a Finn.
>In-depth Guide
>Where can I get it?
>Skins and images
Previous thread
first for finland cuties
>manly jaw
would fertilize
For the salvaging job, do you need to get a call before you can do it? I've been to 5 different barns and still no wreck. Also using a save from the 30.10.2016 version.
You just go find the cars no call
I've never used OBS or my webcam so I did a test run.
Do you tune the carb up or down to go faster?
I bought 6k worth of peer, and everything vanished except four cases. What the fuck???
hey, looks great. are you using xpadder keybind for camera view? or using your mouse?
looks good, now start streaming on twitch so we can watch while trinking case of peer.
I once lost nearly a whole load of fire wood, but my pedo van was also all banged up when I arrived, on the way back home the road was littered with fire wood everywhere.
have you checked if you dropped them along the way? otherwise Tiemo probably robbed you.
Does that mean I have to start a new game?
stream some rally attempts.
Turns out I already have a twitch account.
I need to figure out how to stream but I'm gonna go register my car first.
just stream, no need to prepare everything, just some comfy summer car stream.
Alright. If you want to watch me get my plates.
www twitch tv/freelancerk
I hope I'm doing this right
Please tell me if its visible
it works fine, now I'll send my gf down to buy some beer I can trink while watching.
It's working but framerate is a complete ass, instead of 30 it's jumping around 20-15.
Where are the barn finds?
I needed one for my parts order.
What's it like now?
one is in a barn between loppe and the shop, near the antenna. another one in a barn when you drive from home and turn right at the T junction, last one is on the side of the dirt track.
Move the webcam to the right show us them needs
a decent 30fps now
I see you made it 60 fps, but it's same shit again around 30 instead of 60. Weird stuff. Well at least now it's watchable.
Will do
thanks mang
Is it scummy to play with 200-300 degree wheel rotation instead of a full 900? I know 900 is the ultimate in hrealism, but it's utterly atrocious to control, i have to correct for every little bump in the road like that, feels like.
i use 540 degerees myself
Is it possible to build the car without damaging it extensively? It seems like just looking at it the wrong way causes a dent, and too many dents causes you to fail the inspection for "body" it seems.
Yeah i did it and didn't lift the car once
Try not to bumping into it with your body, use lean on Q. Most of the dents appears because of that.
Also, you can fix that just by deleting meshsave.txt in savegame folder and reload. Game will make new one without damaged parts. It just contain damage model information for body, doors, bumpers and shit like that.
I've gotten to a point where I no longer care. when you start driving and practicing for the rally, it's impossible not to totally trash the car. you can hammer it somewhat back into shape using the sledgehammer.
>not getting 5min 16 sec run with only light dents on the bottom of the doors
Wow git gud m8
don't they have wolves and bears in rural finlandia? i believe they do, it would be neat if could get randomly mauled to death if you leave your vehicle at night.
>that one lucky run
post intense rally videos
dem bears stole my vodka again, perkele!
I will make a video when i get to sat again
>break the shops glass
>pay 2760 markka
Atleast I got the idiot achievement.
does Veeky Forums like my new sheets?
there's no sheets on your bed retard
dakimakura when?
it's actually fun to watch people doing the rally, very intense, on the edge of death, like this guy:
I won't be able to record my wheel or anything though because i don't have a webcam
Just tape your phone to your face.
who would buy a hasselhoff daki..., oh.
tried to make mine look like my old dorm room. can't find the exact style of blanket I had.
Mm very nice
no problems, still worth watching a good run.
just saw another video from that dude, he is getting serious now, racing gloves and full driving suit:
I expect he'll have a proper co-driver in his next video.
I hear ya, senpai.
Why he doesn't stream on twitch? I'm pretty sure he can get much more viewers and shit. No one gives a crap about streaming on youtube. Also, would be nice if he dropped that typical youtube lets player act. Looks fucking ridiculous.
too gay for words
Don't be so heteronormative, what happens in sauna stays in sauna.
How can I enter the barn where is the carwreck? Can't enter.
Rollbar confirmed boys found it in the files
Smash the door open.
use sledgehammer or poop truck to break doors.
Drove in with the pooptruck, nothing happened.
agree, I think he'd do well on twitch, but i've got no idea if he is just having fun or he wants to become le funny youtube e-celeb #10millions
That's a rollcage.
aim for the doors, they will break if there is a car inside.
I'll give it a second try.
I just called it a rollbar because that is what the file was called
usually a roll bar is to prevent the car from rolling and a roll cage is to protect the driver when the car does roll.
that's why you don't have friends, nerd
Lol. No. An anti-sway bar prevents the body from rolling relative to the chassis, but a roll bar is just the main hoop of a roll cage. Roll cages are really more of a collision cage, a four point roll bar is usually sufficient in a rollover.
get a room on Veeky Forums faggots, then you can play with your bars without us having know about it.
question for car fags
last episode of grand tour talk about a car named vulcan, which has some sort of special design built around downforce. it sounds like this "downforce" allows the car to have better handling at higher speeds.
is this something the satsuma also has? is it possible to achieve better cornering if I just go fast as shit?
you're retarded:
it's usually a diffuser designed into the rear and floor of the car, causing it to be sucked into the ground. but it only works on a fairly straight surface and the satsuma definitely doesn't have one.
bummer. thank you.
Worked, thanks!
Found a racing seat
a proper bucket seat, now we just need a turbo, upgraded suspension etc. (and a new 300 hp engine )
>An anti-roll bar (anti-sway bar, sway bar, stabilizer bar)
You're retarded. Roll bars are a safety item, and just a four point "cage."
I challenge you to a race, man vs faggot, too bad we don't have multiplayer. I would've destroyed you so badly you'd never play a racing game again and start crying every time you see a car.
>and a new 300 hp engine
>spectators at rally events
How can people be this fucking retarded?
>tfw every time I drive the satsuma like it's a rallycar, I end up losing half my car
well who needs a muffler, doors, or bumpers, amirite
free peer
>living in rural finlandia, nothing exciting happens
>attend rally, 22 people are killed by rolling satsuma
feels good
it is realistik, not masturbatin to kar kulture u kan nevr affort
this is rural finnish rally on shitty roads:
when vill ve ever get rally spektaters to run over
i vant the taste of blood on my windshild
feels good
lel at 2:47 someone said perkele
jesus christ, these people are literally a few yards away from crashing directly into a tree.
I hope these drivers are earning millions from this shit.
Surprised at the accuracy of the signs and buildings.
they do it for fun, that is how boring rural finland really is, drink vodka and fight with knives or try kill yourself in a rally car are their best entertainment options. don't forget it's basically dark with only a few hours of sunlight 10 months a year.
>second crash at 00:30
>guy in the crowed starts screaming like he lost a leg
>people screaming like a bunch of monkeys at some of these crashes
I get it's exciting but why
is only rural finland like this?
or are the other nordic countries rural areas just as fucked up?
mostly just finland, I think it's because it's dark so much of the year.
well i know that there are some rural people who do motorcrossing and use snowmobiles and do crazy shit here in norway
>I hope these drivers are earning millions from this shit.
Those events are pretty much opposite of it, you can tell it by lack of sponsor decals on cars. Not millions of course, but it's still worth spending, because it's the only opportunity to go faster than 100km/h legally.
A lot of nice vintage cars, shame they're getting trashed
yeah, it's a bit painful to watch, but I bet they are all old cars restored, tuned and driven by regular guys just having fun, they crash way too much to be pros.
More time period correct, 90s:
A car is a car only when it's driven
I love you user