is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.
Austin Wright
>Ok shut up about cocks for a second. What do you guys think will be the closest of the first set of games in 7 hours? >>NewB vs MVP Ph. >>Wings vs. WG.Unity >>DC vs. LGD.FY >>VP vs. NP
New MVP are too shit to win vs anyone Wings are too good to lose vs anyone NP are too shit to win vs anyone DC vs LGD.FY will therefore be the closest.
Charles Foster
who's your dota husbando?
Josiah Edwards
am I in /owg/? what's with all the fags tonight?
David Rodriguez
Elijah Martin
Actual new thread that won't be deleted due to gay porn / off-topic image
Joshua Flores
I did it lads. I finally figured out why the west is so shit at Dota. It's because it's an inherently communist game.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" This means everyone must try as hard as they can, but they only get what they need. Supports get little, carries just get it all. Contrast this with capitalism, where everyone competes with eachother, and the best ends up on top. If this were the case, carries and supports would compete for last hits with eachother, and the one who gets least would naturally become a support.
Jonathan Turner
Brandon Foster
>off topic >OP pic are DOTA pros fucking /u/ being retarded once again
Brandon Myers
for a second i thought about Veeky Forums's /owg/ mmh
Carter Cook
Owen Harris
Do /u/ and /y/ have a legit rivalry or fake rivalry?
Anthony Wilson
>9 games played today >not a single win >every single one was -24 legitimately crying right now, this is so utter fucking bullshit
Jace Carter
legit fake rivalry
stop playing games verguenza
Angel Clark
How was your last game d2g? I was the Sniper. I love to hate games like this, from minute 3 Axe and Night just tried to gangbang me under tower. I eventually left lane and just farmed the hard radiant camp by ancients and the two medium camps at the entrance to radiant jungle when it was safe.
Died like 8 times in the first 20 minutes but managed to get a few kills to get my pike and be a cancerous high ground defender until we finally won.
Levi Perry
They're actually totally different despite what it sounds like. /u/ as a board is much, much more romance and story focused than /y/ is, which is almost all porn. I mean if they have a rivalry it's probably more about romance vs sex as a subject instead of lesbians vs gays as the object.
Jose Kelly
12 more hours until e-sports.
Why not blog a bit?
Camden Smith
>queue for another game >it's another -24 game what are painless ways to kill myself?
Jaxon Anderson
Show me the items and the k/d
Actually fuck, invite me I wanna party up with you to see how bad the trench is. I calibrated at 1.7 but immediately climbed to like 2.5, so I barely remember how shit sub 2k was.
Nolan Peterson
Haven't played or followed the scene in half a year, what's new ingame and in the pro scene?
Cameron Watson
nothing and nobody
James Nguyen
the older he gets the cutest he becomes
Andrew Lopez
I think it actually has more to do with the lack of people playing on USE right now.
Match wasn't a particularity interesting one either. Ive seen bizzare cheese builds like euls rush sniper that seem to thrive on players with shit fundamentals like me.
Parker Flores
→ Actual new thread that won't be deleted due to gay porn / off-topic image
Ian Robinson
puppey was the team cancer all along
Jordan Rivera
Nigga give up you were too slow too bad so sad.
Andrew Jackson
You're in the wrong and you know it, our OP is both Dota 2 related and not porn. I hope you get banned for even TRYING to start a threadwar.
Xavier Baker
never forget
Juan Ward
Why does Valve keep hosting tournaments in the US when it is dead in there.
A Chinese, European and/or Russian major would make much more sense
Levi Gutierrez
by that logic valve should host TI in peru
Justin Campbell
Is Boston Major the biggest fuck up of a DOTA 2 tournament?
Everything we know about it so far makes it look like a fucking disaster - like single elimination tournament DIRECTLY after reshuffle season or the fact that previous Major, then TI and now this are on same patch (Dead game?)
Blake Gray
Jaxon Hughes
What are you talking about, this sounds like the ultimate test of survival and skill.
Jeremiah Cooper
>You get 60k just for showing up even if you don't win a single game.
Juan Wood
I would like a Manila Major again tbqh since they actually cheer whatever team is in the stage and not brood when their home crowd team gets eliminated
Luke King
kek, fucking US audience is so shit
Hudson Murphy
A soulless greed-driven venue is ideal for helping Chinese players feel at home.
Alexander Robinson
reminder that CLQ dumpstered EE with his pudge
Colton Martinez
God yes. Manila and even the ESL Manila that preceded it were so refreshingly enthusiastic and loving that it's where TI should be hosted from now on.
Asher Johnson
what if Valve hosted ti7 in brazil
Kayden Jenkins
i cant fall asleep and it starts in 6 hours..any advice on how to fall +asleep?
Juan Russell
What do I do for 5 hours?
Parker Powell
Masturbate furiously until your tired
Mason Rivera
this desu
Landon Peterson
Evan Adams
CLQ also carried fear to 7k and dumpstered rtz. Also, since he stopped trolling and played exclusively on new account, he only plays very high skill
Bentley Ramirez
VHS is like 3,5k - 3,7k, it's not really indicative of anything
Hunter Perry
which opening matches will you watch today, doturds? VP vs NP is the only good tier
Levi Hernandez
Brayden Turner
neurons fired
Evan Hernandez
when is best team playing? EG
Eli Robinson
Yeah, Valve needs to update what is considered Normal, HS and VHS. 3.2k and 3.8k (or whatever it is) are definitely not it.
Ayden Anderson
VHS should be only VHS so 7000MMR and higher.
High skill should probably start at 6000MMR and last for 7000MMR.
Normal skill should probably be from 4800 MMR to 6000MMR.
Stupid faggot should be anything below 5000MMR
James Barnes
or what if valve fixed mmr inflation
Jacob Young
how can they fix MMR inflation?
Cooper Murphy
There is no MMR inflation unless you are 8000MMR or higher. There are already plenty of 7000MMR and higher average matches.
You are just below dog shit skill that should delete dota
Elijah Nelson
VP can't play EG until much later in the tournament. For now you'll just have to watch the best team play NP.
Michael King
9k pro detected.
Henry Cox
>Watching NP
Brayden Brooks
slacks got 5k+ by spamming omni, how is it not mmr inflation you faggot or carry only faggots spamming OP heroes and getting easily 7k+ but performing like a 2k when they play support
Xavier Hernandez
total mmr reset
Jackson Murphy
Did you not see that everything below 5000MMR is a stupid faggot tier
You are a stupid faggot.
Anthony White
>there is no MMR inflation
Do you not remember when the highest MMR players were 5.5k MMR? Then valve adjusted the threshold for MMR changes so people with 5.5k would stop getting +5MMR and bitching.
Now we have 9k MMR players.
Bentley Foster
I think you underestimate just how bad 2k is lad.
Christian Rogers
Yeah, I don't know why DotA 2 doesn't have a seasonal ladder. Every other competitive game does it that way.
Brayden Nguyen
and there are already plenty of 7000 mmr average games in Europe/North America.
Just that the maybe 0,00001% of dotaplayers like RTZ, Matu can experience some sort of mmr inflation doesn't mean it covers the entire system
fucking stupid faggot
Blake Kelly
>what did he mean by this? I'm indeed a stupid faggot maybe
Colton Butler
So you have zero reading comprehension
Thomas Allen
So you can't respond to me? Fucking stupid faggot. You are below 5000MMR I can tell.
>Mek total MMR reset. >Now the same players that were at top MMRs are again at top MMRs >Only now they have to carry literal brain dead retards every "season" Yeah no
Evan Clark
No, they just need to make people lose MMR if they don't play ranked for x time, with it progressing slowly to their hidden MMR.
Nathan Johnson
Drow Ranger here with a friendly reminder that I am the best waifu ever, and if you do not pick me and at least 3 other ranged heroes on your team I will laugh at you
Juan Walker
New cosmetic:
Cosmetic MMR. For $1 you can buy 10 MMR. You can buy as many as you'd like. Might finally give Valve the money needed to fund Half Life 3.
Jacob Ross
>New hats hide actual spell effects like Abba's shield.
very nice ebin Valve... very nice
Gavin Reed
Jesus fuck, invisible, unpurgeable track is the worst thing ever. No wonder it's not in normal dota.
Bentley Turner
rough image of MMR inflation left is how it used to be, right is what we have now
the only thing it does is increase queue times, give larger MMR differences in averages (i.e. an unbalanced match), and makes it easier for people to create a buffer where no matter how many games they lose they can just spam a fotm hero to regain their MMR quickly.
it saddens me how valve has defiled the elo system as a cheap tool to increase player grinding instead of using it as a tool to measure player skill
Austin Jones
3rd party DotA server/client software when?
Angel Morris
Oh no, RTZ and Matu have to play 2000 points below their MMR this surely means that you the 3000 mmr shitcan are suffering from it too.
delete dota you are shit
David Brown
>rough image
More than just a little rough, you're implying no one used to be above 4k. If you think that mmr isn't a accurate depiction of player skill, why haven't you joined a pro team you 2k cunt
Andrew Campbell
good argument, pretty sure they won't care since match quality has not improved at all with MMR inflation just long as fuck queue times to the point where they have to make smurfs to actually play the game
David Lewis
I wish Drow was my mom things would be much different around here
Sebastian Long
Hudson Campbell
You can't even post your MMR because you know it. I know it. This thread knows.
You are shit. You are probably in the account buyer MMR or god forbid even lower and absolute garbage at the game.
Joshua Perez
i absolutely must know where this gif is from I NEED THIS CM IN MY LIFE
Alexander Barnes
>2. QO >3. MOTHER FUCKIN VELO Aren't both of these dudes Australia? How is that balanced?
Xavier Walker
>tfw to intelligence to play Dota
Adrian Watson
I would argue that ALL e-sports are dead in the US, a paradox when most competitive games are made here.
People here are more willing to get tickets to see highschool sports rather than international e-sports. Local e-sports in the US is tiny compared to other countries like china and korea.
Bentley Gutierrez
what are you talking about, the old mmr line stops at 5.5k. I didn't state that 2k players are secretly 9k players, I stated that the difference between a 7k and 9k player is comparable to the difference between a 4k and 5k player in the old system.
started from 3.6k in the old system and then easily got 5k in this inflated system.
You guys are making out as if I'm ooga posting or something when in reality I just want better quality games.
Owen Miller
Which region?
Josiah James
Nigga you literal stupid fuck I can go to any profile and take a screenshot too.
Michael Edwards
yea its op as shit
Samuel Thompson
>FEBBY and 2 literal WHOs >winning any LAN ever
user you really know how to make a girl laugh...
Joshua Lopez
Not like it matters both regions have the same MMR inflation issues >but but EU has more players and more a higher skill ceiling It's way easier to gain MMR where there are more players because it means the MMR averages of games will be closer. Then you also have the fact that the EU region didn't break the upper MMR limit that the other regions had either until valve changed the MMR system.
David Walker
>Wake up >It's Boston Major day.
Nolan Taylor
Adrian Cook
Someone cares about Esports?
Considering the last major before TI was played ons ame patch
it seems like Valve does not care
Jordan Wood
who is a who on this squad? >forev >one of the most versatile and aggressive players in the game right now >QO >THE aggro mid player >velo >new kid on the block but he's basically a prototype forev and he's doing good shit. is a who? for now, sure... >febby >the yin to QO's yang >dubu god