Mika edition
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What is the ideal range for a roster size in your opinion?
sfv is straight shite
>hasn't fought a single japanese in this tournament so far
he might be able to beat the fake-japanese (samurai, xian, xiaohai), but he'll shatter once he gets to the real deal (MOV)
32 characters, like a small tournament.
Maybe like 2 secret ones also.
what matters is how diverse the cast is and plays
like 20
24 + 2 secret ones
When's mahvel
4Gamer: If you only consider game balance, what is the most optimal number of characters?
Endo: According to our own Kato-san, “If we consider the players, it's easiest to balance the game with around 10 characters."
Kamone: If I imagined myself as a player that properly studied character matchups, then I feel that 10 characters is just about right. For UNIELST there were 17 characters. With this cast size, there will occasionally be times when you encounter rare characters that don't appear often during play.
Pachi: Even in Virtua Fighter 4 with that big of a player base, there were characters who felt like rare matchups despite only 13 characters. However, if you say that 10 characters are just enough, then people will say that you have far too few.
Daigo was exposed really hard today, as was Infiltration.
I was really disappointed Luffy never made it to top 8
whenever the sony keynote is
i think about 6 hours
Is the input delay thing true or did they just figure Nash out?
his V-reversal is probably one of the worst ones now.
I think that's because he mostly uses his v-skill in the corners. People know that it's a get out of jail card and it works for that reason still. But for proper mixups he should do the v-reversal in the neutral.
Do you really think its going to be Marvel? Are we really trusting Polygon on this one?
i think there is about a 60-70% chance of a new marvel vs capcom fighting game, but i dont know if it'll be mvc4 or a reboot or under a different name altogether
It's Capcom Fighting Jam 2
Should I prepare some banter reaction images to laugh at the people who hoped for MvC4 just in case? I hope for it too but if it doesn't happen we lose a good shitposting opportunity if we don't prepare.
>talking about games with a friend
>asks me about that time I told him I bought a japanese game on PSN and what it was called
>u-um... oh you probably haven't heard of it... haha japanese names are so funny... I-it's called "Under Night in-Birth"
Thanks japan
What did he mean by this
I'm already prepared.
Have you ever tried saying "Under Night In-Birth" out loud
hope for the best plan for the worst, get your shitposting ready
just dont use kermits
It's easy to pronounce. This shit is fucking tame as fuck compared to the names that actually exist. What are you nigger on about?
Should have just said You-knee-el
Should've just said Uniel m8
Nah I agree with him, that shit makes no fucking sense and sounds stranger than even the average "super hyper max party ultra blahblahblah" stuff.
You can't even slightly get a grasp on what kind of game it is from that title either.
It sounds a little strange but how is it remotely hard to pronounce? Are you americans fucking retarded? And like I said it's really tame anyway relative to what else exists.
If it's made of my favorite characters 20. If none make it 50.
Where did I say the problem is the pronounciation?
What else is the problem, filthy weeb? Were you disgusted because he didn't use the japanese name. You probably pulled out your katana and yelled YAMERO STOP THIS MADNESS BAKA and teleported behind him to end his pathetic existence.
If some russian writer made a book about you it would be titled Autism and Retardation
Wtf, kill yourself.
Says the degenerated weeb.
There is no Capcom fighting game announcement that would get me hyped and interested at this point.
I truly believe the staff that usually is involved with the fighting games department needs a really big re-management. I wouldn't go as far as saying that the Tsujimoto family needs to go, since they also approved lots of good games and they've been there for quite a while, even during the times Capcom was good.
I just hate what Ono represents. He's pretty much the current Inafune for Capcom fighters. Outsourcing his badly managed products despite the disappointing quality, forcing his hand too much in his products, and of course he's very annoying and obnoxious as a PR.
Ono is just the pathetic existence they are going to fire if things turn wrong. He doesn't have much involvement with anything regarding the development of V.
>Breek is about as smooth as a ferret with parkinsons
i expected nothing less
SFV inputs feel so finicky sometimes
>Ono is just the pathetic existence they are going to fire if things turn wrong
Things have been turned wrong for quite a while, yet he's still there.
>He doesn't have much involvement with anything regarding the development of V.
I don't believe that.
They're going to fire him right before the big gameplay patch and say Ono was responsible for the game before but they fixed the problem now.
I want MVC4 to happen, but desu I want an update to UMVC3 ported to PS4 / PC way more
Yeah, he is so important to the development. That's why Capcom made him a PR guy and sent him around the world all year, to develop the game.
>Tsujimoto family
In how many hours is top 8? Im beyond bad with time conversions
t. combofiend
14-15 hours I think.
So we all agree karin needs buffs, chun and mika need a ton of nerfs, and everyone else is fine as is right
About 14½ hours.
6pm PST
If you aren't Japanese and don't in one of those timezones you are irrelevant.
yes, obviously this is so
Sure why not
Lower ryus damage
Nerf necalli jab AA
Buff Laura and Fangs everything
He may not be "developing" the game in the sense of actually programming it but he has enough power to impose the direction he wants.
>Top 8 starts 3 in the morning for me
>Reveals might be at like 6 in the morning
I... I'll just read about it the next morning...haha I dont like hype at all..
I ate 10 cheeseburgers and now my tummy aches. Send help or I'll miss capcuck cup.
It's the fucking weekend, stay up faggot.
The only nerfs the top tier needs is removing invincible meterless DP and having invincible DP and 3f jabs on the same character.
>Watching kuso cup when you can be playing KoF, Blazblue, Tekken, Melty, or the goat P4A
Pretty much how I feel as well.
I don't know if I would totally blame those issues on Ono though. I think the issue you mention of him are more compromises in order to make execs accept the development of a new fighting game rather than something he truly wants.
If you are cute girl (male or female), I'll rub it for you.
I wanted to include a funny image with this post but now it's too late. No SFV is trash and would need to receive massive changes for me to touch it again.
how would you guys react if they brought back Dante in mvc4?
Doesn't matter when he is a passive japanese cuck who can't speak the fuck up.
>hey Ono-sama I have this great idea to do x
>s-sure go ahead
>haha Ono-sama you are hilarious with your little blanka figure
Time to prepare the official funeral for classic DMC.
Since K Brad is out I'm sending all my power to Knuckledu
I would laugh and still main him
How cute do you think someone looks like who just ate 10 fucking cheeseburgers?
What will be the "Yun had problems getting in" of SFV S2 changes?
cammy probably
i feel like she's just sitting on the edge of nerf range and will escape the nerfbat for s2
Charges removed
Divekick is back
Universal V-Cancel system for everyone in the cast
Capcom's CEO, Kenzo Tsujimoto, and COO, his son.
What would you think of multiple pickable v-skills?
Capcom isn't dumb, they also have sales numbers of people buying DMC4 SE over DmC:DmC;DMCedition
Woops, I read it as Juri
Damn, reminding me now of Yun and Deejay changes for USFIV is getting me actually scared for what they're going to do for S2.
Hopefully it's a different balance team from the one who balanced USFIV.
Little Asian grills are sometimes big eaters just like my animes...
>SFV got awarded fighting game of the year a day before it was exposed as a skill-less no footsies RNGfest
I would kill someone.
Did they show anything? Did i miss any trailer or MAHVEL?
PSX Experience starts in 5 hours.
>tfw luffy lost
oh well, all in for Fuudo now
>Best player consistently wins all the tournaments
>skill-less no footies RNGfest
What did he mean by this?
holy fuck
>Knuckledu will win Capcom cup with Guile and Guile will get nerfed
>american player is winning
>he's still asian
poorfag here
should i get a mayflash stick for 30-50€ or save for a Madcatz TE for 90-120€
I don't care as long as Mika is fucking trash I'm good.
*teabags characters with shitty aa and no reversal*
I wish I was smart enough to play Mika.
Save up
The fuck do you want? Someone from the Navajo nation?
Balance changes can't fix design issues.
There's a reason why most people don't play RPS competitively.
(And that reason is your chances of winning are just as high by playing as randomly as possible at high level)
why the fuck did he almost kill himself?
You mean the top tier character that will get buffed for no apparent reason?
I have a feeling it's going to be Karin or Vega.
Cammy is a nice guess too.
Someone born and bred in the deep south
he plays fighting games
He broke with his now ex sometime ago.
Dogs are a bless.