Tell me why you would honestly need more than 400hp for a daily driver
Tell me why you would honestly need more than 400hp for a daily driver
It's not a "need". It's a "because I can" and "because I want to".
Freedom, bitch.
so you can beat a tesla in stoplight races
80% of cars around here have I4 engines so I can maneuver more quickly and efficiently through the crowd with my whopping V8 meme machine
Because it's possible. I don't need cheese in my pizza crust but it's fucking good.
I bet you voted for Hillary you limp wristed liberal. You probably have a beard to hide your weak chin.
Your wife doesn't need that black dick either, yet she can't stop taking it.
You mean 150 hp. Anything above is purely for pleasure and therefore not suitable for the term "need".
Tell me why >99% of the population would need more than 150hp for a dd.
I have a 60hp shitbox and it's enough for cruising around town.
There goes that fucking "N" word again.
Why are you using your fetish as an insult?
Do you hate yourself that much?
>been driving econoboxes whole life
>tool to get from point a to b
>Veeky Forums convinces me to get a 200+hp LSJ
>driving suddenly fun
I don't need anything. I got freedom.
I also don't get cucked with a displacement tax
There's this thing called FREEDOM. Something yurocuckolds don't have in their communist shitholes.
running from cops
double dubs
>Projecting this much
Because I don't have to justify myself to you.
because your car weighs 3 tons
>Tell me why you would honestly need more than 400hp for a daily driver
Because more power = more fun
Have you driven with 400+hp? I have an M4 and it's a godmachine on the freeway. You have an infinite amount of maneuverability in traffic. Merging is cake and you can just go around people at anytime.
It makes driving much less stressful. If you've ever driven in an anemic 100hp Toyota, you know the feeling of being almost helpless to traffic sometimes, super stressful.
It's much better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Merging and passing sucks in a 100hp car when Linda in her 350hp minivan or crossover is out-accelerating you. Not being able to beat a minivan off the line fucking sucks too.
400hp might be too much if the average car has 70 hp like you guys but here in 400hp truckland you kinda need it.
i literally have the car in the pic. i don't understand why anyone would need anymore speed than 400hp
if you had a job or any purpose in life you would know.
who cares if somebodys minivan is faster than your car?
There's somebody trying to cut you off with 400hp, so you floor it with your 450hp beast and save them from being a cunt.
For a daily driver you don't need more than 150hp
Unless your vehicle is pigfat as fuck, in which case kys
for hooning on the way to work
Why do you need a car at all?
My question is just as stupid as yours.
If you're in the US, everyone's going to have a pigfat car with lots of horsepower, that's the only way they can haul their own ass around.
Because, you know, our roads are filled with pickups that never have anything in the beds, families of 3-4 with SUVs that seat 8, the "crossover" meme, etc., etc.
Not letting Detroit fail was a mistake. 90% of owners of all of the above would be just fine with a normal fucking sedan.
This. Pigfat cars need more ponies. My 3200lb car is quick enough with 330hp
May as well tax men on the size of their penis. Fucking europoors.
While i agree that having more ponies isnt a bad thing, its more than the engine that makes a great car.
>70hp Audi a2
>not even a metric ton in weight bc muh alumemeum frame
>A E R O as fuck
>still massive funsies
forreal, you can throw this thing around like crazy because its so light and manouverable
>displacement tax
why are you lieing, man
Atleast we have half the amount of people killed per driven mile than the US does :^)
Keep talking like that and we'll all be driving electric smart cars.
>Tell me why you would honestly need more than 400hp for a daily driver
Because I live in a America, not some yurocuck nation or some other limp-dick 3rd world country.
>muh safety
Yurocucks and their nanny state mentality is sickening
To btfo fags with 399hp cars obviously
No one NEEDS anything more than a decent Mondeo or a 320d, but we want more power / toys etc because we can and its fun.
The only right answer
based off this thread i can tell everyone here has never even driven on the roads let alone even ridden on a bus.
everyone in america drives a sub $15,000 shit box. I still do no understand why anyone would need more than 400 hp to feel supreme over all the poors? Sure more than 400 is nice, but all its going to do is either kill your license or kill you when you crash into one of the poor people.
Youre all a bunch of bus riding, non-car-owning faggots
Most vehicles on the road here absolutely have more horsepower than needed and everyone drives like shit; I want more power so I can ensure my own safety.
t. Texan