Why do we hate him again?

Why do we hate him again?

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People either loving or hating Hitler are the biggest plebs in the world. I as a true patrician simply consider him insignificant and don't care about him.

*Teleports behind you*
*Tips fedora*
I completely agree with you my fellow patrician.

We don't. This isn't tumblr.

He was a vegetarian and so bad in the sack that all of his lovers commited suicide.

Vegetarians are superior, though.

He lost the fucking war and doomed us all.

Because he lost.

Because he started stupid wars of aggression after antagonizing Western Europe instead of courting them against the Soviets, resulting in the loss of much of Germany's territory and the destruction of Prussia forever.

Even if you agree with everything he said he was for, you have to hate him for the retarded way he went about everything.

What war did he start?



All true Veeky Forumstorians have a disdain for spooks and Hitler was a bona fide spookmeister who eventually haunted himself and started taking amphetamine pills his doctor told him are vitamins.

>after antagonizing Western Europe
t american

Barring the invasion of Poland entirely because you're going to spout some meme about it, there was literally no reason for him to have invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, or Norway. Norway especially, because the Allies WERE planning to occupy it to cut off his iron ore supplies, but the dumbfuck jumped the gun and invaded first, driving Norway into the hands of the Allies and staging the most embarrassing German military performance of the entire Second World War.

What was the point of posting that graph in relation to Germany pre-WWII?

/pol/lacks will truly grasp for anything.

>most embarrassing German military performance of the entire Second World War.

It made the IJN look good.


m8 im not here to fill in the breach between reality n ur autism if u cant figure it out im hardly obliged but ur post shows u got no fucking clue anyway so id be wasting proverbial breathe
but for the rest;


Because he escaped and lived in the andes and got into a relationship with a black woman???...What was his point of purging the world to end up like that?

cunts as significant as the lowest unpaid slave worker in chinas underbelly

War crimes, Genocide, Conspiracy to murder, High treason, Crimes against Humanity, Breaking the Geneva Convention, Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression, Crimes against Peace, Statutory rape, Miscarriage of Justice, Using Uniforms of Enemy, General Disregard for Human Rights, Torture or inhumane treatment, Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property, Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial, Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer, Directing attacks against civilians, Killing a surrendered combatant, Settlement of occupied territory, Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory, Using civilians as shields, Using child soldiers, Summary execution, Murder, cruel or degrading treatment

Except for that he was pretty cool guy tho


Not to mention he set the Western world on the path we see today, fucking the West over with his autism.

Veeky Forums is /leftpol/+reddit

I don't understand this meme

Everything is /leftypol/. It's not hard to be left of a bunch of alt right edgelords. Why single out Veeky Forums?

>why single out Veeky Forums
Because you cunts dont shut the fuck up about /pol/.
>hurr go back to /pol/
Is in almost every thread here, its sickening, and then you make fun of /pol/ for their JIDF call outs.

You'll say /pol/ can't argue and then when OP proposes a decent argument to promote people to take a logical look at race, all you can do is say "go back to /pol/"

You call /pol/ racist retards for being anti-immigration then complain when """/pol/""" emigrates to your board

No other board is this autistic about /pol/.

I just want to talk about History & Humanities, can you all shut the fuck up about /pol/ for 2 minutes please

Because for a few days at the start there were a ton of Veeky Forums folks around and /pol/ only updates its worldview every million years with the Galactic Alignment

>War crimes, Genocide, Conspiracy to murder, High treason, Crimes against Humanity, Breaking the Geneva Convention, Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression, Crimes against Peace, Statutory rape, Miscarriage of Justice, Using Uniforms of Enemy, General Disregard for Human Rights, Torture or inhumane treatment, Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property, Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial, Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer, Directing attacks against civilians, Killing a surrendered combatant, Settlement of occupied territory, Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory, Using civilians as shields, Using child soldiers, Summary execution, Murder, cruel or degrading treatment

So.... Spooks?

>muh hypocracy

An argument for toddlers

>projecting this much

>Veeky Forums hates germany but loves prussia

Wew that's a lot of projection but

>I just want to talk about history and humanities

I agree, I want to be able to talk about Islamic history without rampant shit posting or I want to have a catalogue that doesn't have 3 separate "Is evolution wrong?!?!?!?!" threads. Unfortunately I can't.

Go back to /pol/ stormfaggot

maybe it's all those little Nazi girls getting gang raped whilst he was in his bunker getting married

>visiting a different board of the same site is equal to settling down in a different country
/pol/acks everyone

Besides, when have people on Veeky Forums ever been big at promoting immigration?

>accepts cognitive dissonance
Not an argument
And i also want to be able to address the violent nature of Islam and the Quran without being bombarded with "go back to /pol/"
It's a two way street
>exerting your influence upon a community is somehow different to exerting your influence upon a community

>thinks there is a legitimate equivalence between national immigration policies and crossboard posters on anonymous anime imageboards

The bright young future of anime nazism

>Is in almost every thread here, its sickening, and then you make fun of /pol/ for their JIDF call outs.
And how many does it? Seriously.
In this thread about race there is one single guy naming /pol/ On /pol/ they will bother with creating thread with no other purpose than to fight JIDF.

>You'll say /pol/ can't argue and then when OP proposes a decent argument to promote people to take a logical look at race, all you can do is say "go back to /pol/"
Again, how often? Most of the people do try to argue with those accused of coming from /pol/

>You call /pol/ racist retards for being anti-immigration then complain when """/pol/""" emigrates to your board
Nigger, can you show me anything pointing towards Veeky Forums being positive of immigration? People here hate gypsies, got hard to think they show any love for refugees.

>I just want to talk about History & Humanities, can you all shut the fuck up about /pol/ for 2 minutes please
can you stop getting hang up on a few posters?

Right, just stop "addressing the violent nature of Islam" in my thread about Islamic clothes and ways of dress.

The problem is when someone brings it up when it's only tangentially related to the topic at hand. Then it's time to go back to /pol/.

Thousands of your countrymen gave their lives to take him down so that you can ask this question

Actions aren't spooks, though. The valence that is attributed to them can be a spook.

I don't much care for them, actually. I think Prussia was a highly aggressive militaristic state that bred too much of a deferrance to authority into its populace. However, one can not deny that they dominated German culture in the 19th Century and were the ones to finally unite Germany. Losing East Prussia and Konigsberg, not only losing them but having their Prussian populations ethnically cleansed, is something that should make even Nazis hate Hitler. Germany was ruined after he took control, and that's an objective fact.

>but he didn't do that, the Soviets/Poles did

And he was the one who declared war on BOTH of them of his own volition when he didn't have the means to defeat them, and probably against the better judgement of his advisers. He also personally meddled in the war to his detriment on numerous occasions, and personally ensured that Germany was going to lose it.

Facts are, no one person has ever done more to ruin Germany more than Hitler. No amount of memery about Jews can handwave away the territory he lost, the Germans he sent to their deaths, and the economy he destroyed.

Something something Jews something something


Nein, you can value whatever you please in Stirner's reasoning, and there are sound egoistic reasons to be against all of those. The most simple is that a world which tolerates those things is a world in which those things are more likely to happen to you.

authoritarianism, genocide, etc

the only correct answer

terrible fashion sense and mediocre art

>omg I love spooks
>what do you mean you're using them to justify Hitler's actions? I'M TELLING MY RABBI ABOUT THIS!

(You) should go back to /pol/

It's "thanks" to him nationalism is seen as something hateful and facism has literally become a buzzword.

Actions aren't spooks, faggot.


Authoritarianism, genocide.

The equivalent of Stalin, whom I also despise.

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>Norway especially, because the Allies WERE planning to occupy it to cut off his iron ore supplies, but the dumbfuck jumped the gun and invaded first, driving Norway into the hands of the Allies and staging the most embarrassing German military performance of the entire Second World War.

Dumbest thing I read today, the invasion of Norway was vital for the war effort and he had to invade first, had the Allies invaded Norway first he wouldn't have stood a chance to take it from them. And the performance wasn't embarassing at all, considering the very limited capabilities of the German navy it was a respectable feat.

yeah and all the words listed here are interpretations of action.


I dont hate him.. he was the good guy in all of it

Says who..? The winners of wars write the history books fool..