Veeky Forums League 7 vs. the Idols Edition
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1st for don't play shitverse
>control priest can't win! druids ruin everything!
>hotform is rank 8 legend against jade druids playing reno control priest
Just hit legend with Pirate Warrior.
Suck my dick.
I do not seem to understand. Why does this not work?
Please respond.
they should try a tavern brawl where its 50hp and 50 card decks
>kick circle in 2016
>tfw last game against jade druid he conceded when I potion + cabaled his ancient of war
Unpacked the Forgotten Kang, but don't have Aya or Fandral. What now?
Pics or it didn't happen.
Does /hsg/ think Anduin's cute?
so how much packs have you paid already?
Jade Druid is not good. Why is that so hard to understand? Token druid is leagues better.
And even still, Pirate warrior is better than token druid. Jade Druid is a fucking JOKE.
Make an Anivia deck
We're live /hsg/ vs /@/
hitbox tv/the4chanDELETEcup
lol savage roar
and emperor
and giants
I barely see any hunter lists, did the class get memed?
at least rouges can run with pirates
>Raza actually wound up more playable than Inkmaster
would not have expected that
Of course not, that's why I use tyrande
Jade + Cthun rogue or should I add some spicy burgle there too?
ALWAYS add some spicy Burgle.
Nothing better than beating an enemy with their own broken cards.
get used to it faggot im finally going to hit legend with this deck it fucking works
ok ok
reno n'zoth jade rogue v 2.0
I wish I read this before I went ahead and crafted Fandral and Aya
>using tyrande "kill all the trolls" whisperwind
>using tyrande "i enjoy cucking my husband's twin brother" whisperwind
>using tyrande "im just going to murder these humans because LOL WHY NOT and never face any repercussions for it" whisperwind
At least you could've said, "Yes, your husband is cute, but I think Tyrande is sexier and that is why I use her portrait instead."
If you're done buying whispers packs, craft Fandral. You might not be able to make a jade deck, but there are so many other broken druid decks, an Forgotten King is basically just a better arcane giant.
>leaving out your rank
>gonna hit legend
sure kid
>killed control decks
bravo blizzard
Tyrande has breasts.
>i enjoy cucking my husband's twin brother
what, that's not how cucking works
she'd be cucking her husband if she did anything else
crafting fandral isn't a mistake, he's going to be good in every druid deck for a long while
aya may have memed you though
reno mage sucks in dragon priest meta feelsbadman
Reposting my stealth rogue deck because people were curious.
im 15 right now took me 7 mins after that other faggot mentioned it
I exclusively fap to extreme femdom Tyrande x Anduin desu.
In my mind I thought that even if Jade druid don't work, Jade shaman or rogue might
Turns out, Jade druid is the best of them and with a bad opening hand you lose instantly
We're LIVE faggots!
hitbox tv/thefourchanNOSPACEcup
I'm pretty sure Tyrande's into orcs too.
What went wrong?
She attacked those humans because they were working with orcs and chopping down trees in her forest. Tyrande is the best though
Fandral is fucking good. Aya is... well. I made Jade druid and was so frustrated by how bad and inconsistent it turned out. Then I made my old token druid list and added that 1 mana board buff and I've been having a blast.
What? I managed to club a dragon priest down with a fucking renoless reno mage.
Not enough removal for the things you can summon with Medivh's staff.
>hetshit with my husbando
REEEEEE. It's even worse because I've seen so many good artists draw /ss/ with Anduin. Wish I had the money to commission these artists to draw gay Anduin art.
>these people are cutting down our trees!
>so i must genocide all of them!
Hippie elves were a mistake.
Make a meme deck with aviana
Stop forcing your shit here. We don't care.
literally nothing wrong with killing all trolls
I'll occasionally dip into Anduin/Wrathion stuff, sure.
you literally can't deal with all the high health minions
>Jade Druid is bad
unless you kill them early with a good curve you're fucked once they get to gadgetzan
post good decks
what the fuck is this cancer
Got it.
We wont put everything into cthun therefore cthun cards are going as follows
2x Blade
2 x Disciple
2 x Taunt Disciple
Twin Emporer
2 x Jade shuriken
2 x Swarmer
Aya Blackpaw
so obligatory 2x backstab, 2x evis and 2x dr 5 assassin that gives us 10 cards left.
you lot decide.
Tyrande, don't you have a world tree and husband to be saving?
>genocide is killing a military outpost destroying your land
will get you legend in less thana day on eu
Make Fandral, make Token Druid, ignore Jade Druid because it's painfully inconsistent
>just one really angry guy not wanting to watch Hearthstone soccer memes
I don't get it.
Sure I can.
>frostbolt+ice lance
>flame lance
And of course the 2-3 10 mana Kazakus spells.
If that's not enough there's an anus malice in there to blow the asshole out of whatever board he puts down.
>tfw you use brann + kazakus to make 2 sheep spells and fuck over the cancer murloc paladin
>watching Noxious
>he plays turn 10 Anivia/Kun into Bran/Cthun/Brewmaster
>52 damage from an empty board, completely erases his opponent
and yet this is probably still balanced compared to all the other crazy decks
>1st day of expansion
>ladder is already cancer
Face it. Theres zero deck variety, and there will never be any because of how simplistic this game is.
Does Priest of the Feast perform well with such few spells?
did I do good, /hsg/?
>no novas, entombs or excavated evils
I do not understand.
you deserve it for playing cancer
>putting that much time into hearthshit
lol no
>anyfin getting what they deserve
Can confirm, this is the way to climb ladder really fast in NA as well.
Someone make a shortstack deck.
>Northshire Cleric
I was under the impression that she was a bad card, because in this meta, there aren't really that many chances to proc her effect. Someone help a noob out.
>that much time
I hope you're joking
Not him but, I got that achievement in 2014, fuck me.
>mfw over 6k ranked wins
>probably over a month of total playtime in hours
Now get to Legend 1,000,000 times, shieldie.
can you put a trip on or something
Drakonid is the most broken card in the game and it's broken in the most boring way possible
Is Reno Priest fun? I had Kazakus but I don't have the Reno Priest legendary but I have enough dust to craft it.
I also don't have Chillmaw that's probably a problem.
>leeroy is back in every deck
It's like I'm in beta again
>play 2000 matches (with a 50% win rate because lol skill) of their shitty card game
>300 virtual currency as a reward, good for 15 virtual cards, or about 120 dust
Jesus Christ is there any company more Jewish than blizzard? The only reason there isn't a subscription fee for hearthstone is because they didn't think they could get away with it
PW:S on her, trade into zoo or pirate minions, heal and draw two cards, and/or buff her on turn 3 with talonpriest.
you realize that this is a hidden quest right?
It's a "surprise" for playing a bunch of games.
I dont see the problem.
Bad list.
Remove Thaurissan, Arcane Giants, Raven Idols and Savage Roar.
Add a second Nourish and Living Roots.
300g is insulting. It should have been 1000g
its still free
So I haven't played the game since Blackrock, and I saw a new expansion came out
Can I come back in and climb the ladder well and afford a good deck without spending a ton of money or am I too far behind?
I've been using this list, except with 2 Small-Time Buccaneers in place of the 2 Red Wyrms.
I've seen some streamers playing the Wyrm Miracle deck, but I don't see what the appeal is. Miracle is gimmicky enough, and Leeroy+Cold Blood + midrange minions is usually enough to get the job done, in my experience.
what if leeroy cost 4 mana
>win 1k games
>1k/3 ~ 333.(3)
>333*30 = 9990
By the time you get to 1k wins, you had already earned 10k gold from wins alone.
lot of new cards from the expansions that jsut came out are great, so if you restart again you should be able to make fine decks with that + your classic and BRM stuff.
Might be easier to play in wild than standard until you acquire more stuff, or just play in wild because its great
I see this shit posted from time to time but non one seems to give a fuck. So really, who gives a shti about this?
It's one guy
You could, but I strongly recommend at least dropping the money on Kharazhan. Lots of nice cards in it.
Maybe we would give a shit if it was inter-board tournament.
It's like ten guys
If /hsg/ places well enough in the VGL, WIIIIIINDS earns a roster spot on the Veeky Forums team for the inter-board tournament.