/wtg/ - War Thunder General

Bomber Cockpits At Long Last Edition

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it's time

patch fucking when

shillgenocide fucking when?


KV-2 (zis) >>>>> KV-2

i should start carrying more than 10 rounds i only had one left

this, I want my bomber cockpits
restock at cap zones you dip

do everyone a favor and start with you


Not every match is domination you doughnut

patch when
jap tanks when
botes for everyone when
ww mode when

every fuckin time i go to a cap to restock i get fucked so i usually try to avoid it

+150$ Autism Welfare!
+10$ Food Stamps!


here is your dinner

>patch when

20-30 December

>jap tanks when


>botes for everyone when

next year, around march-may

>ww mode when

after boats are released for everyone, Autumn-Winter 2017

>it's a crit to a sabrenigger's right wing does fuck all to it episode


ever thought about getting gud ?

which is better/easier to use
Yak-30 or La-15

Yak-30 doesn't rip itself at high speeds, iirc.

get a life nerd

the La shits itself under own power without dive

reminder that Bf-109s outturn Yak-3s

Don't let the wehraboos tell you otherwise

oh wow you are right ^____^

be sure to turnfight any yak 3 you meet from now on

surprise surfuckingprise
it's naziboos you moron

wehraboo makes way more sense no matter how you look at it but it's slightly harder for a metally challenged retard like you to write so there's no point on trying

holy shit this thing just does nothing but take advantage of the playerbase's abhorrent situational awareness
I need to get some bushes on this thing

goddamn it Veeky Forums ate my pic

how do i corsair

boom and zoom?

Energy fighting leaning towards BnZ.

thanks senpai


>linking reddit

>not going to reddit for actual WT discussion
Based Yak posts there so it's automatically better than this shit hole you fucking numale beta cuck pencil dicked faggot

kys yak

The Tu-4 can protect itself from 2km away in all directions. BV 238 is a flying whale that cannot shoot you from the bottom. I've taken several down just by attacking from below. It's especially hell climbing up to meet Tu-4s, let alone B-29s, B-17s if they're paying attention. But the BV 238 is definitely good, so I'm not ruling out raising its BR, though I'm not familiar with its speed.

BV is about 330+ kph with WEP easily

That's incredibly slow compared to some of the shit it faces, such as the P-39 that I was using to purposely get matched with them.

blindspots are one thing.
Other is that any bomber big/slow enough to be unable to manouver, is just going to end up P-47 / Hellcat food, sprayed and lit on fire from over a kilometer.

Yeah, that's one of the points I was implying. The thing with the Tu-4, or even the B-29 is that they're fucking fast. Try to catch one at 8km altitude and it has a very good chance of outrunning you while pouring hot lead into your face at the same time. This is why these planes are where they are right now, especially the Tu-4.

>M19 has two 40mms that can pen up to 79mm
>at 5.0
>americancer will defend this

I don't know why anyone is excited by cockpits, it only means more bomber spam

>ZSU gets 107mm pen HVAP at 4.7
>slavs will defend this

>one gun
>under 200RPM
>double the reload rate
>even more lined with ammo
if you've ever gotten killed by a ZSU-37, hang yourself

>commander view is a few inches above the cupola, FoV makes keeping hatch or most of the turret in view very easy
>view pitches, yawes, rolls with the hull
>option to turn in available
>gunner view and commander view are consistent at all times
>spacial awareness is maintained at all times in an intuitive way

>commander view is about a meter above the hatch
>FoV barely enough to keep the gun barrel and sometimes the top of the mantlet in view on most tanks
>commander view does not pitch, yaw, or roll with the tank
>but the sight gunner view pitches and the player view rolls and yaws with the tank
>no spacial awareness at all, must constantly mouse look down, check damage panel, or induce what the hull is doing based on where your view translates as you move.

How did gaijin manage to fuck up tank SB view so hard? Can they do anything right?

It means less if they don't have UFO gunner view

It's only bad when it's German.

the devblog says nothing about gunner view

dont think the gunner view will change
would be far cooler than cockpits tho imo

doesn't matter
bomber cockpits
maximum comfy

>not wanting this

why did noone tell me that this plane is actually fun?

did they do anything about the FM? last time i flew it after it was added it handled like a fuckin brick

yeah it's really fucking fun
pretty bad as an attacker but really good as a low-med alt fighter

It's always been underrated.

>mfw Pe-8 and Tu-4 cockpits are coming
is gaijin actually doing things right now?
with how they've been acting, I can expect ATGM deadzones and fixed HEAT any time now

>ATGM deadzone
do you mean the IT 1 ? its actually already working as intended
the first 300 meters the operator is not able to guide it but the missile is "hot" the second it leaves the rail

no my friend
IRL, the ATGM had to arm the charge and it took about 1.5 seconds after it left the launcher, which equated to about 300m
basically all ATGMs had a minimum firing distance or they wouldn't arm
think of a torpedo


>bomber cockpits
>they'll still won't have a cockpit for the beaufighter

imma guess they will ad cockpit for everything that doesnt have it yet

>In update 1.65 we plan to introduce one of the most anticipated features in Simulator battles: 3D cockpits for all aircraft that do not have them at the moment.
>all aircraft that do not have them

they said they're adding a cockpit for EVERYTHING, not just bombers


Which attackers/bombers are you going to relax in when cockpits are out?


if they add big ships I wouldn't be surprised if gaijin added subs to have an upper hand on WoWS

like steel ocean? oh wait

Yer-2 Early Diesel


steel ocean is clunky , runs like ass ,looks like ass , has no players and the devs are just milking the dying cow at this point

apart from those problems its actually better than WOWS imo


Are the cockpits going to be a sim only thing or on all gamemodes?

>Are the cockpits going to be a sim only thing or on all gamemodes
take a wild fucking guess

>Are the cockpits going to be a sim only thing or on all gamemodes?

really user?


is Mild here?
Mild, where the fuck are you.

no this is papa john's can I help you sir

don't forget the retarded "stealth" spotting bullshit they copied from wargaming

I'm leaving this for Mild

b-25 and pbj
it's gonna be comfy supreme

t. triahx as he once again gets killed by a DD in his baBByship

Go to bed vegeta

t. namedropping cuck?



>"you must be 18 to post on this site"

>vegeta is 23

>lives with his mom
>has no form of education
>is mentally disabled and living off disability welfare
>has 2 kids that live with him but he doesn't even talk to because he plays videos games all day

he may physically be 23. but not mentally

>all that baggage
jesus christ just kill yourself at this point desu

>has no form of education
bruh I'm pretty sure he graduated high school


>>all that baggage
yeah he is pretty overweight too.

>Someone doesn't like vegeta
>must be triahx

Well I mean in all honestly Triahx is a complete cunt
Vegeta's a fag too

can we talk about planes again?

>can we keep shilling for the game


since when do the hispanos recoil so hard? i just missed half my burst in a headon because i couldnt be bothered to readjust

>waaah why do my quantum phaser cannons have recoil

im not against that change i was merely asking when they gave them recoil


wait you mean like we should DISCUSS THE GAME?!?! WHOAAAA

They always had a hefty recoil, though.