Best girl edition
>"useful" sites
Best girl edition
>"useful" sites
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neptune is the best LoL girl
Loving boyfriends~
First for The Hand of Noxus.
Is this still the best build or is Titanic better then Steraks?
yordle boys!!!
How do you deal with Kayle in lane?
I feel as if I can't do shit to her at any point of the game.
I'm probably the best Darius in the world and I have no idea, luckily no one picks her.
>Trying to win against a Kayle
She's basically an autowin, the only reason you don't see her so much is that most Top Laners have the common decency not to play her.
an actual tank item is better than steraks, like a thornmail or banshees
>I'm probably the best Darius in the world
I don't like to toot my own horn but....
What's your ign?
Check lolskill fuccboi
>I probably play worse than 33% of the average Gnar playerbase.
pretty sure this isnt you
bet youre not even gold
*memes in wrong thread*
>be me
>be playing le'normal
>chillin out bot lane at the start of the game
>flash epic mastery lvl 6 symbol
>enemy support tips his back
>le what
*a while later*
>be chilling in le jungle
>try to make a SiCk play
>server lag
>accidently the wall
>/all chat rito pls fix servers
>le whot
>check keknexus
>both plat 5 0 lp
Unironic real life holohoax of all plat players when? How can you be so angry at your own life that you have to be this angry at random people in video games? Like cmon lol it's just a game guys calm down and learn to talk to people. Can't even all chat without everyone getting butthurt and calling you mad/bad/lad/etc
Why is she so qt?
P5 is miles better than silver or bronze
better as in chat is a lot better(less flame, less arguing etc.)
No wonder LeBlanc gets ban so many times.
>reading comprehension
Plat players are the most toxic out of any elo i've played with. Skill has nothing to do with you being a complete faggot of a person
I love Lissandra!
Well this sure was a fun way to lose my plat series after starting 2-0.
What's the chances that Riot actually does something with the Piltover lore, like have all the champions team up against a Zaunite terrorist or Jinx, instead of just jerking off Camille's futa robocock?
Didn't we agree to dodge these threads?
see where i clarified that i meant that it's a lot less toxic than silver & bronze in my experience.
try again, sometimes soloQ just shafts you.
>dodging threads
that never works, just make a new one quicly enough
S Tier:
Camille, Kindred, Poppy, Azir, Karma
A Tier:
Illaoi, Tristana, Shyvana, Syndra, Ashe, Sejuani
B Tier:
Zyra, Leona, Taric, Miss Fortune
C Tier:
ThijsNL Tier:
>someone in ARAM decides to feed because someone purposely stole a health kit from them
>gets the team mad enough to start insulting the feeder
>that someone starts talking in /allchat about who she's new to the champ and how team has been calling her mean names
>she mentions in post-game lobby that she reported all of us for negative attitude
>we tell her we're reporting her for feeding
who is going to get banned first?
>Taric better than most of the male cast in terms of thigh sexiness
As it should be
Yeah it's all good, not worried that much about preseason rank really, just farming mmr. Still annoying to get dicked like this, though.
Stealing healthpacks in ARAM is the sign of a true champion. Especially if you flash for it.
> feed because somne stole a health kit
Why people do this so fucking much jesus
Nottingham Ezreal's thighs are nice + he has that thigh gap. Too bad about the fucked up anatomy of his chest.
You have to carry I had to do this for ever one of my promo games.
Pic was my last promo.
i don't want to be alone anymore
Holy fuck I hope Riot never catches onto AP Sex King I am having the time of my life with this shit
Skins don't count.
And that twink's thighs are meh tier at best. Literally Jinx level.
>Kindred not having good thighs
>ahri nowhere on the list
>Not until April 2017 they said.
This was a surprise.
>about to die
>teammate flashes/blinks for health kit even though they are full health
>"okay, they want me to die. Might as well feed then"
it's super annoying when the enemy team has a Brand or other DOT champs.
Reminder that she's really old and uses magic to keep herself looking yound
>Hot dragon thighs not being top-tier
is it worth getting taliyah? she looks like fun but im not sure about her viability
my favorite mid laners are viktor/orianna/vel'koz. im deciding between her and ziggs
T H I G H G A P though.
i'm fapping to kemo today
It's thighs aren't thick.
They're close! She makes up for it in midriff.
>dont have any ez skins
>just noticed his skinny pants in that
muh dik
Yeah, I feel like 90% of the games I just go even in my lane I lose. If I'm not the one snowballing the game (or my duo partner if I'm queuing with someone), I feel like my teams are just braindead and have no concept of how to play the objective game. I guess that's gold for you.
These games were just hopeless, though, especially the first and last ones. Those top laners were probably autofilled or something, based on how completely incompetent they were.
PS fuck lee sin
>Overloaded champion kills honest jungler
Gee boss what are the odds
When is that fox going to get nerf?
nice bitrate shitter
I main top once I get to a good elo like high plat. But I play adc in silver/gold/low plat. Its so much easer to carry with adc in low elo.
>pick ADC
>enemy team has a 3man on jungle, top, mid
>they all have tp
so what?
>armor reduction
>gap closer
>%life damage
okay lad
If that's what's actually happening then it's the opposite. You have such bad late game and objective control that if you aren't shitstomping lane you lose.
>not willing to shell out what little money you have to get all of your husband's skins
And you claim to love Ezreal, pssh.
You forgot guantareed crits.
>you'll never worship azir's thighs
>Saying that like it's a bad thing
I'm sure there's weird Noxian rituals to keep her fertile at any age.
>like lying women
>Liked old, loose pussy because her pelvic muscles have lost there strength
>what little money I have
doubt 3 bucks and a few cents can get me any skins
>can restore her body to look young
>can't restore muscles
pick one
I'm hyped up for that free piltover icon coming up.
post more Ezreal
pls respond
she can't restore her body
her body is an illusion
she's probably a fat dude
>restoring her body
No user, she's just using illusions to look young.
dont get either, they both suck, save up your ip till one of them gets buffs or a new midlaner comes out
Ehh, dunno. I can't do much late game when team doesn't listen to pings and goes into retarded places where we have no vision (running into black jungle when we saw 3 people run past a ward). Late game you get punished hard for 1 retard making a stupid play (not saying I'm not this retard sometimes). If anything I think my early game is my weakest point. I'm not that good at playing aggressive in lane (and I generally don't like aggressive early champs, anyways, really like TF, Ori, Malz). I think knowing how to play the map is my biggest strength, hence why I like TF so much.
>not whoring your talon looking ass out for $$$ to support your husbando
Aaay, another Ezfriend. Unfortunately I don't have anymore new art that hasn't already been posted in these threads.
enemy team does the same things.
Your team has 4 retards, their has 5 you win more than you lose because of them.
Nah fuck you he's right. Kindred's some good shit.
>implying I wouldnt stay pure till I find my own Ezreal bf
id rather starve then lose my purity
Which female champion would be a cuckquean?
Lux likes watching Ez get fucked by other boys
A what?
Female cuckold.
Why is Sonar so fat? Does she need the mass for her echolocation?
a ____________, pretty much a _______________
Unironically Ahri.
She knows she can no longer fuck men without killing them, so she has to let whomever she loves be satisfied from elsewhere
Poppy, obviously. She'd think she's not worthy enough for the hero, so a real woman would show up to satisfy the dude and Poppy would love to watch that.
full image?
I find suo/duo much easier after playing lots of flex - mainly because on flex I started from bronze 5 and went to silver 5 and on solo/duo I was silver 4 from the 10 placement games, and in flex I kept fighting gold and plat players on solo/duo and now when I'm back on the solo/duo both team and enemies are silver like me lol but I have the experience from flex and it's infinitely much easier - easier than blind lol.
It's almost like adversity helps you GIT GUD or something.
This makes me sad every time
>no ahri in a sexiness list
Thats a first
>Not wanting a slutty dragonfu
Is the only reason lolg hates Zed because they aren't mechanically skilled enough to play him? It seems pretty baseless to hate him, he's been balanced for almost a year now and I still see people pretending he's top tier.
She's a furry shit, user. She is not a good waifu and fap material.
Every female champs.
>Kindred is not good waifu or fap material
Look at this fag
We all know she whore herself.
>not a good waifu
Maybe correct but-
>and fap material
Mediocre bait.
No sad now only happy little heals.
i hate smug people, and kids, and for some reason both of these groups play him.
That's sort of what's happening though.
Ekko, Jinx, Viktor, Evelynn and Jhin are most likely going to team up against Camille, Caitlyn, Vi, Jayce and Ezreal for a mega-fight.
Graves and Twisted Fate are showing up too, but most likely as independent parties. Jhin and Evelynn will eventually go independent later down the line as well, once it turns out they kill prominent people from both cities.