>Links and Resources
>Links and Resources
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Camilla a best
Fuck /feg/
I'll use this one I guess.
Cherche is nice
Might as well use this thread to not get into the habit of having the same character 10 OPs in a row
Gregor agrees
Jesus Christ what are you?
>not Frederick
Cheeky servant and cheeky servant making the flying Panzer is best.
Fun fact: FE6 portraits don't blink
Mitama is thick!
My wife!
We use VBA on this planet, good sir.
>Not VBA-Merge
Fucking pleb
I'm sure you love her for reasons other than her body
First levelup, and it's a predictable one.
I FUCKING HATE KADEN!!!!!!!!!2!1!!!!!111!!!!
Seriously fuck this guy.
I forgot they did this so soon.
Really like this track: serenesforest.net
Expedition is the best track in the game
We'll see about that.
Weird that the recap highlights Marth conquering what I assume to be the Samsooth Mountains, but completely forgets to show Khadein.
Of course
Why does this line bug me...
Wat do with Felicia? She was fantastic for me in the first 10 or so chapters but her strength is just awful. More often than not I just use her for healing or attack something that can't counter to debuff it so actual units can do damage. She is level 16 or so with 7 strength, is it too late for her to git gud?
>Delphikek is actually playing FE and contributing to the thread instead of doing his usual whinning
Are we on bizarro /feg/?
I like Hana
Luke completely ignores Ryan because of how much more damage he can do to MU with WTA and lower defense. AI quirks...
What are you gonna buy SevSev for Christmas? I bet she has the perfect gift all ready for you.
You know, if this were FE3, 30% defense growth would be the best you could hope for in that game. Guess that irony's not lost on this game.
She is primarily a staffbot. There is flame shuriken for her or you can Parallel Seal her into a horse healer.
she's magical
give her a flame shuriken or reclass to strategist
Not gonna be using Ryan, so MU eats all the kill exp.
I'll put a baby in her cute womb with all my love.
I know it's judged on eye type, but I can't help think this is probably the most humble way to state what my opinion is.
What's with the funky filter
I'm sure he loves her for her stats. I know I do
That looks like Mikoto more than Kagero
The AI continuing to prioritize the highest damage numbers at the cost of their lives.
Seriously, that second fighter got outright doubled by MU.
Oh thank god.
Is it a problem that I gave Rody the other kill?
Because the game sure seems to think so.
Ded thread
it's more like /feg/ is ded.
There's a pseudo-LP going on, it's not ded.
Reminds of when I had to restart my run after a few prologues.
Why are tripfags not being rounded up and killed yet?
Didn't grab the upper two chests
This is nearly done, spent the rest of my money more or less on an Energy Drop for Corrin and a Heart Seal for Hoshido Noble
I don't know why I screencapped this. Maybe I just like people dicksucking Jeorge.
And the point of quoting his name was...?
At least he doesn't have my name
That katarina girl is kind of cute.
I don't think I'll need that Knight start after all, hehe...
That's only natural; she was specifically engineered to make the audience want to protect her.
Catria still a best though
fuck off this isn't your blog
She's a lot like Nino in a way, but with less angst.
Jesus, I thought I'd have to do some actual manoevering with Caeda to box Jeorge in next to the left wall, but here he is doing the work for me!
...Okay,I guess it's a superior version of his last level, but...
Just bench them both once Cecille joins
Urgh, why am I reminded of that accursed FeMU A support?
Let him be. It's infinitely better than his usual routine.
Not likely. She's usable, sure, but those HP and physical growths leave too much room for error.
40% Str growth is pretty good and she's fast as shit. Plus you can just place her on a fort if her survivability concerns you
Speaking of my darker habits...
I know. But for now, I'll try gambling with Rody.
You ever notice how Moment of Serenity is a remixed A New Journey?
I didn't notice that actually. Now I kinda hear it. Also who will you be supporting in this playthrough?
Have a Res-blessed Doga
From what i've heard FE11 is just FE3 with weapon triangle and a bit more of srorytelling, if that's the case why do a lot of people consider it (or used to) the worst game in the series?
Because it doesn't improve a whole lot from the base game. That and the Gaiden Chapter requirements drive people up a wall
>Marth is just a weak, vulnerable child...
>(...)behind his heroic face, Marth is an idealistic child who firmly clings on to his beliefs.
>MU: "A king is no more than human, and there are limits to the things he can do."
>Elice: "Yes. Precisely. Most people realize this and can come to terms with that reality. But Marth cannot do that... He truly thinks that he can save everyone."
>Get 1 Res
>He's Res-blessed
I know the growths back then make even 1 Res a miracle, but it still makes me laugh
I think the main story took Marth's FE3 Book 2 personality and pretty much copy-pasted most of that into FE12. That's why that particular scene sticks out like it does since I don't think they took the MU into account when making the main campaign.
It's Kaga FE, every point of Res counts
Speaking of taking FE3's assets the wrong way, Funny People is remixed from freaking Holy War.
I usually don't but early promoting in FE12 yes or no?
I wish she were more popular.
Still probably gonna bench her for Wendell though
Maybe if you're at level 17 or 18 at the earliest but otherwise no.
That's obvious. But the fact is that FE11 had actually managed to give Marth a character arc and personality beyond that of just a barely-speaking audience surrogate. What few changes that game did to the script were some of the best dialogue in the entire series, and it's part of why I loved that game so much. For FE12 to just throw all that away out of laziness and use it as an excuse to put MU so close to him infuriates me to a degree few could sypathize with.
On a less serious note, I just realized that Roro's portrait blinks.
Final kill count:
Orochi - 1 battle 0 kills
Hinoka - 2 battles 0 kills
Azura - 2 battles 0 kills
Hana - 2 battles 0 kills
Subaki - 2 battles 0 kills
Beruka - 1 battle 1 kill
Scarlet - 3 battles 1 kill (RIP)
Setsuna - 2 battles 2 kills
Keaton - 6 battles 3 kills
Gunter - 6 battles 4 kills
Kaze - 10 battles 4 kills
Jakob - 18 battles 5 kills
Oboro - 12 battles 6 kills
Shura - 12 battles 7 kills
Hayato - 27 battles 11 kills
Fuga - 23 battles 15 kills
Silas - 31 battles 20 kills
Reina - 35 battles 28 kills
#3 Kagero - 155 battles 95 kills
#2 Saizo - 156 battles 98 kills
#1 Corrin - 358 battles 245 kills
Not my best run, but I think this was good enough to affirm a few things for me;
>Xander and Camilla have a LOT of influence on reducing turncounts, monumentally more than pretty much any of the High tier units, justifying them being the only ones alongside Corrin and Azura in Top tier
>the Ninja duo are underrated (especially Saizo) and deserve at least the upper part of mid-High, they have much more staying power than Takumi, Oboro or Hayato do and do not deserve to be under them
>Shura>Ryoma can be a thing
Overall not a bad run all things considered
Eh, it didn't bother me that much because honestly I've always found Marth to be a plank of wood to begin with so I tend to let it slide. Besides, how can I shit on my favorite game of all time?
Same as before, but now with luck. I'd be more impressed, but then MU is just inherently overpowered.
>He's got blue hair, so that means he must be a commander!
The progenitor of the archetype that would spawn Soren, ladies and gentlemen.
Did you ever read Marth's dialogue in FE11?
What was Kaga thinking when he created this shit? Its appearance(ingame), movements and theme make it easily more disturbing than plenty of Metroid bosses.
Last I played was about half a year ago, so forgive me if I'm fuzzy on the details
...Well, fuck. I've got no idea how to progress from here without somebody dying.
Don't mind me, just being the 2nd best Archer in the game
A god in decline who has held onto power for far too long, and has begun to literally rot away.
Shame about his sister.
Second time's the charm.
Caeda can survive a single hunter attack, so I can use her to lure out the south hunter and kill him without aggroing the rest of the enemies.
I appreciate your effort posting a lil' about your playthrough, hope to see you again.
And here's my payoff for that routine.
At least it's defense, but I'm starting to get concerned about his strength.
Healstalling for a few turns. Those forts are too risky to use without aggroing every single remaining enemy.
Aaaaand the barbarians don't aggro on the south fort. Weird.
>replay an FE game for fun
>get to THAT chapter
>lose all drive to keep playing
what chapter is it /feg/?
Chapter 11 of FE3/FE12 does that on occassion
Seems I really should be more grateful for Rody's levelups so far. His stats barely allowed him to survive off that fort, probably doing something even MU couldn't do here.
This game is weird in general.
Like letting me shave my head.
And that's the map won.
Which one is it?
Anri's Way
The desert chapter with 12 move 1-2 range flying dragons.
because they're shit taste-having turboplebs
I remind you that this is literally one of Severa's lines.
I just might make something of you yet, Rody.