Need help with communities and links Veeky Forums
lets make this a great general!
Need help with communities and links Veeky Forums
lets make this a great general!
Release in Scandinavia already ffs
Bumpin with Uncle Death
Same in Poland, it's like 3 AM here, I can't stay awake for much longer.
Does this have a story? Or is it just dungeon crawling?
Reminder to sneak up enemies to suplex them and get a headstomp off
tfw getting camped by my own hater
I seriously hope you have death insurance.
Dont want insurance chan to be sad do you?
It's got a scenario and characters, but you're not really progressing through a story.
I literally have no idea I wasnt paying attention untill just now
I saw it at e3 but didnt think it was coming so soon
I LOVE grasshopper studio
thsi is the kind of game that will need a general for now at least because its so bare bones
lliterally figure it ou ourselves community thing
free rez just saved my dumb ass a moment ago, my gear looks too cool to lose.
So basically it's like Dark Souls without the story, but 10x more goofy? I could get into it. How's the level design so far? I really liked the variety and open-ness of the Souls series. Is this something similar whereas they don't give you a lot of direction on where to go, and it's left to the player to explore?
>Knight's armor has no model
Great game
Is there a free way to get death metals?
fucking im a retard pic related
Should i feel bad for paying for res once?
Remember to hit L1 and R1 at the some time to activate God Mode.
Some quests give them.
Suda promised a bunch of mysteries when players get high into the tower, specially the last floor. But he also said nobody is getting there any time soon.
It seems worth it to run the first floor a couple times before advancing and levelling your HP. Knock out some quests while you do it.
Is it fun?
how do i quest
Wouldn't really hold its own as a straight action game, but the roguelike mechanics make it fun imo.
So can you play with friends?
I think I had a few unlock when I got to the second floor, just get out into the arcade when you're back in the waiting room and talk to the QT on the left.
I'll dive in then.
Always save up for what you can get for free.
I wanted a VG but I'm not very experiance din making a Veeky Forums OP so will someone help when the thread caps out?
need links and useful stufff
is there a ps4 community yet?
Shes cute...would be a shame if someone stole her from you
I've read there is some kind of base raiding where you can kidnap other people's henchmen. What's that about?
>lvl 30 character with name shows up
So defeating it would let me "Steal" it or is there something else I need to do?
why waste your time stealing now, everybody only has the characters that cap at 5 in each stat.
p-plz dun steal my waifu
>breaking someone's back over your shoulders so hard they explode
Not sure what I did to unlock these finishers, but I like it.
>Try to throw a mushroom bomb
>eat it by accident
>my head explodes
This game is fun
>raid someone and steal their metro tutorial guy
who /devilish/ here
How do you steal someone's waifu?
fist weapons are the best. Most reliable and quickest weapon to level up.
Can you repair weapons?
Have you had a machete? Pretty sure they attack the fastest.
sprinting and hitting X makes you do a dropkick
Weapon durability is gay shit so unarmed play through here I come.
>everybody only has the characters that cap at 5 in each stat.
has anyone worked out how to get a fighter with any trait that isin't balanced? i'm assuming those are the ones that let you have different skill caps
>the nicest looking PS4 game is a F2P one
Really make you think
base raids
Enjoying the game so far. It has some things I dont like but it is pretty fun.
Okay /lidg/ redpill me on LET IT DIE
>Lvl 30 invading me while i'm just lvl 1
>5 hours remaining on my download
fuck me, how is it anons? is it fun?
Veeky Forums was a mistake
I like how you are not completely fucked if there are groups of enemies because they can fight each other. Bait some attacks, dodge so they hit the other one and step back to enjoy the show.
i got a level 27 when i was 1, use the gun or just bait attacks, i got like 130 SPLithium off of that guy
Its an online free to play third person game with rogue like elements like perma death, losing all items on death and climbing floors. I think if we reach the post limit this video should be in the OP. Its an overview explain what the game is and its features.
When you guys say invade, is it an actual player invading you or a computer controlled version of their character?
Um....sure thats the right video?
A lot of you guys seem to be doing that.
Wrong link because I am retarded.
Does it have randomly generated maps?
>inventory is full of rare materials and blueprints
>no idea how far the next elevator is
>just got ambushed in a tiny ass room because I touched a golden chest
I want to cry
AI, so far I've encountered no actual PvP and i'm starting to think there isn't any
This game came out of fucking nowhere
its an AI, easy to bait
Just found a second escalator on Floor 1 that leads to Wanoki
Alright theres this one lvl 30 faggot whose camping on the first level.
I managed to kill him once at lvl 28. Now he retrieved his fighter levelled up and now I'm too scared to pass him.
Fuck that guy but goddamn if he isn't making the game fun.
Fuck you meowmeow
There is no pvp when doing quests and climbing the tower. The PVP is in a separate arena mode. You build your character with the stuff you find in PvE and enter the arena to fight people.
Seems pretty weird that light attack is R2 and strong attack is R1.
I've done the first floor a few times and it's the same rooms rearranged. Maybe it varies more as the game goes on.
Steal his waifu nigga
So what exactly does persist between characters? Is there stuff you can do to upgrade your base of operations/shops like in most roguelikes?
Any tips before I dive in?
>9 hours to start playing
>25 for everything to download
Please kill me.
what region did you guys choose? looks like every region is under 10 people
Praise mushrooms and make sure to put frogs in your underwear.
was at E3 and heard about it alot just didnt think it was out NOW also didnt know it was f2p
Can't too high a level. I could probably get lucky with tear gas and something. I already killed him once but his thing didnt spawn I assume he just bought the salvage thing.
weapon masteries persist
this man knows his shit, attack up mushrooms let you destroy just about everything.
after you beat the mid moss you get acess to like 3+ different floors
You gain mastery when you use weapons a lot. This stays for everybody even when your characters die. You find blueprints that unlock new items to craft in the shop that all characters can use. I havent got really far yet but the tutorial says the higher your level the more character classes you unlock. In the beginning you only have the balanced type but you can unlock collectors, melee based characters, tanks and shooters.
You can also build characters, gear them up and send them to hunt players worlds. If they win they come back with the loot and gear the user was wearing when your character killed them.
For the level 30 guy:
>Bait attacks until his weapon breaks
>His fists are still powerful
>Lead him to a weapon drop, preferably a firework launcher, these are weaker than his fists
That's what I did anyway.
>seperate arena mode
has anyone got far enough in the game to reach this?
The replay thing is pretty cool
I'm surprised dank hint man in the arcade actually has useful shit
>R2+X/L2+X to reload
It's the most satisfying shit to land
I nearly killed myself trying to do it to the mosquitobots like four times
>dealing 10-14 damage
>find a fireworks gun
>pretty shit dealing 6-8 damage per rocket
>remember I have my special hold triangle attack
>use it
>256 crit hit
Holy shit I am going to abuse this.
can we put this info in the OP please?
>try to do a suplex on an enemy down the stairs
>end up jumping
>and landing on him
>this does some crazy leglock wrestling move
You can go back down floors too, by the way. So you can go back to the elevator at any time.
>steel axe
I learned really quickly to not hold items for too long. The all rounder beginner class only has 20 item slots but equipment and weapons also take space. So I pretty much use every grenade and mushroom I get almost instantly. What I am doing is keeping only 3 weapons, 2 pieces of armor and the rest for blueprints and material. I spent all of my premium currency on home storage space expansions and put only R&D materials in there so I can craft new shit in the shop before starting a mission.
>that fucking robot wasp thing
I don't think I'm going to play this game for very long.
He's not bad at all if you have some form of ranged attack, but god help you if you're using your fists.
>the flying blue robot thing
First it was scary but then I noticed it has a girls torso with giant tits. Now I am aroused.
So what are the paid content in this game? I free game cant be this fun right?
>just lost an hour of progress because I got 1 hit
Do enemies respawn for previous rooms?
I imagine a grind will reveal itself soon.
Don't miss your melee, or you'll enjoy a 100dmg red hot drill in your boipucci
fuck the iron goretastic move is brutal
Does it look like a hurricana?