>"useful" shits
>"useful" shits
First for a non-ship OP
Y-you're still a-alive?
There's only one Azir and Ahri porn lewd and I dont feel like getting out the one lewd crop I'd post from that. And I still refuse to break my rule, I'm not posting lewds.
Does Riven wear a sports bra? Or does she let her tits bounce where they please?
>Top lane assassins
My sides, stop doing this bads.
I've been playing Halo. It sucks that i feel like i get more out of an hour of halo than an hour of league
>draven blitz botlane
>not draven and nami
you don't realize the true cancer
I got into 5 and then I ended up getting side-tracked on finishing school. Now I'm on the job hunt and it fucking sucks.
Battlefield 1 is good.
>Not Draven Leona bot-lane.
literally a free kill at level 2.
no need to post lewds
anyway, i just found a proof that azir is taken by ahri!
>Riot knows which champions are bad
>They don't see buffs for almost a year
Like, they can't not know some of these champions are complete joke. For a game that gets a balance patch every few weeks bad champions stay bad for a REALLY long time.
Shit-tier waifu that needs to be nerf.
Technically the one I was talking about was Ahri was blonde.
Some champions are unmarketable, some are also extremely binary with their kits.
Aatrox isn't going to sell skins so he doesn't do shit, meanwhile they'll spend forever trying to get Irelia right because she's either busted or meh.
>azir is taken by ahri
Fox-slut is going around raping men.
Two questions
1. What do I build on Quinn these days? She usually has multiple builds, how have they changed?
2. Should I get Ivern, or wait until he's settled balance-wise? He seems fun.
Could Trundle beat Volibear in the lore?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results
She probably wraps them up tightly with cloth, since she's a homeless veteran.
My path is a circle, my work never ending.
Rate my shitty OC
>game is a gigantic pile of shit right now
>general is somehow worse
Really gets the neurons going.
If you use Ahri, an instant lose for your team.
How much ping would I have on EUW if i have 39ms on NA?
>Missing the free HP guy
Meanwhile she's the next thing to get nerfed after Syndra.
what did he mean by this
Ahri should be deleted from the game. Legit biggest mistake in the game after Talon's and Kat's reworks.
I actually think the game is in a pretty good state. A bit better than the last couple seasons.
>Talon rework
>Kat rework
What a silly non-sequitur
Who wants to read my shitty champion concept who is totally not an expy of a comic book character.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +2
Quick I'm loading into the game as jungle Yorick, I told my team I'm a one trick and traded support for it to someone who was really nice, how the fuck do I play it?
Post it m8y
The biggest mistakes Riot's ever admitted to were:
Release Zyra
Reworked Ryze (The first one)
Juggernaut Patch/Mordekaiser
Everything else they've admitted to being OP, those three in particular they've said "sorry" about.
I do.
not release jax, xin and the likes, no some pussy release zyra
She better get nerf. Don't want her to be in the meta.
Does Google really not give an option to shorten the link?
she wasn't even picked in the worlds
>The most faceroll champion
>0 skill involved
>snowballs nearly every game
>bane of squishies
who is he/she/it?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets
I want to fuck master styles sissy boypussy!
what is a fun top laner to play in a late night normal?
illaoi and kled
So /lolg/, what kind of Riot merch you all got?
Hey gnarsies
I like it, actually! Simple, focused, and it's not overloaded.
What is Amumu?
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
why play kindred when you can play graves
why is riot so shit at balancing
I have a good bit of skins if that count?
None because I am not a fag that supports a shit company.
i tried graves and had worse results than with kindred
that his shotgun is so clunky
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Add my GT PurpleGhost094
How many skins?
That could change in this season.
Was there even a reason to rework her? Couldn't they just rework her gameplay while keeping the aesthetic?
I wish I had the Draven figure and/or the Draven shirt
>tfw you become one with nature and drag your retarded team to victory
>tfw you're getting your shit pushed in by middlesticks and your jungler doesn't gank but it's okay because you're playing cancer fish and as soon as you hit 6 you can fuck anyone anytime
Nice job, balancing team
Are you say that cause you're poor or you just really are that much of a self absorbed person to not like buying merch for the game you play?
All the riven skins+2, 3 lee skins, 2 zed skins, 3 ahri skins and I own a skin for ever champ other then urgot galio and lulu. So a lot.
eh, it's not that clunky once you get used to it.
his clear's a lot faster and he has better burst than kindred while also being more tanky and having higher kill potential
w8 i thought u committed seppuku
>Couldn't they just rework her gameplay while keeping the aesthetic?
Not with ironcuck there they couldn't.
And remember that there was such and out cry against the changes Riot completely deleted an entire forum for feedback.
Because feedback other than glowing praise is toxic
That's cool bro.
why does he do this?
nice photoshop retard
They wanted to rework her pretty much since they released her.
What I didn't understand was why they felt the need to give her a VU when her model was fine and all she would have needed were new animations.
What site is this?
if you have to ask what champ to play, what masteries to use, what build to use and how to play the fucking game, please don't pick ranked :) T. a stressed out shitter
Write your own you giant autist.
>Site asks me to download their special client
No thanks, I don't feel like getting a virus today.
While gangbanging Syndra with all your lolgen bros you have a heart attack, expiring right as you cum. The end.
>point rifle at chest
>instead of straight through bullet goes diagonal down out my back
>knicks several things but nothing that kill me before put in hospital and have my gun taken away
and that's why I was gone two weeks
>Have to download a client
In the beginning
There was There was Reksai
She fucking chomped you up
And shat you out into a tunnel
Then she back-tracked through that tunnel because she's a blind dumbass bitch
Now you are literally buried shit spread across a massive cavern
Congrats, I guess
The End
that sounds like a massive downer for everyone else there
Some bootleg Chinese Jinx's Gun keychain.
I don't even play Jinx.
Self absorbed prick.
There's always that ONE faggot in every gangbang.
>that sounds like a massive downer for everyone else there
Not to mention that it's far more than what this gurofag deserves
>editing your score again