/owg/ - Overwatch General

Stop reaching the image limit early, you fucking autists edition

>Season 3 is live
>The rank that you receive after placement will be influenced by your rank from last season

>Also First Strike has been cancelled. Stop asking, you faggots

>Symmetra's changes

>Official Website and Community

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

>Some shitty discord only autists care about

cutest and best pairing

Jamison Fawkes!

This will be canon and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Hope that holiday event is worth this reveal.




I want to hold her hand while she poops on my face.

Any leaked pictures of christmas skins yet? Also when is it staring, will it be this thursday?

What hero should they remove

Daily reminder to be nice to us healers. We only want to help :)

What is this???


I want to breed with Mercy!!!

Reminder: Angela "Mercy" Zeigler is pure and NOT for sexual
>Reminder: Angela "Mercy" Zeigler is pure and NOT for sexual
Reminder: Angela "Mercy" Zeigler is pure and NOT for sexual
>Reminder: Angela "Mercy" Zeigler is pure and NOT for sexual

Looks like that thing from The Abyss or Event Horizon.


what map is this?

So what's the actual bump limit on Veeky Forums threads. Seem to see new ones only once we reach 250 images.


>only just noticed that Tracer's deffault skin is unironically "Black and Tan"

Never picking this limey slag again, Chuky Ar La

>finish master
>do my first placement match
>matched with 5 plat
>they all pick dps and one guy widow
why is this legal

A WW2 underwater mine.

>In placements
>Won 5 lost 2
>Next game
>Every single fucking person on my team is under level 100 besides myself
>Most are around the 20-50 range
>The enemy is fielding a team of all over level 100, some level 200 with 1 guy not over 100.
>The enemy has some already calibrated plat players.
>I have a gold player.

I was fucking robbed. What the fuck kind of teams are these?

>I'm that guy that gets gold elims, damage, and objective time every match

>I will never ever climb out of this 1900 hellhole

I shouldn't have tried to play my first post-rank matches with my shitty friend, and now I'm paying the price. Someboy help.

Is the dps role the one with the most retarded players?

dude shut the fuck up, atleast you dont queue into 4 top 500 players that are stacking together while im still in placements at 4-4

>meaning shit
sometime I have high level who are gold in qp/arcade

Overwatch Christmas update is when?

Yeah, it's the role everyone wants to play, but requires the higher skill ceiling to actually contribute to the victory.

when's the christmas event, i'm dying of boredom

Tuesday, probably.

If not, then the tuesday after that. It's like waiting for GTA V to update all over again

Omnium central processor.

>playing hitscan hero
>miss everything
>play Zeny
>become god of death

aim vs. spam
projectiles are more forgiving and they crush clumped, bad, predictable players


Remind me to never play 4 am competitive ever again. I have ooga team booga now because of it, but I know its my fault for not carrying the team.

What about leading the target?

>attacking eichen first choke as zen
>kill both supports and a dps in 10 seconds with M2



>hanzo-junk-reaper in party
>"pick 2 tanks and 2 healers for us"

just pick widow

Cutest and best pairing

Level shows how much you've played. A level 20 does not have the map understanding of a level 200. A level 20 doesn't understand matchups as much as a level 200. A level 20 doesn't understand niche interactions like a level 200.

I'm going to quit the game if no slutty elf Mercy or a decent Winston skin

Is it me or is Matchmaking a little bit better?

>went 5/5 in placements
>placed at 3490
>now almost grandmaster after 10 games

It's just broken in a different way

We're gonna get:
>REIN(deer)hardt with either a giant candy cane hammer or just decorated hammer
>Santa Torb
as the legendaries and one more for someone else, others are just epic colors, screencap this

You're an idiot. Placements don't mean anything if you're getting matched with top 500 players. iddgq went something like 6 loses 2 draws and 2 win and placed 4421

>6 wins, 3 losses, 1 draw

What happened? There's only one match I can think of where I didn't get at least one gold.

It's just an RNG man

>Anything gold or low plat and lower is getting spread out across lower ranks. Anything higher is basically your S2 ranking.

You healsluts need a bit of cuddling and hugging.

if you think about it D.va is like a hot dog
The MEKA is a bun and Hana is the sausage

This is a new one, right? It's nice!

Then get some fucking game awareness & positioning. I swear healer mains are the worst no game sense.

>Nicely climinb without any problems so far

Man I'm scared it's going to shit the bed anytime soon now.

I want to spread my sauce all over the sausage

I am level 30something and in diamond. Fight me.

Take me with you.

But I was Diamond last season. Placing me that low for 3 losses is bullshit. I can't carry 100% of the time.

>everyone is communicating and planning shit
>out of placements
>silent except when blaming others

you're making me scared user
I've been losing 4 games in a row with the same fucking useless plat premade in my team every time
I was diamond last season and finish with at least 3 gold per game
If i'm gold I'm seriously going to kill myself

Even if you get placed gold you can climb super fast. I have been playing Zarya/Rein/Lucio gaining 50-70 and losing 12-25 SR. Don't sweat it.

>When you get the same guy 4 games in a row.
>When he says it's everyone else's fault he lost despite doing fuck all for the team except die
>When you finally go autistic and just start shouting thru your microphone about how shit his heals are, switch to a healer, and out heal him.
>"Brah why the fuck you so mad for, we won the game.
I know I was in the wrong, but god did screaming at him feel so good.

>entire team is shit


Good.. Good, let the hate flow through you.

>entire team
>including (you)

It's comp and we already have 2 healers and 2 tanks

Who can I contribute with as someone who can't aim for shit

I prolly woke up my neighbors, but that's ok, they are always fighting at 3 am anyways.


Third tank/Emo faggot

what rank is 'good'?

Third tank

2/2/2 is a gold shitter strat


Was he playing Mercy? Good god I swear to fuck every single game I've been in our only healer has been Mercy every single fucking time.

YES, a mercy with a green skin.

>get a complete shitter who blames everyone on voice chat and does retarded shit
>queue again and get him in the enemy team
>completely demolish him over and over
>"Sorry X was on your team :^]"

Best feeling.

>green skin
>not the witch skin

What the fuck, and I hope you showed him up with Ana.

Post more Overwatch asians doing cute things images

I showed him up as lucio of all things, and despite having my heals and his auto heal he still died a ton.

anything below 5001 is garbage

Well Lucio is fine too but I would have preferred Ana.

>and despite having my heals and his auto heal he still died a ton
Of course he did, Mercy is a little bitch and can't do shit unlike Lucio.



>Go 7-3 in placements
>Had a 4 game win streak and a 2 game win streak.
>Never lost more than 1 game in a row.
>Placed low gold
>Below my final and season high S2 rating.

Thanks Blizz

>jiangshi Mei never
I'm not up to date on my Korean mythology, what's D.va supposed to be?

Are you going to bring your premade to this fight? How many people you got with you?

I can't aim to well, I just stay away from snipers in general and genji. I usually like to tank and can heal pretty well, I just know that even with good heals it isn't enough to win a game.

They are taking the objective, stop them!

>Be Zen
>Only healer on the team
>Still get over 20% team damage


Who gives a shit about damage?

>Anything below my rank is brain dead monkey tier.
This is usually the standards for /owg/.

I only queue solo and have nobody on my fr list because I am autistic and can't into friends.

Traditional Korean men's clothing

Korean death angel, called sasin or something

I thought she was dressed as a pilgrim at first

>play quickplay before comp to warm up
>30 kills - 0 death, 4 gold McCree
>now afraid of karma and can't play comp becuase I'm sure it'll be a terrible shitfeststeamroll
i just wanted to win some comp games ._.

Anything below the top 500 is trash. If you are more common than 1 in 1000 you are garbage and there is nothing special about you.

I still love you

>Brawl in Nepal
>Fighting it out in the hut with D.va when Enemy D.va comes in with the Self-Destruct
>All ready used my boost to chase down the Lucio inside
>Aha! I'll use my own self-destruct the moment I get hit with hers to keep enemies off of the point for the last few % needed to win!
>mess up timing so that I wind up eating her self-destruct when I eject
>But the remains of the enemy team mistook her explosion for mine, so they run back into the point to take it only to realize too late that my MEKA is yet to explode
>they all die, I get POTG

This comp season is off to a good start.

Interesting. Thanks, user. I thought she was at first glance too