/pdg/ Payday The Heist, Payday 2 and Overkill's walking dead General

Clover best waifu edition.

Previous Mallcrasher stealth heist:
>Workshop Manual

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>Perk Deck Guide (slightly out of date):

>Stat Ranking and Breakpoints (extremely fucking out of date we only keep this here for console plebs):

>Weapon/Armor/Damage/Pickup Spreadsheets (not up to date):

>Weapon Skin Checklist (totally up to date):

>Big Oil Engine Calculators:
// NOTE: Nobody cares what the pressure gauges say if they're using the calculator


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First for Gun metal grey 2015 > Gun metal grey

ded game

What do you guys think the Christmas Heist is gonna be? Personally I'm kinda hoping we get something that isn't infinite, although I know that its probably gonna be similar to White Xmas again

News leaked and it's another infinite heist.

Overkill definitely has a fucking boner for those kind of heists

Oh did it? Any idea who we're doin it for? I assume its more coke for Vlad. (Although I do hope its for someone else, no matter how much I love Vlad)

>thread dies at 100 posts
It might be a sign, to end this dead general for a dead game.

>thread dies while americans sleep

euros need to shitpost more

>tfw cuffed out of nowhere

Welp, time to do all of this shit again, 16 hours in.

Best way to get 8 bags on garage escape?

Nah, just the sign of a /pdg/ breakout heist.

Speaking of which, workshop for community maps fucking when ?

You can walk on the ledge, to get to the other side of the parking lot on each level.
On top, unlock door on your left, to have easier access to the van, without going outside.

Shitter here, can someone spoonfeed me a OD build please?

Not that user but I assume he meant how to enter the Garage escape with 8 bags.

In which base do Rats cook at least 6 bags and hope you get lucky after day 2.

Two saws and a money bundle.

pray for RNGesus
rats day 2 is your best bet

Use the rogue perk deck combined with Ironman aced [ICTV] you'll get tons of dodge and tons of armor at the same time.

would you want the same design?

>free gun is garbage
>$6.99 guns that come out a month later are all top tier
What did Overkill mean by this

19th for classic Sokol lewds

I'd love designs like this on more guns

Make one for the KSP

All they need to do is buff the damage

That's literally it.

But they won't.

Even if it did the same damage as the Loco it'd still be inferior

>free M308 is OP,
>4,99$ DMR kits are shit tier,

What did Oyveykill actually mean by this ?

>Judge released for free
>still top tier 2 years later

feels good man

next update when

The only places you can trigger a Garage escape are Nightclub, Rats, and Transport: Harbor.

Nightclub has a base 25% chance for an escape that cannot be increased and I honestly don't even think you can get eight bags on that heist so that's out

Rats has a base 45% chance for an escape job on day one, however, that increases to 100% if you blow up the lab. The issue that comes from this is the fact that if you get the Garage escape on day one, you cannot get it on day two. It is also impossible to secure eight bags of meth on day one. Meaning you would have to chance a 50/50 chance on day one, while cooking at least six bags of meth and then blowing up the lab. which would then require you to do day two, chancing a 25% chance of getting the escape job.

I would posit to you that Transport: Harbor is actually the best, and most efficient way to get the garage escape with eight bags achievement. Because while it only has a 15% chance of an escape job triggering upon completion of the day, it can also likely be done in under five minutes, if your crew is properly geared to blow up one truck and drill the other, quickly sawing through it. The potential escape jobs are the same as rats, so it would be a 50% chance again.

You could chance C4ing every van to escape quickly, but that destroys two of the safety deposit boxes in each van, and with nine pieces of loot, that only allows one potentially destroyed bag of loot, which, statistically, is not in your favor, I don't think. It's also child's play to simply defend and fix the drills on a low difficulty, which I can only assume you would be on while trying for this achievement.

Okay, I suppose it's foolish of me to assume you couldn't secure eight bags on Nightclub.

But I believe that would require getting lucky with the actual loot spawns while playing on a difficulty adequate enough to make it so you potentially could get eight bags. Which would then require a 25% chance for an escape job and then ANOTHER 25% chance as nightclub has four potential escapes.

All in all, I suppose it's possible, but I doubt it's viability.

you are one crazy mofo

On the contrary I feel unified reloading rather than individual shell reloading would make it on-par


Fucking yuros are lazy.

Hello heisters! New side jobs are out!

Today's Daily Side Jobs are:
- Full Measure (halloween_2)
- Dentist Appointment! (dentist_4_jobs)

And today's Safehouse Daily is:
- Get Me A Sandwich (daily_toast)
Brought to you by Clover.

Keep those helmets flying! ;)

Should've been the Pancor for that reason, it's a drum mag

we all know who the best girl is here

You're ignoring the percentage changes when killing civs (+5% per civ).
I agree that Transport: Harbor is the way to go - i got it there - but make sure to kill the civs immediately after the heists starts.

Check "The Long Guide" for specific details.

Fuckin' Kinky Night

I checked exactly that while compiling that post. Killing civilians on nightclub DO NOT count.

And out of the three heists that potentially lead to the Garage escape, that is the only map with civs.

I know to take Inspire and Joker skills. But what else? Dodge or ICTV?


that's all I know

If armor take armorer or anarchist for the 2 second invencibility, if not take dodge and pray


Guy wanted to solo cook to max bags for kicks, what's the point of cheating in that case.

Transport: Harbor definitely has civs, but they run away early.

Shit, does it? Admittedly I don't play transport jobs often, because why would you. I know some like Underpass and Park do, but I didn't know if Harbor did.

If that's the case then absolutely it's the best choice available for getting the 8 bag escape achievement.

I got that achievement by accidentally joining a cheater's game, same with Bring Your Cop To Work Day, feels bad.

you can cook up to 28 bags in rats day 1 thanks to duping bug

you can get bring your cop to work by accident by joining any meta-abiding OD game now too

This was long before OD. I joined a fucking HoxOut, day 2, got the achievement and immediately went 'well that doesn't add up' and joined in to have every cop on the map including Dozers being jokered

Also possible. Still, I'd consider it faster to do the Harbor method, especially considering that civilians apparently spawn there. It's a difference between cooking 8 bags and waiting out 3 drills and sawing everything.


He probably means the old pick-up dupe bug where everyone grabs an ingredient at the same time and multiple people get it.

I had a dream I saw Sydney at a bar and took her home and pounded her for like an hour in every position

>that one guy asking to stealth firestarter day 2.


>stealthing firestarter day 2 instead of sawing+drilling it

Update when


>he doesn't want to bypass the third gate part by messing with the powerboxes first,

I bet you like waiting for drills to take forever to finish

I joined an OD Panic Room match and about 3 minutes in the host insta-winned the game and the achievement popped up. I want to get the achievement legit and tried removing it with SAM but it comes back. Any ideas how to remove it or am I stuck with it?

Just do Panic Room on OD and then call it good.

See you have a point but in the mean time I get to shoot cops

It all works out 100% 30% of the time.

I guess, but it's just not the same you know? I'm still pissed off right now because we waited in the lobby for people only to find out the host decided to cheat mid-game

If you wanted to shoot cops you wouldn't be playing Firestarter.

What if I


Mod to replace tasers with Mike Pence when?

but then I would have to live with killing several hundred Mike Pences

Only when you'll do it yourself and upload it on Last bullet. And fuck you if using pdmod for this.


Strawberry Fields Forever



Bomb:forest fields forever

yeah i wish i could kill the real one myself.

>throwing spears on tans armor does not inflict any damages,

Fuck this game

Welcome to last year.

Alright now that all the code begging Redditors are gone, let's have some deep and insightful Payday 2 discussion.

I'll start:
Mayhem is harder than DW because it spawns more cops than DW and OD combined because OVK doesn't know how their own spawn mechanics work.

>Mayhem is harder than DW because it spawns more cops than DW and OD combined because OVK doesn't know how their own spawn mechanics work.

and overkill are wondering why the community doesn't like the balance between ovk and dw

>tfw made 1.78 euros by selling skins and safes on the community market

DLC sale when

Clearly the problem is something else, OVK knows better.


When OVK provides real modding support.

>playing Mayhem in the first place,

This difficulty is so awkward: it's harder than overkill so you can't chill on it but still not as rewarding as DW. I mean, why would you play this at all ?

I was thinking Mayhem would be the new OVK in that tons of stuff would be effective, but it could be a decent challenge.
Why was release OVK or release DW the only fun difficulties

I've been playing it a lot to chill.

It's not been that much fun.
Especially because ARs are so shit right now.

Can't even play around with my CAR-4 unless I'm on OVK and it feels comparably barren so it surpasses chilling and goes into boredom.


82th for best track incoming


She looks like a guy. Why do artists make her so ugly I mean she's already like a 4/10 and they just bring her down to a 2

>a 4/10

Pick one and only one

85th for Almir having scored with sydney VA

I'd pick a 4/10 over Sydney anytime faggot.

What should she be higher or lower

After a good day of work, it's time to continue our journey to the 1200 bags.

Also Almir, 2,665,000*300 =/= 799.499.968

>yfw big lobby with pvp mutator

I want to visit her beard.


>people aren't allowed to have fun

ded general

fuck off hillary

post your guns


Do you like to hurt yourself ?

Prison nightmare or White xmas are so much more fun in comparaison

>calling this fun

Cook off is the easiest, you can just stay AFK for 10 minutes and cook meth until you have to call the helicopter to drop off more chemicals.

Prison nightmare is annoying, if you do it solo, you don't get that many bags per keycard.

White Xmas is literally the worst, even if you glitch the cops, 4 blue swats spawns every 2 minutes and they deal a lot of damage, 4 black dozers spawns every 30 minutes and you get less and less presents as the time goes on.

I don't see you coming up with better suggestions.