Fighting Games General /fgg/
give me rashid buffs or give me death
Why are you telling LTG and his dumb ass chat monsters about this place? Shut the fuck up
Nice pic!
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
>max reacts
Predict the next batch of characters for MvCI
Spiderman and Tron Bonne
>astral vision is cinematic super only now
Morriganfags BTFO
has capcom explained anything about marvel's dlc plan yet
i assume they're gonna follow sfv's season model
Friendly reminder that Europe not only has ZERO Capcom Cup wins, but ZERO players who have made it to grand finals.
Appreciate the warning
>I could go to trial 34 no problem with Ramlethal
I guess /fgg/ wasn't bullshitting for once when they said she is like a Tekken character. Can't wait to play Tekken 7.
Been waiting for this. Thanks dood!
It's weird, because I like the guy and want to hear what he says, but the fake hype makes it so cringe to watch. The MvCi video is probably the worst I've ever seen it.
The movies are trash, fun sure, but still fucking terrible.
Has nobody uploaded video of the playable akuma they have at the show?
What are you doing in a LTG stream? Is this Geoff?
Can't wait to see them make projectile zoning even more gimped than vanilla MVC3
>Convince me the new Tekken is going to be bad.
Look at King:
No, seriously, look at King:
That being said, this video was way better due to the lack of fake hype and screaming.
Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the best movies ever made
try this next!!
Whos hype for Capcom x Marvel ?!?!
im watching it dumb fuck
do you know how incredibly entertaining ltgs stream is?
no this isnt geoff or the other dickmunch thats spamming /fgg/ in his chat
King is awesome in Tekken 7 you doof.
Actual complaints are delay netcode, your favourite husbando not in and sony holding back the genre and community with crossplay block.
You can disable those, right?
>Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the best movies ever made
Doesn't look that frameperfect but hard to memorize and the attak list is not fast to read when you are looking at the characters.
TTT2 had delay netcode and it's online was pretty well regarded
Also Sony don't crossplay block
LTG posts in this general anyway, I seent him with my own two eyes bitch.
>King is awesome in Tekken 7 you doof.
Yes, but only if you trust your opponent to not customize him like in these videos.
On PC with ini edit or mods yes.
Venom's damage is so pathetic, main reason I never bothered learning him. If I'm going to go setplay anyway might as well pick Zato-sama.
Picked up UMvC3 yesterday in all the hype.
Can someone remind me why touch of death infinite combos are fun again?
>character customization is bad
Sounds a bit early to confirm that without someone getting their hands on a build. Do we even have any game running the same engine?
it's fun to disrespect and style on your opponent
>pretty well regarded
How much longer does MvC3 have at Evo? I say 2 years.
It's still delay which is under the standard now. It's not as bad with 3d framedata but come the fuck on.
Also Sony don't crossplay block
Except they do straight from the mouth of the Tekken team.
>Do we even have any game running the same engine?
SFV :)
i met ono-san at the sf booth today his eyes were super red he probably smoked weed before going back to capcom hq
season 2 and marvel vs capcom are looking good, fighting games are back
>first round
>of first ranked match
>ive ever played in my life
>stun other guy by by mashing when he keeps throwing out buttons
>sends me a tirade on steam
why do people do this
If Marvel has a CPT slot, it's out by 2018.
or maybe he was crying cause his fucking dog died
Depends on where the next reveal happens. Different audiences will care about different characters.
Just for FG players: Frank West & The Punisher
For normal people: Chun Li & Rocket+Groot
I'm all for more choices, including my choice to disable other people's costumes on my end. It doens't hurt anybody, it's extremely simple to implement, the opponent won't even know I ain't mirin' and can freely chuckle to himself at the delusional thought.
>he fell for the scam
Awww well lesson learned just get a refund.
oh wait sony has 0 refund policy
watch vesper for news and reactions not max
who else liked rolls theme
That will be one of the easiest things to do with the game. Demand is obviously there with how many kids get triggered at free customisation.
they aren't that's why mvci will be a much better game than that turd
>MCU focus on MvCI
>This means we might get Loki since he's the only villain Marvel cares about
I've wanted to play as that tricky dick for a long time
I really hope Morrigan gets Soul Eraser back. I miss that hyper.
Thats the type of thing that TF2 needed.
>season 2 and marvel vs capcom are looking good
Why do you lie?
> fighting games are back
They never were gone. They just got covered by a giant puddle of mud that is capcoms shit.
That one trial.
I hope Roll.EXE gets in to MvCI
>jump around like a retard mashing 6s and j.h
>tekken character
i wish i would get more hate mail
scrub tears are delicious
Somebody explain to me why I would play DoA over VF or Tekken
Good, no man should be forced to witness the horrible tastes of his fellow man.
>still posing for pics after his dog died
say what you want about his business practices but he loves his fans that don't tell him to kill himself constantly
i'd be k with that tbhh
>tfw no robo maid little girl to love non-sexually
>not mirrin on your goalbuddy brahs
You will never make it.
Actually you can call in and get a refund within a week but it takes a lot of debate
I am too. I don't read comics and never watched the Thor movies before. I wonder what his powers are.
USF4 moving to Steam was the absolute worst because I stopped getting messages like this.
You want to masturbate but you can't or don't want to look at porn.
i didn't even know that kazunoko designed the CPT necalli costume
that goober has good taste
They kinda fucked up with that because the movie villains are typicaly disposable and the Netflix villains are really only interesting on a personality & motivation basis.
They have no good flashy marketable villains. Thanos just sits there. Ronan was a pushover. Ultron was an app.
Go back to shitting on the fighting game genre in your office, ono.
his low damage is from 2K and 5D and mad struggle. if you can do the 2D for low and late airdashes or ambiguous cross-up teleport setups with launch conversions, his meterless damage is above average. his chip damage is absurd as well.
I kind of doubt he designed it. They probably presented him with either a few sketches of it or just with Necalli's alts and he chose which one got labeled "his".
>They have no good flashy marketable villains.
That is not even a Movie/Series thing, that is just the fact that Marvel's good villains are all tied to either the X-Men or the Fantastic Four.
>no proof
yeah nah
Who /max/ here?
hmm yes. i concur
because they shoved in 8 frames of input delay to help mask 8 frames of delay online. tekken 7 supposedly has 9 frames.
Or Spider-Man. Venom, Carnage, The Goblins, etc. Marvel needs to work on that shit.
>known racists who hates rashid
I'll pass
Stay in your board
Sum of the new marvel for the people who missed it.
>2v2 and you get to choose a gem
>Gem works like Marvel Super Heros
1) Power (Power Up):
This gem allows the character to increase their power and
stun potential for a short period of time.
2) Reality (Reality):
This gem allows the character to summon elements to appear
on screen going towards the opponent for a short period of
time. Electric spheres, icicles, and fire orbs appear just in the
press of a button.
3) Space (Super Armor):
This gem allows the character to increase their defense for
a short period of time. Depending on the character, they
can still get launched for a combo or stay still in stance
after a hit.
4) Soul (Life Recover):
This gem allows the character to increase their vitality for
a short period of time. If not getting hit with the gem in
effect, the character will heal as much as 8-10%.
5) Time (Speed Up):
This gem allows the character to increase their speed for
a short period of time. A great and easier way to connect
combos and mixups that some can't be done on regular
6) Mind (Infinity Recover):
This gem allows the character to increase their super meter
(aka. Infinity Meter) for a short period of time. Each character
has a limit on their meter and is a very innovative way to use
Super Combos as it builds up as much as two meters.
>Taking pad players into mind
sounds p. based
do people not message as much on steam or something?
nigga gotta do something about his hair line
what are the chances of eisbahn being a MvCI newcomer instead of a SFV character?
>stun potential
DOA is good
nobody plays VF
Tekken isn't out yet
Boobs and butts are good
This is my board. Take your anal devastation back to r/kappa.
DOA's great if:
- You like the idea of countering everything even when you get hit.
- Or you love throwing away money on DLC.
- Or you think Tecmo's titties look good, for some reason.
- Or you really like Gold Lightan, but hate TvC.
I bet the only fox characters in Marvel 4 will be
that's it
>tfw i beat juri trial 24 today