[YouTube] MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA – Official Gameplay Trailer - 4K (embed)

Andromeda Pastebin:
pastebin.com/BiK2KhPw (embed)

MEG's updated updated Pastebin:

pastebin.com/0326Anr2 (embed)



First for best girl and silkiest voice.

I like Jack

fourth for 10/10 turian gal

Literally the only reason I'll play(not buy) Andromeda

Mornin', skippers

i want to fuck the turian

at least 95% of the fanbase wants to fuck the turian


>open door
>see this
What do?

Not care, cause I like Jack

I feel some disciplinary action is in question. There are regulations against this.



check to see if someone else has been on my game or something, becauese I either romance Tali as broshep or romance Garrus as femshep

maybe it wouldn't happen if I didn't have to make threads in 2 seconds or else it dies

So do you think that tie in novel will be good?

It was supposed to have come out in August...

They aren't Alliance military so there aren't regs against it

On my ship there are

The ship belongs to the Alliance military

quit game.

delete fucking everything.

replay ME2 and do it properly because clearly I fucked up somewhere.


Wonder how Tali came back to life after getting rekt at the collector base.

Doesn't mean the ship doesn't belong to the Alliance military

only the core fanbase

most of the normalfags just bang designated asari bae probably accidentally

My ship, my rules. Besides, they don't want to get on my bad side. I'm literally the only person in the universe to get shit done.

>only the core fanbase

Those are the ones who buy the DLC and consistently buy all the games. Bioware tries to please them often, and for good reason. ME's customer retention (about 40% of the people who played ME3 also played ME2/ME3) is honestly pretty good.

Anyone else always purposely have a few deaths during the suicide mission? Or does everyone just perfect it every time?

Alliances ship* Alliances rules*

They can court marshal me if they want. See how well that goes.

>Anyone else always purposely have a few deaths during the suicide mission? Or does everyone just perfect it every time?

I usually make sure to have one to three. Usually Jacob or Zaeed, sometimes Samara or Kasumi. Only four characters in ME2 (Tali, Mordin, Legion, and Garrus) end up mattering at all anyway. They always survive for me, bar that one playthrough I did where I just never activated Legion.

It'll end up like a pretty normal court marshall


Whats better for a kill the geth run? A disloyal Legion or the Geth VI thing?

Which one makes it easier to role-play a Shephard that doesn't consider the Geth sentient/alive/whatever?

Because he seems like the most expendable person on the team. A paid mercenary with no greater significance outside the mission and no real role on the mission other than acting as another gun, which everyone else does.


I'm definitely going to have Jacob and Jack die this playthrough, thinking about letting Tali die but I don't know if her replacement is going to make the Rannoch missions more or less interesting.

You know, if you do his loyalty mission right after the suicide mission and go full paragon it gives you option at the end to leave him there to die.

Geth VI because why the fuck would you activate Legion in the first place instead of getting the credit bounty?

I'm going to assume you mean you get the Geth VI by selling Legion to Cerberus in ME2.

Tough one. On the one hand, not activating Legion pretty much removes all possible reasoning for seeing the geth as any way sympathetic. Your Shepard will not even be aware of a supposed geth-heretic split, and will have absolutely zero reason to do anything except destroy the geth going into the Rannoch arc of ME3 (unless you for some reason REALLY trust and love the random robot you've never met that threatens you every other conversation telling you to side with it in ME3). It would pretty much mark the geth entirely as antagonists. If you're trying to maintain the narrative of the geth being bad/not alive/whatever, then not activating Legion also means Tali never favors peace with the geth, and shows no regret about killing the Geth VI thing at the end of the Rannoch arc. The rest of your team is already fully supportive of eradicating the geth (besides EDI), Legion around or no.

On the other hand, not only does getting rid of Legion lock you out from a pretty important mission, it also is a bit hard to justify in-universe. Since there's effectively no risk posed by questioning it, even if your whole goal is destruction of the geth. There should have been an option to activate Legion, question it, but never let it out of prison.

I would slightly favor the Geth VI option.

To find out first hand why that thing can talk or why it has a piece of your old armor.

So I can blow up the Geth base in his loyalty mission (then side with Tali in their fight to lose his loyalty).

But I guess that doesn't make a lot of sense from a role-playing perspective.

Yeah, but if he's going to die anyway he may as well die on the Collector Base. I think having at least a couple casualties makes it more plausible, and there is possibly no character more expendable than Zaeed.

Do you guys ever think about what Shepard must have looked like when they found his body?

I mean regardless of whether he was alive or not he would still look fucking awful.

He was in the middle of a huge
He fell from fucking space
Debris fell all around him and most likely on top of him.

I bet he had a leg or maybe both completely smashed. Maybe an arm missing and a bunch of wire's and gears sticking out. And a face like the terminator at the end of a movie.

That's pretty sad.

Lit on fire entering atmosphere. There should've been nothing left.

>I'm definitely going to have Jack die this playthrough

W-what!? Why!? All she wants is to know someone cares.

>To find out first hand why that thing can talk
Why the fuck would you care that this thing downloaded a language pack?
>why it has a piece of your old armor
How do you know it's yours? More likely this fucker killed a fellow N7 and desecrated the body by using it for repairs.

he was a mostly-melted hunk of goo encased in molten N7 armor

That's pretty sad.

If you do legions loyalty mission but lose his loyalty later and he dies at the collector base, do any of the other squad-mates become more sympathetic to the Geth or is it about the same as if you'd never activated him?

I'm leaning towards not activating him but I'd like to blow up that base.

Because Shepard recognizes it. Don't question it.

He got thrown by a huge explosion, suffered multiple suit breaches in a vacuum, got pulled into the nearby planet, went through orbital reentry while being sheathed for several minutes in temperatures that would melt titanium, and then finally directly impacted squarely at the side of a mountain at terminal velocity, on a planet whose atmosphere consists of highly corrosive ammonia with no sign of any orbital debris to shield him from said height or increased his overall drag to reduce his terminal velocity.

He should have been a barely recognizable lump of flesh. But LOLMAGICARMOR is a thing, so instead his body was probably largely intact. We even see his helmet, and it's hardly damaged.

>Since there's effectively no risk posed by questioning it
There's also no guarantee that it can be deactivated again without shooting it, making it worth much less.

>But LOLMAGICARMOR is a thing, so instead his body was probably largely intact. We even see his helmet, and it's hardly damaged.
Bet his face is all fucked up then. Probably did look like the terminator

I'm still salty I was forced to bring her aboard. Grunt is more stable and less likely to fuck everything up and everyone warns you about waking him up.

>Grunt is more stable and less likely to fuck everything up
Which makes very little sense

Ok, what does grunt have to do with Jack?

Coincidentally Grunt and Jack are my go-to team on my final mission

I think he's talking about the end of ME3, not the beginning of ME2, since he's mentioning Shephard's terminator upgrades.

Yeah that's what meant, sorry for not being clearer.

Tali does, in the sense that she wants peace with the geth (but this is impossible without Legion) and regrets having to destroy them ("the real Legion would have understood", she says). The others don't. Then again, the others don't even with a living and loyal Legion. As for the others: EDI of course supports the geth, Liara has no real opinion, and all the other squaddies would love you to kill the shit out of the geth.

Here are their responses if you destroy the geth, even with a live and loyal Legion:

>Joker: That's a load of crap, EDI. The geth chose to join the Reapers. Extenuating circumstances, but yeah. Some of the geth saw the Reapers as gods. So don't act like we were the bad guys for not trusting them.

>Javik: Your Joker-Pilot seems pleased with your choice. He said: "Bucket-head aliens: 1. Crazy evil robots: 0".
>Javik: You are proving that humans are capable soldiers. And I am pleased you did not ally with the synthetics. That would have been a grave mistake. I only hope the quarians show resolve. They should have wiped out the machines long ago.
>Javik: Your quarian seems pleased with your choice. Perhaps she will reward you with a reproductive ritual.

>Kaidan: Finally, we're rid of the geth once and for all. Those murdering machines... I can't help draw the parallel. Know what I mean? Yeah, let's just hope the geth don't have the rachni's playbook

>Garrus: And that's the end of the geth. A few years ago, that would have been the end of our problems too. Remember Noveria? Ilos? Therum? They were everywhere. The geth spilled a lot of blood, and I'm not sorry to see them go. Now let's make sure the Reapers join them.

>Ashley: I know that wasn't an easy call for you, but I'm glad the quarians came out on top. I just can't see the geth as "real", you know? And ever since Eden Prime... I'll never forgive them for that. But good to know that's all behind us.

>James: Good to know we don't have to worry about the geth anymore.

I was just pointing out that everyone just accepts that we're bringing someone on board the ship that could easily fuck it up and kill everybody and that's also completely unstable and unpredictable(and that already destroyed one space station she was on without much of a plan to escape it alive).

The only one concerned was Miranda and she was mostly just worried about the files.


"shield him from said HEAT", sorry.

Tbh even as a Jackfag I see your point, but at the end of the day it would be much easier to put down Jack than it would a pure bred Krogan with identity issues going through puberty.

ME2 makes you do a lot of dumb shit. Like how there's no option to just have the Cerberus crew arrested on the Citadel. Or at least shoot Miranda in the face when she openly admits to trying to enslave you while also being complicit in kidnapping, torture, and murder. While, at the same time, possibly extolling the virtues of the organization that killed your squad on Akuze.

are you kidding man? it's written by a hardcore feminist/intersectionalist/anti-white-SJW.
it's going to be absolute dogshit and critics will praise it

>He picked the sole survivor background

War hero and Ruthless are the best.

True, Grunt could go on a rampage but he'd have to physically kill everyone. Jack demonstrated she could make a massive space station unlivable fairly quickly with her biotics. She could allahu akbar the Normandy before anyone could react if she wanted, she even lives right next to the engine.

What the absolute fuck is this humanely creature? I am playing Mass Effect trilogy for the first time, liked the character of Tali in Mass Effect 1 and 2 both, liked Tali initially in ME3, and this happens.

Really Bioware? This ruined the whole game for me, and I have no will to continue forward. My immersion is ruined forever.

Quarians are all purple skinned Afghani models with weird hands and feet.

That makes two races that are just recolored humans.

>if she wanted
That's the difference between Jack and Grunt

Grunt could've just snapped if not delt with.
Jack would do something cause of a "feeling" she got.

Jack is impulsive
Grunt is unpredictable

>That makes two races that are just recolored humans.

Quarians are more alien than batarians are desu.

The design itself or the execution? The latter is pretty infuriating, yeah. The former? We pretty much always knew they looked a lot like humans. Only real stupid part is that Tali has long hair.

Quarians should have been hairless and scaley or someshit


>critics will praise a video game tie-in novel
>critics will read a video game tie-in novel
Hahaha! Oh wow!

Huh, yeah like that.

Honestly would that have been so hard?


The fact that it is clearly a stock photo modified to look like an alien. It is highly immersion breaking for me.

And can I just ignore her and go with Liara or the options are locked at this stage?

Fuckin space giraffes

I wonder if they picked Hammasa Kohistani because she's known for her hip:waist ratio.

>can I just ignore her and go with Liara or the options are locked at this stage?
No one is stopping you from choosing best girl.

already locked out.

Just ignore the picture, it's really not that huge of a deal in the grand scheme and nothing forces you to look at it.

that was one of their bits of concept art

Hmm face kinda ruins it.

Not saying she's ugly but face is 7/10 at best, while body is a 10

Lazy cunts

All they had to do was draw a fucking picture.

Fuck. At which point the game you locks you exactly? I know it's autistic but I am willing to reload and backtrack.

When you invite Tali up o your cabin near the start of the Rannoch arc.

I honestly think that we were never meant to see that picture. It looks blatantly unfinished even for a photoshop, and was probably inserted into the game by mistake by some intern. Or just rushed out the door.

Especially since in the Extended Cut, released soon after the game, they actually did model a quarian face. Not Tali's though.

It hurts but there is better fanart that makes biological sense

>they actually did model a quarian face.
And it looks exactly like a human.


They actually did have a lot of concept art drawn up for Tali's face. See pic related. They could have just inserted that picture into the game and it probably would've been much better received.

that person also does some pretty good CGI shit

>And it looks exactly like a human.

We already knew they looked like humans bro. You've been able to see a vague outline of Tali's face through her mask since the first game.

I'm not even a talifag, but the level of laziness they showed by not using oc for Tali's face pisses me off

IIRC one of the developers said
Will always be Tali to him

That's the thing though, I don't think it's laziness. They already had that picture and several others that they could have put into the game, and it would have been better than what we got.

Don't mean it's not stupid that they look like humans.

I get why asari look humsn, the whole green women star trek fantasy. But they were able to create salarians, Krogan, and Turians and make them totally unique

>Don't mean it's not stupid that they look like humans.

You're pretty much complaining about nothing then. The asari and batarians are even more guilty of this, again since the first game. You may as well start complaining that almost every species is bipedal and has Space Human cultures.

>You may as well start complaining that almost every species is bipedal and has Space Human cultures.
Well now that you mention it...