/hsg/ Hearthstone general

Hearthstone is a class-based collectible card game akin to Shadowverse /svg/

The next expansion, Rise of Bahamut, will be released on December 29th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (embed) (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:

Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

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A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:

You can listen to both EN/JP voices for cards at this place:

dead game


First for post ayas

dragonfire potion was severely overrated

Does that game have nudity?

Counterfeit coin is garbage. Rogue needed it 20 expansions ago, not now.

how is it not good?
doesnt kill azure drake?

priest cucks are the worst will always complain no matter how much stupid shit you give them

it's an okay card

it's nowhere near what people were supposing it was

No it's fucking not
It's strictly better than excavated evil even if you're not running dragons

I can see what you did there.

>pick priest arena
>get LITERALLY offered one 2-drop
>its the 1/2

0-3 here I come.

Did you guys even read the OP?

yes we don't care

>/hsg/ anons don't notice the OP is literally /svg/'s copy pasted

No, for some reason the western localization has one of the leader's cleavage covered with a sweater, which is the only thing they changed

which seems an odd choice, if you're already playing the game you probably don't care about seeing boobs

what you think we can do something about it

>strictly better

Is aggro paladin viable again yet

1 mana more for 2 more damage, doesn't give your opponent an advantage in fatigue, doesn't give your opponent a board clear eventually

It even kills your sylv for hijink
The only reason you'd run excavated over dragon fire is that you don't have the latter

>1 mana more
literally unplayable.

What's the best counter to pirates?


IF you mean liking the game?
IT's shadowverse


>Streamers keep playing N'zoth Jade Rogue
>After watching like 50 games I have never seen any play N'zoth from their hand even once
Really makes you think

>hit's it with a 10/4 reaper and keeps going

what counters midrange shaman?

Why are Draenei so underrepresented in this game?

i mean in your world of perfect scenarios that dont happen i drew 2 innervates and played this turn 2 and you conceded

dragon priest with ooze has done pretty well by me

renolock has so many board clears that it typically does pretty well

>tfw rogue is the only class without decent boardclear

mryagut pls

Goblins are stricltly better.

based brode, could you imagine how cancerous the rogue of today would be with quad coins and AoE?

play Cunnyverse

The only class allowed to have everything is Warrior

Class identities by Blizzard

Druid - Having at least one T1 deck at any given time
Warr - being able to do literally everything
Lock - brainless aggro without ever losing steam
Mage - being the most uninteractive class while preaching how much you value interaction
Priest - balance rollercoaster
Hunter - sticky beasts and I go face
Rogue - miracle and miracle only
Pally - being shit
Shaman - being the best

i dont understand why they havent had their own expansion since they were the best addition to world of warcraft

rogues class identity at this point is the one class that has no healing or board clears

Yesterday a priest used it to kill his own shit and leave my Azure Drakes up

I dont understand why they havent had their own expansion since they were the best addition to world of warcraft

it has better board clears than druid

What packs should I buy to try and get the cards to fill in the missing spots?

not having either will forever pigeonhole rogue into miracle though

it should have one of them, like Druid which has bad aoe but good healing for example

just nerf prep already and let rogue play longer games

Play shadowverse.

>not having either will forever pigeonhole rogue into miracle though

blizzard has already said they're fine with this. When people were complaining on reddit some blizz employee literally said "miracle is still good tho people reach legend with it idk why y'all are complaining we gave you burgle and stealth memes too so u have deck variety and jade is rly strong :)"

No it doesnt

>nerf prep
Rogue is already shit. There hasnt been anyone who has made it to legend with rogue deck after MSG

I hope you enjoy that 5 gold you will never get rid of :^)

>try watching Thjis
>most cringeworthy thing i've seen all year

How's this, /hsg/? Do IO have a place for Sylvanas here? Also, is Alex a decent addition or would you rather Deathwing? What about the two Azure Drakes?

This is some next level shilling.

>watching chinese player constantly lose against jade druid with his hyper control paladin
not even double enter the Colosseum eadric and humility is enough

Is anyone else not blocking Twitch ads consistently? I got uBlock.

Yeah uBlock doesn't seem to be blocking the Amazon coins ad for some reason

The first one was about coins, but then I got another advert about SPORTS

I'd take the TBC quest where you have to pick up talbuk shit over dranei any day.

Buy 60 packs of whatever and dust everything and you should have enough. You'll only have 3ish months with lightlord though so that's something to consider before you craft it.

how is hex balanced?

Use uBlock Origin, the one that's being developed by the original author

Stop posting anytime

prep is what makes giving rogue tools spoopy though and blizzard so stupidly reluctant to give her good general tools

old gods doesnt rotate until 2018
its not

You can only put two of it in a deck.

Should I go with firelord instead?

pirate warriors lmao

Thats what I have. Am I supposed to be manually updating it or something?

how is prep imbalanced and innervate fine then

Oh yeah my bad I thought it was part of TGT for some reason. I should know too since I unpacked him at old golds release.

he might not draw it

firelord is the best basic legendary and it will never rotate out
there isn't a single deck in the game that doesn't become better putting rag in it
it's the best 8 drop in the game by far

I'd craft him first

Raggy, Sylv and Thalnos are the top 3 from classic. I'd put Alex 4th, and I think lots of control decks are going to want Alex as a finisher vs Jade Idol druid

>there isn't a single deck in the game that doesn't become better putting rag in it
except for the best deck in the game lmaoo

Is Mana Geode dust?

>Play 30 rogue cards
Fuck Blizzard
Just fuck off

rag sucks right now

innervate isn't fine but blizzard is fine with it

innervate is the same bullshit as black lotus it's an auto include and it would be an auto include anywhere

it's pretty bad but i'd wait for next xpac before dusting not-so-obviously-shitty cards

If you really need the dust I guess you won't regret it in the long run but who knows.

What's the point of having a deck size?

Having a larger deck would be detrimental to your deck's consistency anyways

boy are you gonna feel stupid in 2weeks

too confusing for new players

Yeah. Only dragon priest is good and that doesn't use it.

I mean geode into the new 3 drop can net some value but it's pretty inconsistent and you have to heal it

It's alright

I don't think heartharena is working you guys

>play renolock vs pirates
>draw all my anti-aggro stuff early
>delay the game until turn 9
>never draw reno so I lose anyway
Is it even possible for non-reno decks to beat pirate warrior. What the fuck.

What do you mean? Seems fine to me.

>synergy jade spirit
Who makes these?

Why does it value that garbage windfury card so highly?
It tried to make me pick it twice in my last run and it's one of the worst cards I have ever seen.

it has synergy with tokens

more interesting is, why would someone pick jade shit in arena?

>had a 135 rating card with 9 synergies

Thinking of replacing mistress with something else but dunno.


yes, play dragon priest and draw both wyrmrest agents and twilight guardians and your ooze and then a couple more twilight guardians off your netherspite

What rogue deck can get me past rank 15 without the Reno expansion?

Iv tried Jade and Malygos but nothing works
Might as well play warrior



>why would someone pick jade shit in arena?
if you can get a bunch of them its pretty cool
I had like 6 or 7 jade cards in a shaman run and went 11-3 because getting a 4/4 or 5/5 while also dealing 4 damage is pretty op in arena.

Jade Nzoth

Do you think he's in this thread?

That requires raptors user


Daily reminder that you should be playing Renolock to make these Pirate Warriors quit the game forever

Seems like a fine Jade Shaman deck. Hope it works out for you.

He looks to be in charge.

They say rank 10 in the first week of the season is pretty much rank 1 in terms of the opponenys you get.

True or False?

46 isnt high. It's mediocre, cards that you arent happy to pick but might have to once in a while.