how the fuck do you use a torque wrench ratchet to torque a spark plug using one of these ball joint adapters?
How the fuck do you use a torque wrench ratchet to torque a spark plug using one of these ball joint adapters?
You dont
break out those physics textbooks and learn to calculate torque vectoring
A spark plug should only be tightened by hand.
u turn it faggit
By hand until it bottoms out, no more no less
They are very easy to crack and/or strip
I just did spark plugs today, funnily enough.
I used the socket wrench expander neck without the wrench attached. And yes, they should only be hand tightened. You can feel as soon as it starts giving you resistance, that's when you stop. For me it was about 5-7 full revolutions. If you over tighten then you very likely can dammage the spark plug threads or even damage the engine head
mmmh that really depends.
Flat seat type sparks with gasket are better to do manually, but conical seat type sparks without gasket are a lot safer do to by torque, because it's very easy to fuck up.
>torque wrench w/ ball joint
The fuck... Just stop what you're doing.
Get a proper crow's foot adapter or a socket that fits in the space you have. Using a ball joint on a torque wrench completely throws off the calculation and you won't get the proper torque value. At that point you'd be better off just using a simple rachet or wrench.
You don't need a torque wrench fuckboy.
Get your 3/8's ratchet out with a spark plug socket that fits your spark plugs, tighten them by hand at first, then snug up. It's like an oil filter, slightly more than hand tight is plenty.
>in over 740,000 miles of driving I've never had an issue with following this
try this
Why the fuck are you torqing spark plugs? Holy shit nigger. Better be one of those ford's that likes to shoot spark plugs out.
every fastening on the vehicle has a recommended torque value to prevent retards like you fucking shit up.
the engine block is aluminium
if s omeone is stupid enough to not put a sparkplug in properly they wont know how to use a torque wrench
the aluminium strips meme only applies to americans who are subhuman apes
apes aren't good at using tools
You're fucking kidding, right? If you're not smart enough to know you can get a spark plug plenty snug with a 3/8 drive, back away from the car.
That's a terrible meme. On my old ka24e cylinder head I had spark plugs In and out constantly by hand. You can take them out super easily enough with a ratchet, but when putting them in, drive them in slow and steady by hand via socket and extension, and once you get it hand tight then snug it a little with a ratchet.
Am American but happily not subhuman. I've stripped threads on my first "my summer car" tier engine (ka24e) because it was a 25 year old abused piece of shit. Helicoiled the entire valve cover on and helicoiled he end of the crank for the flywheel (flywheel held on by 1 Chevrolet bolt was priceless). I guess if it really got hairy in the spark plug threads, just helicoil that shit. If you can do it to the end of a crank and have it hold fine, idk why it wouldnt work with spark plugs.
>You're fucking kidding, right?
Don't underestimate how retarded people are capable of being.
Well, have fun getting laughed at when you're... torqing spark plugs, lol. If you can't fell when they are tight by hand, it still stands, back away from the car because you've got no fucking clue what you're doing.
>thinks he knows better than the team of engineers who designed the engine
well memed
My god you're dumb
>Thinks someone cares that they'really an engineer
Engineers are pieces of shit, everyone in the shop hates them. Not only do I not believe you, but even if I did, I still wouldn't care. Everyone I have ever seen install spark plugs, from fellow techs to your average Joe, 3/8. Maybe one day you'll design something you actually have a clue about.
>implying you've ever designed shit
>still wouldn't give a fuck
I'm dumb because I am smart enough to know how to work on cars? What?
>reading comprehension
Nobody claimed to be an engineer itt you autistic moron.
That's why I work on cars.
Because you're a moron and can't read?
Yeah, pretty much. And I've gotten so good at working on cars, I no longer need to suck the dick of some engineers. They design shitty engines. I don't need them to give me some specification for a spark plug. The only torque specs I follow are for internals, like main caps, head studs, shit of that sort. Otherwise, engineers and their specifications can go and fuck themselves.
>I'm dumb because I am smart enough to know how to work on cars?
you nailed it pal
ITT: I need torque wrenches to tighten down spark plugs because I'm not smart enough to know when to stop turning the handle.
>the grandma down the street paid me once to change her sparkplugs and I didn't have the proper tools so I just jammed a penny up against each one with jb weld
I work at a toyota dealership and literally nobody I know uses a torque wrench to put in a spark plug.
Veeky Forums truly is full of people who have never worked on cars
I thought it was just a meme.
That's because no one does, lol. There's torque values for everything, however not many of them actually matter. People can argue all they want, it's the truth.
One of the very first mistakes I've made working on cars was worrying about torque specs. Fuck that shit, just tighten until snug.
to actually answer your question: you have to either stabilize the ball joint in your free hand while torqueing it, or get a long extension so you can get the torque wrench clear of the engine bay, grab the extension by the wrench head and torque it that way. And use the lightest wrench you can, so that your recommended torque is in the middle of the range.
>implying I don't torque everything to spec to satisfy my autism
Hey, you don't have to like it, but it makes me feel good.
Where do you even get a torque wrench that does 1nM/2lbf? Never saw better than 5-20nm or 20-200nm ranges
That's like hanging your hand on the wrench to tighten.
wtf you guys suck just set you impact gun to as low as it goes and have at it. only losers put sparkplugs in by hand
I've seen too many cars come in with spark plugs that were installed so loose that the crush washer was still intact. As long as you tighten the plugs enough to crush that washer then you're good. Otherwise you may be leaking compression from there, possibly causing misfires or a loss of power.
fuckin this. What dont people understand about hand tight, then a 1/3rd turn? Its printed on the spark plug boxes. Torque wrenching spark plugs has to be the biggest numale meme in this world
Crank it down until it strips, then back off 1/2 turn.
>i dont listen to engineers!
>i listen to engineers for these parts!
Jesus christ techs are worse than cashiers. Go steal more parts from cpo's