/tfg/ - Titanfall General


>Lore, lewds & more
Discord under Fun Stuff

>Steam Group
PC: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/11942/
Xbox One: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/78/
PS4: titanfall.com/en_us/networks/playstation/63/
Searching 'the fast guys' on console will bring it up in game, for pc you have to join using the link

The first free DLC update, Angel City's Most Wanted, is out, featuring the return of the Angel City map, new Ion Prime and Scorch Prime skins, in-game cosmetics store, and more

>Whats changed in 2?
Cosmetics, class based titans, more pilot abilities, more guns, and a single player campaign.
Bunny hopping was altered so now you need to queue a slide too

Doomed thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



This is Viper, I've got good tone.

Anyone else get cia vibes from barker?


5th for HOT


I'm going to marry Scorch!

Screw scorch

T. Ronin

Post mains

You can't marry a Titan, son, not least because it's a strictly professional relationship.

>/tfg/ is supposed to be good
>has to evac every thread

Terrorists fuck off, this is an IMC thread


Is CAR the new weapon of the month? Can't remember the last time I got shot by anything else.

>Stryder Titans have vertical slit eyes
>Altas Titans have cycloptic eyes
>Ogre Titans have compound eyes

Is there a lore reason for this?

CAR has always been popular. It's essentially the most accurate of the SMGs, which is saying something.

Say that to my face fucker and not online see what happens

Man Devotion is such a cop out gun
why even bother with sniper with that thing can kill just as fast if not better




Devotion is a little bit ridiculous, once it speed up everything in front of you is going to die.

It's a guilty pleasure, gobsmacked it hasn't been nerfed yet.

that's volt
car has higher fire rate i believe but it does not have perfect hipfire accuracy like the volt
>inb4 ads
ads is for slowfags only

>spawn my titan at a random location i think is safe
>turn corner
>scorch and ronin are standing next to it foaming at their moutsh

I don't require your understanding, only your compliance

delete that gif it triggers me

>Ronin tries to *teleports behind you*
>teleports INTO you

this is why I will never run Ronin

>some random dumb dumb drops his titan on our side
>i see three flashes of robotic light fly by me at inhuman speed towards it
>one of them is literally screaming ITS MINE
>the alpha speedster gets there first and rips it out before flying towards another titan to plant the battery in
>the other two speedsters are angrily throwing explosive robot turds into where the battery once laid in protest of their sluggish movements
>tfw i got a battery

>that one guy who use A-wall with Devotion
they can just spray blindly and then thing still going to one shot you

How do I Legion?
I just cant into it for some reason
Is there a reason to even use a close range mode?

>This has never happened to me once playing as ronin to get him at least to G2
>Worried though that it will happen when I try to get every titan to G3+

I played a risky-as-fuck ronin on consoles, so the embarrassment from a telefrag would kill me.

Close-range mode uses one bullet per BRRT.
Long-range mode uses two bullets per BRRT.
Close range Power Shot gives you knockback so you can get some breathing room, while long range Power Shot gives you a piercing shot.

>Is there a reason to even use a close range mode?
at close range the powershot is DEVASTATING and will instagib pilots

Holding block will cause you to not die if you phase into them.

do you take any damage or just bounce away?

I lost an lts match this way, was the last one on the team, full health, only two enemy [RDDT] left and the last round. Felt like shit cuz we were on the comeback from being down 2, sucks to let the team down.

R8 pls

I am having entirely too much fun with the SMR. Holy shit why have I ignored this thing for so long

xth for tfg shitters who can't let go of their nuclear crutch

Money well spend I guess

Half of those look like coral.

my brother!



had a bad game i see

>Not using the BT paintjob exclusively
Gun hazard is Legion's best paintjob without a doubt

me too but so far Im only been successful with stim or A-wall
everything else I either will just get btfo by the Titans first

No, I discon'd to go play something with my gf

normies get out

I think it's both. You take a small amount of damage and you end in a random direction. Better then killing yourself.

Talk to me, Goose...

>tfw no Spyglass/Ash pictures


Have this instead

>but I gotta but the team on my back tho

Is there a launch option to have TF2 display connectivity stats like with FPS?

>anti-titan weapons no longer gain merits from assists
Welp, everybody else ready for the slog to regenerate them ?

I've played for about two days now and i've already halfway through gen 2 with it

what the fuck why?

>inb4 m-muh respawn can't make a mistake
>if you don't like it must means you die to it

Who thought that was a good idea?

i dont have a problem with nuke eject, the one thing I wish they would have left in titanfall 1 was the smart pistol, although i am happy that its not a primary weapon anymore

Is it shit, or nah?

that's amazing

Shitting on RDDT I see

>5k people on PC
What the hell happened? We were pushing 8-9k the weeks before the free weekend

>When you're grouped with [RDDT] and they have no concept of defense in CTF
>they just keep on running right to a pilot sentry that just killed them

Good fucking God.

Perhaps people would just shot once or twice to get a hit and then run away leaving other people to deal with the Titan while they got their merit anyway ? Who knows, I just know it's going to suck for everyone else considering how much the anti-titan weapons deal - sit there and plink away or kill steal and hope no friendly Titan is coming in for an execution.

Whats the name of that banner?

workweek and it's a monday night niqqa

>on for a network invite
>everyone is polite and there's some light ribbing but we have fun and win
>queue solo after that
>teamed with [RDDT]
>they're using obnoxiously bad mics and screaming at everyone calling them fags
>these people being their teams
>they only amplify when told to shut up

I had fun with you guys even though I'm bad, hope we can play again.


I wonder if there's a secret route in the campaign for when BT realizes I am stupid.

Is the G2 OP ? I'm not really that good but when using it I can pick off people up close and at sniper range without problems, dominating pilot vs pilot where usually I get shat on.

>oh no

>semi-auto and entirely reliant on trigger pull for fast firing
>large spread
>suicidal to use without ADS
>relatively low magazine capacity

Nah, the G2 is the epitome of perfection. It's not quite the salt-miner like DMR with Amp Wall, but it gets the job done none the less.

Works for me.

Should I give in and start using Tone?

I wish there are little less smoke when you unload the clip
I cant see jackshit

im getting all titans to at least g2 so yeah dude go for it, but not forever or you can't come here anymore

Yes, join us.

>Reddit clan
>has a edgy /pol/ name

Why the fuck am I not surprised he's a shitter who can't outperform a semi-auto??

>playing on console but not really feeling it
>about to log
>'x has invited the network to play bounty hunt!'
>might as well one last
>suddenly anxiety what if I suck ass again like I've done every time I queue
>been a while tho
>feeling fast and both of us top 3 every game
>double xp being used well
>only have to go because RL bullshit
Good times always end too fast
thx drifter

okay, I'll give it a shot.

Because Sword Block reduces damage to 25% of its damage, and telefragging applies your maximum HP +1, you're still doing 25% damage to yourself. Just be careful so it doesn't happen to begin with.

>Muh timezones
>It's [insert weekday]
>People at work
>School isn't out yet
Cant we just accept that maybe the PC community isn't that big and is around 9k on a good day? Every thread people spit out excuse as to why it's so low. Maybe it's low cause it's just fucking low.

D-Do you have any northstar titanfus?

Just some tips from a tone main -

Know your role, engage at medium range as a support titan. If you see scorches and ronins, back the fuck up, you only have a chance at distance. Always stay right next to hard cover, and just take potshots from behind it as much as you can.

Your best weapon is the distance between you and your target. Take the pulse kit and the turbo boost, and enjoy your new salt-powered robot.

>Needing to see
Dude you're supposed to inhale the fumes, those are winner fumes. You're a Winner right?

I litearlly bought it just for of that one camo desu

Sorry, user, I only save images of the one good titanfu.

Is there anything more fun than the grenadier weapons?

Wingman Elite.


>Be bad
>try out EPG
>See the light

I just got ronin to gen 10 which titan should I level next?

Anyone else unable to start Origin as of a few hours ago?

I start Origin (even as administrator), and then a window pops up with a short "loading" spinning circle animation, then it closes, and Origin doesn't boot.

I was playing just fine earlier today.

Have tried system reboots, task manager kills.


I've gotchu covered pilot

Not gonna let you have only images of the worst titangirl

o i am laffin
