>didn't link previous thread >didn't post purge info sub please
Nicholas Parker
Sorry, first thread I started on here. Dunno the format and no one was kind enough to tell me.
Besides, the previous thread didn't have that either and no one complained.
Josiah Barnes
You ugly children aren't purging shit. If you were you would have done it by now.
Alexander Gray
it's just bantz mate don't be so overly sensitive to jokes :^)
Benjamin Bell
Pic related
Let's continue this: Post 'em.
>Favourite Vehicle >Favourite Weapon >Favourite Radio Station
Lucas Martin
>we got a literal rocket car before we got a delorean
Charles Martinez
>Social Club still won't process Snapdragon's Selfies. >This issue exists since forever. >There are thousands of threads on their forums. >Not a single response from Rockstar, no way to resolve it yourself. >Rockstar still advertises this feature at Social Club's front page. >Taking the link there, selecting your selfie and accepting does nothing. >Get told to wait a few minutes for the changes to apply. >Months later my avatar is still the same. >I tried from different IP ranges, different operating systems, browsers, hardware configurations and devices. >Didn't change one time. I can still change it to whatever fucking Rockstar pre-made avatar I want, not Snapdragon tho.
Chase Clark
>Not going full Flatout with rocket cars and stunt races I never thought there'd be a proper new flatout game in GTAO of everything.
Robert Rogers
>Mamba >Gusenberg >Flylo FM
Ryan Walker
ETR1 Hatchet/Marksman Pistol Non-Stop or Self
David Taylor
>tfw no play as Lamar DLC >tfw no Episodes of Los Santos
Easton Gray
>Double-T >Pistol .50 >Space 103.2
Thomas Harris
>Favourite Vehicle hakuchu drag
>Favourite Weapon compact rifle
>Favourite Radio Station voice chat
Brody Diaz
>Comet >Carbine Rifle >Radio Mirror Park
Thomas Walker
Anything worth saving up for? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;eee
Grayson Gonzalez
fuck now i look back and realize how stupid i sound in the chat
Chase Young
In a week.
David Cook
Nice to see that some things never change regardless of platform.
Ryder Reed
Have at least $10M saved if you want to enjoy a good chunk of this update without feeling overwhelmed. It's never a good idea to buy all the content on the first day desu because you just get burned out sooner.
Colton Hernandez
The newswire article was made/posted on Friday. If the release date was something like this week, it'd be announced. Rockstar pushes out patches on Tuesday, very rarely on Thursday even if it's common practice for game developers (end of week=closer to paycheck=likely to buy something).
With this in mind, if it's not on the 13th and unlikely to be on the 17th, then it's likely on the 20th. This is also because most people get paid their Christmas stuff on the 15th.
It's a strong hunch.
Brody Perez
I really want the Amphibious Technical/Blazer to be good, so if it is good, I'd say that. Otherwise, Dodo.
Pool stick
>tfw never going to get sp DLC
Austin Brown
I was too busy being on top at work to be posting, senpai.
or rather I'd be on top if the lead didn't want to fuck with me and say the order to ascending rather than descending to tell me I was on the bottom, the fucking bully
Jaxon Harris
>throw Lamar's gift into the gun locker >mfw it just keeps returning
Wyatt Gray
Kinda surprised that isn't organized by descending order of lots prepared. That's some wonky fucking spreadsheet.
Anyway, post your >Favourite Vehicle >Favourite Weapon >Favourite Radio Station
Christopher Reed
He ordered it that way on purpose to fuck with us.
Grayson Ortiz
New bread "Race Time Trials" Reminder that /gtag/ race time trails is on "Stunt - Vespucci"
I will keep the files on hand if needed to be re-uploaded just ask.
How do you participate in /gtag/ race time trials? Select the track in the job menu. Currently it's "Stunt - Vespucci" Race Type: Non-Contact Number of Laps: 1 Time of Day: Whatever u want. Traffic: Off Custome Veh.: On Split Times: Personal Camera Lock: None Destroy Last Place: Off Radio: Whatever.
Don't have shadow play to take footage? obsproject.com/ Don't know how to webm? gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter *It's very important that you make a AUDIO webm for authenticity. You can upload the webm on uguu.se/ Or even use a video on youtube or some other video hosting site.
Yes this is competitive but at the same time a way for each other to learn how to be fast!
Blake Smith
>2nd Zentorno at 2:24 2:24.693*
Gavin Collins
LowDown 91.1
Justin Martinez
Oh, I see where he organized it. Lot PL whatever that means.
Nice Warrener, user. Never seen one modded like that but gotta say the taped headlights look very silly.
Wyatt Cruz
About to replay the UD heist subtly, how long does it take?
Jayden Bennett
>FiveRP is probably bullshit >we will never play RP shenanigans in GTAV
Jeremiah Evans
>probably shorter since you don't have to do all that flying or a very large shootout
Adrian Mitchell
Def looks better with some of the lesser mods. I go between obnoxious and sleeper with this thing often.
Easton Walker
what the fuck are you talking about? it's already been confirmed as the 13th
Hudson Smith
>Sultan RS >Heavy Revolver >Los Santos Rock and/or Self
Jaxon Kelly
>will probably never get an update with full body yakuza tattoos
Isaiah Jackson
FUCK. Did Rockstar FAGGOT come back and leak a bunch of shit?? I haven't been on since the other day when he was here just after the Newswire article dropped.
David Anderson
Already some in the tattooshop you just gotta make them mesh a bit.
Connor Sullivan
No, and he'll never return because of people like you who keep asking in the thread.
Grayson Sanchez
Yes he called you a faggot. Specifically (You).
Jayden Garcia
Nice try
Brody Williams
Isaac Brooks
nice bait
Justin Walker
What the fuck are you on about?
Ryan Smith
>Stanier >Machine Pistol >Channel X
Charles Rogers
Hey user, what's your favourite music from Channel X? Post link if possible.
Jackson Wright
What the fuck are you cunts on about??
Justin Thompson
Did you pray daily?
Levi Howard
Stop asking, it's not hard to search it up yourself if you want to know. His tripcode is everywhere. There's been a large influx of Youtubers here and we're tired of spoonfeeding them since Rockstar Faggot is gonna get his leaks published everytime he says something.
Wyatt Watson
>dropping shit right before Christmas when no one has time for it
Not only are you retarded for that, but you are double retarded since its confirmed for the 13th
Adam Walker
can female characters get some actual dresses
NPCs look better than we do on many different levels
Christopher Evans
C'mon user. This is Veeky Forums. Post source or you're called out for bullshit.
Julian Nelson
Update drops on Thursday, expect buffed Kuruma to combat new Ruiner and Hydra added to CEO menu
Oliver Parker
Nothing is confirmed, it's just the leak that says it.
However the leak has a high percentage of being correct so everyone is saying the 13th.
Gabriel Adams
Literally every YouTube video and GTA fan site since its part of the info newfags like you posted on GTAF. I'm not spoonfeeding it anymore than that, I'll just give a smug I told you so on the 13th
Kayden Rodriguez
even if they did it right some MMORPG would do it better
Ryan Ross
Holy shit I hope this leak isn't real. >that Ruiner 2000 rumor I'd rather kill myself.
Kayden Nelson
Holy fuck that was one of the first weeks of GTAO when we went through 5 threads a day
Benjamin Sullivan
Nobody talks about other games. It's just that NPC have better bodies, faces and overall difference, than femMC.
Jackson Hernandez
>rumor Nothing confirmed
Spot the fucking newfags who weren't here for R* Faggot the first time.
Aaron Peterson
>Not an actual trip. Holy fuck that's the lamest attempt I've ever seen.
Exactly, my user. Gotta stay sceptical and keep critical thought alive. If I'm wrong, then everyone gets the update sooner and they're happy for it. If I'm right then it's pretty short-notice to enjoy and people will be kinda sad over christmas.
Adrian Rodriguez
Ok I just read the other thread. Sorry, I didn't know wtf was going on. I'm not from gta forums or anywhere else. Proof being my posts were accused of being qt just samefagging a couple weeks/a month ago and I was supposed to jump into a party with Adonis to prove I wasn't qt (I didn't get to, because timezones and I'm lazy.)
I'm a newfag who wasn't here for R* Faggot the first time and even I'm not as delusional as the other retard. I don't get how someone could be so dense when the guy said everything about Bikers, told us about RDR2, and posted most about Import/Export a whole month before it was announced.
Blake Foster
Here's the link, user! Tripcode and all.
Xavier Nelson
>Hydra added to CEO menu god please no
Thomas Baker
They are leaks and will always be leaks. Unless we got an official announcement from R* themselves, nothing will be confirmed. Just because his leaks are legit doesn't mean they are confirmed.
I never said his leaks are fake, but calling his leaks "confirmed" is a stupid assumption.
Anthony Collins
>Gotta stay sceptical and keep critical thought alive.
Adam Cox
Ok you're fucking lying. He didn't tell us about RDR2.
He actually lied to us about the whole red Rockstar twitter/facebook avatar thing and said it was for a GTA gamemode.
Henry Adams
because during combat the best thing to do is to wear a dress
Bentley Bennett
Did he? I remember reading from his tripcode that it was RDR, but if you can get me a screen, I'll retract that.
William Jenkins
I don't usually give a shit about Veeky Forums since most of the threads are tripfag circlejerks with RPing niglets. Last time I was in a /gtag/ that was the case. I fucking hate this board but its the only one where you can talk about this clusterfuck of a game.
Asher Myers
>Me playing with anyone from here >Having T-1000 checks for anons entering their club
Tyler Nelson
>because you always have to be in combat 100% of the time
fuck off
Jacob Carter
Hey, this isn't so bad. Strange, alternative, but not bad at all.
Thanks user!
Nathaniel Roberts
do you really think grown men with female characters aren't too far gone for that
Dominic Cox
He's right you know?
Brayden Foster
Yeah, I'm saying I might be wrong, and would like to see the post in question because I don't have Faggot's trip right now
Jonathan Myers
yeah, true desu
Isaiah Kelly
Asher Diaz
Just fucking take my word for it you smeg.
I've been observing this general daily for years and years and anytime im not here I go back and re read all threads i miss in their entirety. It was before halloween update so he memed
Lincoln Gutierrez
>Taking someone's word as truth without proof on the internet Fuck off
Jace Anderson
You completely misunderstood my post dickhead.
I was posting here defending you. When you were going on about the circlejerk. People said I was you samefagging. I said I wasn't qt. They said prove it. I offered to get into a party with whoever to hear my voice. MrAdonis took the offer because he said he'd heard your voice before.
But I didn't end up doing it because timezones/lazy.
Henry Hernandez
Whatever, honestly I think hype will die down after this update and people will stop checking the board.
Do I need to get a buzzard for grinding CEO stuff?
Jack White
>I think hype will die down after this update and people will stop checking the board. People always say this after every update since lowriders.
Julian Cruz
You don't need it but it certainly helps finish and start things quicker.
William Thomas
it might help if R*faggot just used a throwaway account on the discord each time he wanted to say stuff, simply relying on other crew members to circulate the information instead
it's the trip that everyone's associating with the leaks, not the threads
Jeremiah Scott
Use net limiter when joining GTA Online so you end up alone in the session, remember to use Lester's ''lose wanted level'' $600 thing in missions where you end up with the police on top of you.
Julian Gutierrez
Pretty much, I think he should just stop posting with the trip and everyone will go back to guessing whether leaks are legit or not.
Either that or he should get a different trip each time he posts, to keep track of his posts in the thread.
Gabriel Jenkins
>Shilling the discord. KYS cuck
Nathan Torres
Thasnks, here's what I was referring to. Not really "huge" confirmation, since it was when we already knew that it was a Red Dead game, but he wasn't wrong that it's Redemption 2, and before it was revealed. I thought the post was from before the whole "subtle" teasing started, though.
Henry Jenkins
Evan Davis
keep taking that adderall faggot you'll be the bosses bitch in no time nigger
Charles Scott
those same faggots will have you believe the meme that I post without my trip because they are sick of getting shit on by anons that also hate them