Why did the Holocaust actually happen? NSDAP was surely anti-semitic...

Why did the Holocaust actually happen? NSDAP was surely anti-semitic, but why did they waste so much resources just to kill Jews that would be much more useful as forced workers? Any reasons or just pure hate and insanity?
inb4 Holohoax no real

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>Final solution

They tried other solutions but it didn't work out for them

Delusion mostly.

Hitler believed that the Jews control everything.

They were the 1940s version of stormfags, only they actually had the motivation to go out and kill them.

But user, they were forced labor. They started extermination later on in the war.

They did both. The ones who didn't fight/could work got used as slave labor, the ones who did fight/couldn't work got killed. The Nazis then had the utterly brilliant idea to use the slave labor they abducted from their homes and families to build their weapons of war.

This is literally half the reason the Panther had such shitty final drives.

That was a good political move (and partially justified, many doctors and lawyers were Jewish), but why kill them instead of forcing them to work in factories?
Since 1942, tho it still makes no sense

>but why did they waste so much resources just to kill Jews that would be much more useful as forced workers?

Funny how it makes no sense, huh?
Coincidently, there is also no proof the camps were death camps rather than just work camps

But I guess being put in mere concentration camps would be enough to get a free Israel.
After all, Japs in America were put in such camps too

>but why kill them instead of forcing them to work in factories?
Contrary to popular belief, the Nazis were not especially smart or logical. This is why they were still using priceless railroad locomotives and rolling stock to round up and deport Jews all the way up to the end of the war in 1945, long past the point where they needed all possible logistics for the defense of the Reich.

You have not encountered evil in your lifetime, if you can only describe the systematic genocide of people based on religious beliefs as hate and insanity.

It's evil.

What is this pic from the aftermath of a bombing supposed to prove?

>no proof
just thousands of witnesses

>implying they didn't force them to work


Who have an agenda (creation of Isreal)

>no proof

So I take it all those eye witnesses, graphs for gas chambers, ashes with human remains, and photographic evidence are just Jewish lies?

they could have used them much longer

There is no empirical evidence that there is a Jewish plot to kill white people, much like there is no patriarchy keeping women down.

Take your historical revisionism somewhere else

>Coincidently, there is also no proof the camps were death camps rather than just work camps

Those kikes in your pic died due to allied bombs you fucking retard.

To be precise, it was the allied/RAF bombardment of Nordhausen on 3th and 4th of April 1945 which lead to the deaths of those labour camp inmates depicted on that photograph.

Kill yourself and go back to tumblr you buzzword-spewing strawmanning clueless fuckwit lmao


90% of all jews are ashkenazi, meaning they are converts from Georgia (they converted to judaism around 760AD) which is 800 miles from palestine and about as non-semitic as you can get. They are not semites.

The actual semitic genes are of the same tribe as the arabs, who are the true native inhabitants of Palestine.

Arabs and palestinians are semites, nothing is more antisemitic than zionist supremacism:
Non-semitic Khazar jews are NOT from palestine
Jewish genome myth BUSTED
Anti-"semitism" explained

>Contrary to popular belief, the Nazis were not especially smart or logical.

This. For whatever reason the nazis sometimes get touted as these master organizers posessing unparalleled logical minds, but the reality is that whatever "German efficency" was on display before and during WW2 tended to happen DESPITE them, not because of them.

concentration camps were literally built as an extension of factories to provide forced labor.

Daily reminder that the Nazis literally declared the Theory of Relativity "Jewish lies" and shunned the people who supported it.


>just to kill Jews

As far as I know there were camps for variety of people and NSDAP employed solutions for other ethnicities/nationalities.

The thing I never understood is: why?
Why spending so much of their energies on this?
Why not putting some jews (with political and social relevance) in work camps or factories, and then concetrate on winnig the war?
If they just wanted to exterminate jews at full rate, why starting a World War then??

>90% of all jews are ashkenazi, meaning they are converts from Georgia


>Kill yourself and go back to tumblr you buzzword-spewing strawmanning clueless fuckwit lmao
do you even see the irony

>much more useful as forced workers
they were forced workers,my man, anyone who was able worked in many of the camps, anyone who wasn't died. some camps were only used for labor

>If they just wanted to exterminate jews at full rate, why starting a World War then??

Most of the Jews in Europe lived in Poland and the USSR. Somehow, I doubt those countries would be fine with Germans just wandering in and shooting their people, even if they are jews..

Because the removal of Jews from Europe was one of their main ideological aims and the tide had started to turn against the huns when they decided on the extermination camps.

It was irrational and hurt the war effort more than it helped.

>Somehow, I doubt those countries would be fine with Germans just wandering in and shooting their people, even if they are jews..

While the Empire is ok with Thalmor troops wandering on their territory to murder Talos worshippers
Ulfric was right again

you realize it isn't the only time something like this happened

so the usual reasons, pretty much.

personally I don't think that exterminating people out of pure hatred is all that rare in history, and that alone doesn't make me question the truth of the holocaust. It was just a really efficient genocide that was executed using modern day technology.

Or antisemitic goyim persecuting you perhaps

> many doctors and lawyers were Jewish

lawyers I can see, but why would the mass murder of doctors ever be justifiable?


>conspiracy vids

Stormfag plz

>Delusion mostly.
>Hitler believed that the Jews control everything.

>hitler was a good boy
>he didn't kill any jews but I wish he did
>jews should be exterminated, but my hero hitler would never do such a a thing


>oy veyyyyy remember the six gorillion i was tossed into a cage with a bear, and an eagle before being masturbated to death and i survived six gassings because the gas doesn't work on small children and i met my wife in the concentration camp and then she got sent to auschwitz but we communicated every night on the astral plane using telepathic kaballah

What really happened Veeky Forums?

>subgroups are not always representative of the population at large
>it must be a conspiracy

You'd believe the other SJW nonsense just as easily if your skin was any other color you mouth-breathing waste of space.

You had a couple of million people starved (deliberately), and maybe a million more shot by Einsatzgruppen, and another couple million rounded up into camps, and then from there starved, shot, beaten to death, or gassed, in between the ones who died of disease from the rather awful conditions.

Why would they bring them to camps just to bust rocks and slowly starve them though? If I were conducting a genocide I would just order my troops to execute them on site, and then execute everyone harboring them, and offer a bounty on every Jewish head. I just don't see why they would go through the business of using all those resources and setting up such a massive logistical nightmare just to keep them alive for 8 months before exterminating them.


By the allies ans their bombing
No shit the German favored their people over camp population
Same would've happened in Japanese camps had America starved

>implying stormfags would last on Veeky Forums

They get BTFO in every single thread in this board.

What is your point?


user, he did say that many weren't taken to camps and were just shot. Reading comprehension.

>By the allies ans their bombing

Then the mobile kill squads were just cutting down on the mouths they had to feed among the still free-ish citizens, eh? And the gas chambers and death camps were built in 1941 and 1942, well before starvation ever was a concern and they were winning the war? Because they planned to eventually lose?


>I-I-It's just a coincidence, I swear!!11

Why are you so mad, spineless fuckwit? Get a grip on reality, faggot.

The Talmud, and the overrepresentation of Jews as communist revolt leaders in Europe post WWI.

>Why would they bring them to camps just to bust rocks and slowly starve them though?

Generally, to put a psychological buffer between the men killing them and their deaths.

>If I were conducting a genocide I would just order my troops to execute them on site, and then execute everyone harboring them, and offer a bounty on every Jewish head.

And when the Einsatzgruppen started psychologically breaking down from that sort of methodology, the Nazis switched gears.

Plus, in a large number of areas, most especially Hungary and Romania, you have Jewish populations you want to eliminate in the areas of your nominal allies. Sure, you're the boss, but you can't act completely arbitrarily. Pulling them to your territory administred by your paramilitaries and then murdering them quietly out of sight goes over way more smoothly than roaming the Carpathians shooting up Jewish villages.

Nah dude, deliberately. As in "We have food to feed them and just won't." You should really read through Hans Frank's journals as the governor of occupied Poland.

>By the allies ans their bombing

That's just retarded, since Allied strat bombing efforts were almost entirely focused on Germany itself, which was a net food importer, and the agricultural zones under German control were further east, and thus not blown to bits.

Who even cares if Jews control most shit. Maybe they do a good job. Ever think of that? I mean, my life is pretty good and I'm not even Jewish. I gotta microwave and a tv and a computer and a smart phone. Life's pretty good.

Thank the goyim

>They get BTFO in every single thread in this board.
>They are not part of our echo chamber, so they get btfo lol!!

Literally Plebbit-mentality. This place is more cancerous than /v/ and /mu/ combined.

Breaking news! Everywhere besides pol is a hugbox
Or maybe youre just retarded

Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't be okay with Tyrone banging my wife but Mr. Shekelstein? Hell yeah I bet he'll pay me too.

Is it just a coincidence that Europeans were the only ones from outside the continent invading Africa and carving it up? That Europeans were the only ones invading India and Southeast Asia and carving it up? It must be due to SOMETHING user. Why, it's their inherent hatred for others not like them! That's got to be it! It's not the historical legacy of centuries of imperialism or just the way things shook out, no it's got to be a GRAND CONSPIRACY!

And is it just a coincidence that men have made up the bulk of leaders, scientists, philosophers, etc? Is it just a coincidence that men still earn more on average than women? It must be due to SOMETHING user. Why there must be a PATRIARCHY keeping all womyn down, that's why we don't see even numbers of men and women doing the same stuff all the time!

According to this logic that you use, you must also admit SJW shit makes a lot of sense (which it fucking doesn't). As it turns out, demographics never comply with any model of "accurate/equal representation" in any way and never will, and should never be used to justify a damn thing. You're a fucking idiot. Go back to the stormfag hugbox Hans.

>my pseudo-historical nonsense isn't taken seriously by people outside of my usual sphere of interaction
>I can't believe they won't let me ignore the evidence Jesus Christ is this some kind of Nuremburg Trial here I feel so attacked right now
>it clearly isn't my fault wtf



t. dirty kike

retreat to your dirty hole, vermin

Oh right, forgot the pic

>Is it just a coincidence that Europeans were the only ones from outside the continent invading Africa and carving it up? That Europeans were the only ones invading India and Southeast Asia and carving it up?

>He doesn't know about Arabs and Mongols

>And is it just a coincidence that men have made up the bulk of leaders, scientists, philosophers, etc? Is it just a coincidence that men still earn more on average than women?

Men are superior to women, and history has proven this times and again.

>Is it just a coincidence that Europeans were the only ones from outside the continent invading Africa and carving it up? That Europeans were the only ones invading India and Southeast Asia and carving it up? It must be due to SOMETHING user.

It is
That thing is called techological advancement
Any more questions?

Sure.I can help with that. The thing to understand is that the Nazis really, really believed this antisemitic business, and that Jews were the masterminds and orchestrators of Marxism. THAT makes them a security concern especially after the partisan issue explodes after the invasion of the Soviet Union.

So, in this regards, the camps mirror policies like Soviet Internal Internment, Security Villages in Vietnam and Kenya, etc. Take hostile population, move them somewhere where they can't cause trouble.

In fact, this policy of internment had already been going on before the Holocaust. This is why it's called the Final Solution: Because various government and party agencies had already attempted/were attempting solutions.

Now, you might be wondering, well, if the plan was to kill them all, why not just shoot them all. A few problems arise:
1) When you are actively shooting people on the spot, they are way, way more likely to scatter, resist and find support among the local populace. You get them all on the train, THEN you kill them.
2) It's hard to handle economic exploitation that way. You remember the stories of piles of wedding rings, gold teeth, etc.? Those are real. There's also the sorting of people who can do manual labor, people in high demand skills, etc. Comparatively, all the deathsquads managed to get as far as economic usage was getting themselves a few extra watches and whatever else they could loot. Which brings us to point 3:

>and thus we see the /pol/lack incapable of argument, resulting to name calling and further deluding himself deeper into his almost schizophrenic paranoid fantasies

Jews are superior to goyim, and history has proven this times and again.

>Delusion mostly
What specifically was delusional about it?
Did Jews control a lot of things?
Seems like they were over represented in this area, and in other areas too most likely (banking probably)
I'm not an anti-semite, I'm actually a phylo-semite.
I'm just saying, the Jews are probably doing more than you know, and I doubt you or I or really anyone now has access to the info those highlevel Nazi officers had, so maybe there was more than just delusion at play.

t. butthurt retard whose only way to feel good about himself is to look at his skin color because he does nothing with his life and no one would care or noticed if he died tomorrow

Shh user I was just making a point

>men are superior

In some aspects yes, but women, who don't have to compete for mates but instead are reproductive gatekeepers, don't have the same incentive to go forth and innovate or risk or struggle as men historically have. Plus family life before modernity was demanding and having one parent in charge of the kids and one laboring for survival was just smart.

In other words
>it's complicated

It goes a bit beyond that, but shhh. The Hitler Justice Warrior doesn't need to know.

3) It massively undermined the quality and discipline of troops. Soldiers work very well with strict divisions of shoot/don't shoot. It maintains cohesion, psychological well being and keeps procedures when using live fire clear and alert.

All that goes out the fucking window for the death squads. You're going into peoples houses, and shooting them in their beds. Do you think you'll hold back from looting at that point? Humans have a natural aversion to killing other people, our brains just don't like it, for the most part. So you see a whole lot of PTSD, spreading through these units. Which leads to problems of physical altercations and rampant alcoholism. After a few months on deathsquad duty, shitfaced by noon became the standard for some units.

All these factors combined got factored through a joyless bureaucracy, and the output solution was: Death Camps.

Don't forget women dying en masse in childbirth; which both restricts their access to actually doing things, and generally makes them poor investments in terms of things like education, if they're probably just going to die anyway on a birthing bed somewhere.

>the 'it didn't happen but I'm glad it did' argument

Always a winner
for a change


t.Ass blasted stormfag

How does it feel knowing you will always be wrong?

>In other words
>>it's complicated
No, you conceded and then moved on to justify and rationalize their inferiority. That does not change the fact that they do remain inferior.

See above.

>Someone asks a genuinely interesting question in hopes of starting an interesting discussion on the motives of one of the most controversial and well-known societies of all time.

>thread gets flooded with stormfags claiming that the Nazis were actually building fun camps for the jews and that every single Holocaust survivor was lying in order to carve out some shithole in the Middle East

I fucking hate this board

>NSDAP was surely anti-semitic, but why did they waste so much resources just to kill Jews that would be much more useful as forced workers?
Ones who were useful as forced workers were forced workers first. That was part of the reason for the camps: easier to sort out who was able to work.
>Any reasons or just pure hate and insanity?

Understand that the NSDAP wasn't just anti-semetic, they were unironically antisemtic. Hitler really believed he was fighting a war against Jewery, not the British, Americans and Soviets: All of these are just fronts for the real enemy.

to cover the inhumane forced labor conditions they were kept in and enforce a social hierarchy that mandated the excision of perceived harmful elements


I dont't think that anyone is arguing that there were a lot of jewish marxists. But there were far more german marxists in germany.

So not only you're an antisemite and a racist, you're a mysognist and a sexist.


Hitler believed that wars had a dysgenic effect, i.e. the good men die on the front while behind the front, Jews and other enemies of the people flourish. That's why the final solution really picks up pace once the German losses (which had been rather small in the previous campaigns) escalate in autumn 1941. That is what Hitler meant with his remark from the Reichstag speech in 1939: a new world war will result in the exermination of the Jewish race in europe; in December 1941 Goebbels wrote in his diary in reference to this speech that Hitler was now determined to sort out the Jewish question because the world war was now here and the extermination of the Jewry had to be "the logical consequence".

>le teh RAF did teh holocaust by bombing teh supply lines maymay
>completely ignoring that despite not knowing where the camps were and which supply lines they were bombing, the camps housing Allied military PoWs fared considerably better than those housing occupied civilians or Soviet military PoWs
>its completely coincidencidentaly those last two types of prisoner were labelled as less than human in Nazi propaganda

>but teh Allied PoWs were in smaller, more hygenic, better camps!
>they were in entirely different camps to other types of racially inferior prisoners because... reasons

>not knowing where the camps were
But the allies knew it all as early as '42:

Jan Karski reported to the Polish, British and U.S. governments about pretty much everything that was happening in Poland in 1942, the only thing he didn't know were the gas chambers, the narrative back then was that the nazis were frying the juice with electricity.

And henceforth the Allies proceeded to debate whether to intervene militarily to stop this Holocaust business, but ultimately didn't.

Later the US would propagate the myth that the reason they intervened in the war was solely to rescue the juice, an obvious lie.