Why is this a thing edition
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>Community & Fanart
Why is this a thing edition
Gone hollow: >Character Planner
>Community & Fanart
Just found another "unique" non-boss enemy.
So far, we have:
>tentacle monster
>vengarl's body
>chained prisoner
>smouldering lake sandworm
>ant queen
>hellfire drake
>bloated dog
No no, not purchases.
The problem with Soul Memory is that it counts every soul you ever pick up.
The problem with your idea is similarly bad in that consumable purchases will be counted, as well as just completionist armor and weapon buying.
The rest was decent, however.
Here's the good idea:
Souls allocated to Soul Level
Gear upgrade level
Number and upgrade value of Estus.
That's it. Nothing else really matters for pvp or even pve matching (and the password system that DS3 has is all that's needed to allow for unrestricted jolly cooperation).
(Reposting in new bread.)
>restraining interactions even more
We need to find a way to translate them into a universal matchmaking system
Then just soul level. Oh, wait.
>>bloated dog
I don't remember this
Honestly, the white soapstone should only care about soul level. It shouldn't be restricted to gear or anything else.
The red soapstone similarly should only be soul level.
Now invading, I can understand that having the extra restrictions. I think only invasions should be limited by any restrictions beyond soul level.
>going through game
>summon guy with +10 at SL15
>tfw you poop yourself because you want to win your invasion but still don't feel like getting up to clean yourself afterward so you just sit and stew in it while doing more invasions
also who are the people in anor londo's paintings
Road of Sacrifices, just before the Halfway Fortress bonfire, there's two dogs below the bridge, in the place where you get the Carim braille tome. One of them has a huge bloated stomach and barfs on you.
What's wrong with someone making a jolly cooperation twink?
Sunbros who 4-shot bosses are no fun and it's not a fun or informative for the poor sod getting carried through.
is turning on infinite health fun for you?
Me in the middle
that's my father on the right
Does vengarl's body really count? It was a mini boss that was part of the plot, it didn't just come out of nowhere. It was a sidequest boss, basically.
I enjoy Dark Souls 2 more than 3 tbqh.
What's girl on a right painting is holding?
Can it be a painter brush?
pve DeS > DaS > DaS2 = DaS3
PvP DaS2 > DaS = DaS3 > DeS
>noinvasions souls 2 better than DaS1
Well, I guess if you only care about duel shit, I can see people liking DaS2 more. For me as an invader it was an abomination.
Duels in DS2 were atrocious as well because this game rewards passive playstyles the most out of all souls games.
The fuck are you talking about, you got constant invasions anywhere on any SM:
Also, you didn't have to wait half an hour to connect to someone.
>HURR fanmade tools for 1
Yeah great.
The one on the left is also holding something.
>noinvasions souls 2
Combination of SM and being able to invade people who have killed the boss means you're talking shit though.
There are other, actual problems with DaS2's PvP (a lot actually), but a lack of invasion activity isn't one of them - You'd know this if you actually played these games.
>constant invasions
maybe if you were in iron keep or the bell towers
my playthroughs of ds2 a couple of months before ds3 came out i didnt get invaded once, hardly found signs either except at iron keep and the belltowers, and even then it was the same 4 or 5 people at both locations
DS1's connectivity was fixed by fans and made better than DS2's on top of having much better netcode hit detection and a list of all active players and their SLs.
DS2's invasion system can't be fixed by anything unless you're blatantly cheating with CE to allow shit like using switches as an invader so host can't simply turtle 10 minutes somewhere you can't reach like in Shulva.
>I used CE to give myself an advantage and got softbanned
Unintentional comedy is the best
i actually tested with one of my friends who had just bought ds2 at the time
he saw my sign almost instantly
No full orb, limited cracked orbs, shit areas for invasions and you get pushed gradually into insane SMs where nobody plays.
Yes, I'll give DS2 the connectivity. It was great. Dark Souls 2 was an amazing game for co-op, especially in the DLCs. For invasions it sucked though. I saw maybe 2 invaders on my entire first playthrough of DaS 2-
Not him but i did a first run of SOTFS just prior to DS3 release and was NEVER invaded. Never even touched CE with either a standard DS2 or SOTFS. By myself i could invade as a bellfaggot though it was a painfully boring experience and i've dropped it right after getting enough upgrade materials.
I want to live in that place.
>Dark Souls 2 was an amazing game for co-op, especially in the DLCs
The big problem with DS2's coop is that you're forced to not accept any soul rewards for it unless you want to get pushed into higher SM ranges. This alone invalidates half of a fun that comes from the cooping, when you're not just helping people but getting a fuckload of souls as well to spend on improving your build or restocking consumables.
SM just royally screwed the entirety of online play. Going to bloodborne afterwards even with a horrible bell maiden system was much better.
Mighty cool.
What's your favourite WA to shit out?
This is a bit of a stretch but does anyone by chance have that picture saved that says "welcome to das2 pvp meta" or something along those lines and has warped sword, longsword, dark weapon buff and the minotaur helm in it?
I wonder if it's Pontiff's living quarters given that they directly connect to the central cathedral via a highly guarded path.
ceiling is too high
everything is too spaced out
literally a stairwell away form the sewer
no furniture but ovens, stoves and a couple tables
everything is stone brick
Idk why people consider this such a big issue. With the name-engraved ring a guy with 500 million soul memory can co-op with a guy who only has 6 million, someone with a million SM can co-op with 400k SM. People are blowing this way out of proportion.
The one on the left seems to hold a talisman. Most likely a high-ranked nobility, DS3 hints that entire Anor Londo was full with nobles and far relatives of the royal family.
The one on the left is kinda strange. Does she has red eyes or it's just an artifact of a low-res picture? Because if she has red eyes it might as well be a picture of painter girl.
>I'm spooked by big spaces
DaS had by far the worst pvp.
This. DaS pvp is fucking awful
no, big spaces take forever to warm up
and since there are no doors to close off the sewer that leads directly to a lake that room would be perpetually cold and smelly
Ariandel Chapel is the comfiest place in DS3, though. Especially the place where the little girl paints.
>but a lack of invasion activity isn't one of them
There's a certain and big lack of invasion activity that was present in DS2 ever since the release. I'd say the only run when i saw a lot of invaders was the very first one. In a month invader activity dropped to almost complete halt. Not like i can blame them, a combination of no full orb and hilarious amount of restrictions like no consumable healing made invading a complete chore.
Maybe you should stop being a PCuck.
Invasions were fine on console in the year I played.
Entire Ariandel was extremely comfy at some point before Friede decided to force the place to rot.
>Millwood Knights living in their tower and buildings nearby or communicating with earth and trees in a northern passage
>Corvians living in their small but comfy village and visiting the Way of White chapel and huge-ass library
>Father Ariandel and painter girl living in the upper chapel
I've played on PS3 for almost 6 month after DS2's initial release.
Now fuck off to /v/ you consolewar degenerate and stay there.
This is absolutely the same for ds3 though.
Even easier because host can't even stack any advantages and all his phantoms will just be a walking estus stations for a good twink.
>absolutely the same
1. Matchmaking range is based on weapon upgrade level. You literally cannot twink in the same way as in Dark Souls 1.
2. Flippy rings don't exist.
3. Pyromancy now has stat requirements
4. Game is much more aggressive when it comes to detecting CE.
Dark Souls 1 had retarded shit like level 3 twinks with +10 chaos weapons one shotting players in Undead Parish/Burg.
>bigger weapon upgrade, outdamages you
>humanity heals, outheals you
>armor upgrade and humanity flat defenses, unkillable
>flippyfloppyring, untouchable
>poise, unstoppable
In addition to all other cheesy stuff that's available in both games like poisons etc.
Is the nameless king really as tough of a fight as people hype it up to be?
Only if you try to solo it. If you have someone to distract him, he gets much, much easier.
If you try to solo him, you'll find out that his combo can last up to 6 hits, and that he can randomly decide to stop at any time to use another move and throw off your dodging, and that he does a fuckton of damage, and that he has retarded reach.
>Dark Souls 1 had retarded shit like level 3 twinks with +10 chaos weapons one shotting players in Undead Parish/Burg.
And in DS3 you have dark hand/raw dragonslayer axe/poison twinks utterly destroying hosts on high wall/settlement. Those weapons basically override the entire point of a weapon memory system and allows much higher damage output than it should be normally possible.
This system actually HELPS the twink because he's safe from serious anti-twinking that was possible in DS1 when an SL120 characters just camped on spawn spots in Parish to murder them.
Where is DeS?
Same as with bloodborne only there's no one at the table to begin with.
For the life of me I can't get it to work on some unique weapon arts like Ricard's Lunge and Press and Kindled Fury.
middle would be gravelord dewrito with nito's body but with empty mtn dew bottles instead of skeletons, danny's face, and a gravelord sword made of doritos
Da Nito Dorito
guys skorbrand here, stop sharing the fucking glitch you guys this is secret tech and you guys werent supposed to know about it yet
>some dude with the obscuring ring and greatbow
>edgy outfit and character name
>oh boy here we go
>chase him around and outplay him
>he gets low hp
>hit him
>he doesnt die
>hit him again
>he swaps to his fist
>hits me once
>"humanity stolen"
First time I encounter a hacker after 900 hours and instead of the cool ones I see on youtube I get this faggot
exactly the same thing that is wrong with invaders twinking
it robs away the fun of the game when you are just an observer to the bossfight
which part of "translate them into a universal matchmaking system" did you not get?
a sl50+6 can also match with for example sl30+10 and sl90+1
I like that the "my dick is so hard" is edited out. Well done.
>tfw DaS2 SM was right afterall
right yes, but very poorly executed
like everything else in ds2
Any enemy more bullshit than these guys?
the one on the right is flann, that's gwynevere's room
>people trying to compare DS1 twinking to anything
you literally LITERALLY could one shot people with a normal attack.
You guys either never actually played the game or underestimate +5 chaos/lightning weapons.
>You guys either never actually played the game
If you've lurked /dsg/ for just a few days this becomes very obvious.
You smell just like any other softbunned megamule twink. Pretty glad the invasions ''didn't work'' for you. More fun for me.
Fucking DaStard.
ogres in ds2
the ghru in ds3
claw manikins in 2
heide knights (kind of)
skeleton beasts in totg
the spider carriers in brightstone cove
the flame salamanders
every npc invader in sotfs
the nightcrawlers in wharf (kind of)
the dogs in all 3 games
The best memory I had of DaS1 was the very first twink that oneshot combustioned me was one of the last players I cheesed with invisible Pursuers/HCSM three years later.
Karma bitch.
danny donito
Is it just me or do NPC invaders have infinite FP?
I keep trying to fight Mad Phantom Hodrick 1v1 but whenever he runs out of estus he keeps using his Warmth pyromancy over and fucking over.
Did they change them? I recently played through DaS2 again and this guy seemed pretty tame
there's nothing bullshit about blowdarters or nightcrawlers
heide knights are only "bullshit" in the sense that the move really weird making them slightly harder to dodge the first time, if you mean that by "kind of"
>Flame Salamander
They're literally impossible to fight up close. In NG+7 I'd rather fight Fume Knight twice than even one of these cunts
nightcrawlers wide sweeps sometimes ignore shields and they bleed in two hits
also the greatsword drakekeepers literally ignore blocking on their first attack
and the greashield+pole hammer drakekeeper are equally bullshit just because it can turtle so well and can hit through walls
Ye but at least you can fuck Nightcrawlers with your torch. The shield+hammer greatkeepers are bullshit indeed. The greatsword ones are at least weak as hell. They do a lot of damage but die in a few hits. Just gotta dodge one hit or two
The greatsword ones also pause between swings. The hammer and shield+hammer ones will literally not give you enough time to swing if you use one of the slower weapons.
Yeah, they nerfed them considerably.
Yeah, they have infinite FP.
If you want a tip to defeat Hodrick, take him into low health, then throw a Lloyd's talisman at him. When he fumbles with his Estus flask, you can finish him off pretty easy.
I'm still pissed at Dark Souls 2 dark phantoms pretty much ignoring combat mechanics.
i have plenty of webms showing just how bad ds2 is if you want me to dump them
Feel free to dump.
Honestly, those guys were only bad if you had gone through the whole game sword and board, because you couldn't wait for their attacks to finish to attack, you had to actually get out of the way or else run out of stamina.
If you were a mage, used light weapons and fast rolled for chip damage, or had practiced backsteps instead of rolls, they weren't so bad.
Was there a more pathetic "lord" boss in series?
Not even talking about gameplay but she has no lore or aesthetic value and her music is shit as well.
>phantom rolls out of his jump attack when I'm about to nail him with a Leo Rapier counterhit
my favorite
to be fair, he has a big ass sword. Kinda makes sense that you can't just block it by facing your shield forward